How to Easily Write a Blog that People Want to Read

There's a lot more to writing a blog than the actual content itself. But who has the time or the patience to write a blog if nobody is going to read it? After all, you've got a business to run! As a former CBS Radio Reporter and TV News Producer for all the major networks, I know what it means to crank out stories under a tight deadline that people will actually care about. So, I have a pretty good idea what makes people stick with a story. It's not brain science, but there are a few critical elements you need to learn to easily write a blog that people want to read.

So where do we start? When there are millions of blogs that are posted every day, billions of emails that are read (or in my case discarded!), and millions of tweets, it takes more than just good writing to stand out. In fact, did you know that according to some sources, 80% of people don't get past the headline. Only 20% actually read beyond it. Your goal in writing a blog is to get them to read the next sentence, and then the next sentence after that, and so on.

The K.I.S.S. Principle

Keep It Simple Sweetie! If you want to reach a large audience, write so an 11 year old can understand it. That means short sentences, simple explanations and don't assume that your reader knows what you're talking about. Literally, spell it out for them. Use lots of bullet points and pictures to tell your story. You're not writing a white paper here. You want a large reach, so you need to dumb it down a little bit (although these 11 year olds are pretty dang smart these days!) Now that doesn't mean you write poorly. You can still tell a compelling story that is easy to ready with proper grammar and accuracy.

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