How to Create a Powerful Video that Will Convert More Clients

Are you still wondering whether it’s worth investing more in video marketing? Well, The power of video is unmatched when it comes to marketing. According to Hubspot’s 2016 State of Inbound Report , 43% of consumers want to see more video from marketers in the future, while only 29% want to see more blog posts.
Check out our new blog and learn “How to Create a Powerful Video that Will Convert More Clients

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
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Got Fun? 9 Ways to Play Despite Your Crazy Schedule

Today’s professionals are busier than ever, but don't let your crazy schedule affect your pure happiness. So, Get Up and Play! Play allows us to de-stress and make ourselves feel better. Learn 9 creative ways to incorporate play into your life with Anne Garland. Read it on and Apply "9 Ways to Play Despite Your Crazy Schedule"

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States 

An Entrepreneur's Quest to Cure Cancer One Cleaner at a Time

After Loralei Snider's father passed away due to cancer, she started a new business NaturCleen, to create homemade eco-friendly, plant-based home care and cleaning supplies. Her mission is to help people live healthier lifestyles, by providing toxin free cleaning supplies.
Read more about how her father inspired this journey "An Entrepreneur's Quest to Cure Cancer One Cleaner at a Time

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

How to Price Your Service & Feel Great About It

Do you feel guilty about putting a price tag on your service? Although you did the hard work and attended paid workshops to help your customer make their own transformation. In this blog, Sales Success Catalyst, Sandye Brown explains 2 fundamental tips on how you can improve your sales.
Give it a read and find out "How to Price Your Service & Feel Great"

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

Get Unstuck! 4 Keys to Achieving the Success You Desire

Do you feel stuck or uninspired in your work? Our CEO Sandra Yancey shared top 4 ways to release yourself from the doldrums and RISE to the top. Read it here Get Unstuck! 4 Keys to Achieving the Success You Desire

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

How to Create Happy, Thriving & Productive Employees

There is a saying that “Happy employees are the productive employees”. But in a 2013 Gallup poll, 70% of Americans surveyed said that they either hated their job or felt disengaged. Shocking right?
Want to keep your employees happy and productive? Read this blog in which Connie Whitman explains “How to Create Happy, Thriving & Productive Employees”. 

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

How to Become an Influencer & Generate More Business

Do you exist in the queue of people who want to be an influencer but don't know where to start? Nowadays, to be an expert is not enough, every individual or business is aiming to become an influencer and it’s a necessity. In this blog, Our CEO Sandra Yancey explains How to Become an Influencer & Generate More Business..
Read, Apply and Succeed!!

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

The 3 "L" Formula for Living Your Ultimate Fulfilling Life

Want to improve your life for better? After a series of difficult setbacks, Wendy Darling embraced the 3 "L" formula to a fulfilling life: LIVE, LOVE and LEAD. Check out this blog and learn how to implement this formula in your life for a better change “The 3 "L" Formula for Living Your Ultimate Fulfilling Life

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

Stop Being the "Nice Girl" and Be a True Leader

eWomenNetwork Spotlight: Dr. Dorothy shared her thoughts on why women should stop saying they're sorry. Despite being orphaned, re-adopted and abused, Dr. Dorothy tells her story of success and how women can become the leaders they are born to be.

It's time to stop being the "nice girl" and become a true leader!

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

The Truth about Alcoholism & How to Succeed in Life

Are you an alcoholic and want to join the Rehab program like AA to get rid of this nasty disease? But here is the another way… In this episode of "Spotlight on eWomenNetwork"Teresa Rodden is going to help you to understand what it’s like to be an alcoholic, why these Rehab programs don’t work and what HOPE is doing to save those suffering from this type of addiction. Read on and Get inspired! The Truth about Alcoholism & How to Succeed in Life

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

How to Profit with Kindness & Become a Top Influencer

On this episode of Spotlight on eWomenNetwork, Jill Lublin - Publicity Strategist, Author & International Speaker shared different ways on how to become a top influencer, establish trust and build lasting business relationships. Check out the full episode here "How to Profit with Kindness & Become a Top Influencer"

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

Why Men Achieve a Higher Level of Success than Women

Do you know why men reach a higher level of success in business than women? Our CEO Sandra Yancey explains why Men consistently surpass women in the workplace and in business.
Read the full article here “Why Men Achieve a Higher Level of Success than Women

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

5 Things Entrepreneurs Should Stop Doing to be More Successful

There are five things you should STOP doing today if you want to be more successful. Learn about those roadblocks and eliminate them now “5 Things Entrepreneurs Should Stop Doing to be More Successful

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

How to Plan Your Financial Success After a Divorce

On this episode of Spotlight on eWomenNetwork, Kathy Costas shared how to get your finances in order after a divorce, picking yourself emotionally and get back on your feet financially. As a Trusted Financial Advisor, she helps other women going through divorce plan for financial freedom and success. Read and Get inspired! "How to Plan Your Divorce & Break the Chains that Bind You"

"Give first, share always!"
Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

How to Protect your Brand in the AI Era

Unpack and learn the secrets to protecting your brand in the digital landscape of AI and design platforms like Canva. You will walk away wit...