Face the Fear and Dream Big!

There is always a life force that keeps on inviting us into greater discoveries and realization of who we actually are. As you answer the call for something greater, it means that you make a decision to go beyond anything you have ever imagined for yourself to date. As you achieve something beyond your capabilities, you will have a level of fear. The process of your dream is for growing and giving. When you are afraid of something means you are on the edge of it and the fear thus shows willingness for your dreams.  Read the blog”Face the Fear and Dream Big” by Felicia Searcy in which she tells how to welcome and face the fear and dream big.

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
United States 

This Entrepreneur Shares the Mindset that Helps Her Stay on Track

Many people with lack of confidence get thoughts such as “I don’t know if I can do it”, “I lack belief in myself”, “I don’t think I have anything valuable to offer” etc. You lack of confidence can trace back your mindset and your philosophy of life.  Gens Johnson, Speaker and Coach, too faces such self sabotaging statements and her response to these is “We are all created equal”. She shares certain facts that can keep you away from pessimism and self sabotage.  Read the blog “This Entrepreneur Shares the Mindset that Helps Her Stay on Track” and get ways to beat self sabotage.

“Give first, share always!”
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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
United States 

9 Ways to Get Unstuck and Take Action on Your Ideas

There are some roadblocks that get your ideas stuck in your head and some people are ready to shoot them down. You can’t change those people, but what is in your hand is the way you react to those roadblocks, keeping your focus on your ideas. Sylvia Henderson, Founder of Idea Success Network and CEO of Springboard Training LLC, helps your ideas come to life! Check out the blog “9 ways to Get Unstuck and Take Action on Your Ideas

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

3 Tips to Book More Gigs and Draw Larger Crowds

Kym Yancey, Chief Marketing Officer of eWomenNetwork and Executive Producer at Celebrity Science Branding and Star Power Studios shares success strategies for Entrepreneurs who want to get their message out. He has a knack for turning experts into leaders in their fields and has all the inside out of what it takes to stand out in the crowded market place and draw larger crowds. Kym Yancey has helped entrepreneurs evolve as an influencer from expert level through the Celebrity Science Program. Read this Blog and know about “3 Tips to Book More Gigs and Draw Larger Crowds

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540

Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

4 Mistakes in Customer Service & How to Overcome Them

From the recent survey it has been found that there are four types of mistakes company used to do with their customers. These days you can’t afford these types of mistakes. In today’s world social media is highly activated. One video on YouTube or one post on Face book can ruin your business networking.

Many business owners should have checkout their customer service policy to make sure there should be no such kind of thing that made your business down.

Read this blog and find, what are the mistakes that you should remove from your policy and how to overcome with them?

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

How to Overcome Customer Service Mistakes

No matter how big your organization is, if it lacks customer service skills, it makes a lot of difference! You and your business are simply one social media post away from being destroyed. Sandra Yancey, CEO and Founder of ewomenNetwork believes that it's all about cultivating your relationships that initiates with you! The most common mistakes in Customer Service includes not knowing about your client, not selling your service/product the way customer buys, not knowing why people are not willing to give you a call back and lacking an emotional touch with your customer!! Facing the same issues and wish to overcome these? Read the blog by Sandra Yancey, CEO & Founder of eWomenNetwork4 Mistakes in Customer Service & How to Overcome Them

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 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540

Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

When to Bless and Release Your Customer?

If you own a business, you might have to fire your customer or client due to several reasons. It’s quite tough and hard to decide to let someone say goodbye! There are some signs to realize that it’s the right time to say “buh-bye” to your client. Some of the common situations like when your client is disrespectful or when he’s lying to you, slow or late payments, spending 80% of your time but not getting responses accordingly are the indications that help you recognize to fire your customer. Wish to know more about the “Bless and Release” concept? Read the blog in which Sandra Yancey, CEO and Founder of eWomenNetwork explain “When to Bless and Release Your Customer”?

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540

Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

Road to $1 Million: Creating Multiple Income Streams

Have you ever heard the statistic that the average millionaire has seven streams of income? And for many entrepreneurs, monetizing ONE business is all-consuming enough. The thought of creating multiple businesses can start feeling like, a death wish. Today, we are going to talk about three things you can implement to take your "Road to $1 Million: Creating Multiple Income Streams."

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

12 Ways to Maximize Your Networking Experience

There are many ways to business success, but every business has at least one thing is common: Networking Experience. You can't grow a company if people don't know who you are and what you do because business is about relationship. If you think networking is just to acquire new business then you are greatly mistaken. This is also for the old business. Want to know more about Networking? Then read this blog in which Kym Yancey, Co-Founder and President of eWomenNetwork, explains “12 ways to optimize your networking experience.

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

How to Increase Productivity, Stay Sane & Catapult Your Business

Have you ever felt like you were a hamster running a wheel? On a deadline? Science proves that the stress of feeling like you’re running on a wheel tends to lead to unhealthy behaviors. Today, there are various tools available that can help you to increase productivity and catapult your business. Read this blog and find out about those tools "How to Increase Productivity, Stay Sane & Catapult Your Business

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

3 Techniques to Boost Your Confidence

Confidence is a Consequence of doing the thing that you must do. It can help you to reach your goals. But where does confidence come from and how can you get more of it? Today, we are going to share 3 tips to finding the courage that will lead you to the success, that will consequently create more confidence than you’ve ever had. Read the tips here "3 Techniques to Boost Your Confidence.”

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

The Transformation from Undercover Cop to Spa Life Mentor

eWomenNetwork Spotlight: Today Diane Halfman works with business owners on how to clear the clutter from their lives and create space to achieve their full potential. She calls it living the "Spa Life," because of the "ahhh" feeling you have when you make room in your life to offer your gift to the world. But, how she discovered the connection between clutter, chaos and success is a story that involves crime, prostitution and a career in uniform. Sounds crazy right? Read this blog and see for yourself "How life in the underworld of prostitution and crime helped one woman find her true calling.”

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

3 Ways Your WHY Story Will Attract Loyal Customers

Do you want to be more successful at selling your products for your company? Then you'll need to be a great storyteller. Your "WHY" story is one of the most powerful communication tools to grow your business quickly. Whether you present your offers 1-to-1, to groups, online or offline, a WHY story will capture attention and customers like nothing else.
Do you want to create your own WHY story? Read this blog and learn "3 Ways Your WHY Story Will Attract Loyal Customers."

“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

6 Steps to Turn Boring Processes into Profits

Do you know most successful businesses earn profit through Process and Productivity. Now you may be thinking what is process? Well, A process is series of actions that produce something or that lead to a particular result. But in many ways, creating, implementing and following processes is boring. So, how can we make creating processes exciting, fun and urgent enough to implement in our businesses now? In this case, this blog can help you better.
Read this blog and know "6 Steps to Turn Boring Processes into Profits"

“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.
Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

Mom-preneur Meets Tech

Running your own business is never easy with raising a family. But there are so many women entrepreneurs who have demonstrated their ability to lead their business through difficult times and achieve success through sheer hard work and dedication. If they can juggle little ones AND launching a company, so can you. In this blog, we asked a few of our favorite mom-preneur’s about their top hack’s to handling it all. Read these handy hacks here "Mom-preneur Meets Tech

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Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

How to Protect your Brand in the AI Era

Unpack and learn the secrets to protecting your brand in the digital landscape of AI and design platforms like Canva. You will walk away wit...