18 Lessons Learned After 18 Years in Business | Entrepreneur Networking

eWomenNetwork, Premier Success System for Women Entrepreneurs celebrates its 18th anniversary.  In these 18 years, eWomenNetwork has been providing success strategies for women entrepreneurs, entrepreneur networking events, connected success minded business owners and still striving to help one million women each achieve one million dollars in annual revenue. All this could not have been possible if Life Transformation Expert, Sandra Yancey, hadn’t had the vision to create this multi-million dollar organization. Read the blog “18 Lessons Learned After 18 Years in Business” as she shares her amazing experience.

“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.
Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
United States

Success strategies for entrepreneurs to Beat a Sales Slump

Every success minded business owner or the most successful salespeople have struggled with various issues regarding sales or might have faced a drop in sales.  Stephanie Chung as a sales mentor has guided many countless people from getting out of a sales slump to continuously closing deals. Whether you are in a similar situation or you are trying to avoid getting into one, there are 3 ways to beat a sales slump and can help you achieve your sales target. 

“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.
Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
United States

Celebrate Your Love for Your Business | Entrepreneur Networking

Valentine’s Day is the day of love and many people celebrate romance on this day. All the business owners and entrepreneurs spend much more time working on their business as compared to any relationships. Valentine’s Day is high time for all the Success Minded Business Owners to celebrate their love for their business. To achieve and sustain good health, you need to love yourself first. You cannot have a successful business if you don’t love yourself first. Your business is a reflection of you. If you are suffering, so will your business. Read the blog “A Love Letter to my Business” where CNN American Hero, Sandra Yancey expresses her love for her business that she started 17 years ago!


“Give first, share always!”

Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540

Dallas, Texas, 75254

United States

Social Responsibility Increases Your Bottom Line

Global online customers are willing to pay more for products and services provided by companies that are committed to positive social and environmental impact. If you are connected with creating social change, it is easier to scale and grow your business. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become the new norm for business. Shareholders consider social good and sustainability efforts as a sign of company health and future profitability. Read the blog “Social responsibility increases your bottom line” to find out how a socially responsible company can enhance their reputation. 

“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.
Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254

United States

Secret Success Strategies for Entrepreneurs for a Fruitful Business

eWomenNetwork works on the philosophy of “Give First, Share Always and Lift as We Climb". CNN American Hero, Sandra Yancey started her company with a vision of success which included helping children in need and to empower women to succeed.  She says that giving is one of the success strategies for entrepreneurs to a successful business. No matter what your income level is, no matter whether you are rich or poor, spending more on others than yourself leads to happiness. Giving is good for business as it helps to develop meaningful relationships that could turn into customers. Read the blog “The Secret Sauce To a Successful Business” to find out how giving leads to immense happiness and how it is a great success strategy for entrepreneurs.

“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.
Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
United States

Success strategies for Entrepreneurs to Build an Effective Team

Building an effective and cohesive team is the next step after you have found the right person for the job. The right fit for the job can easily and quickly go south if you don't set your team up for success and retain your A-players. There are three areas of training that can help you to build your effective team after you’ve found the perfect employee.  The first one is Orientation, where the new staff members are made familiar and comfortable with the organization. The second one is Training, that helps the new staff do their job focusing on the skills and knowledge required for the position. The third one is Professional Development, which includes the education and training that the person has done and helps them improve their skills. Any organization that cares about the quality of work and the productivity of the staff members will provide all these trainings. But even after all this, some potential problems still arise! While you may have done the hiring and the training process, you still have to look out for the signs of potential problems. Sandra Yancey, CNN American Hero, Founder, and CEO of eWomenNetwork shares success strategies for entrepreneurs to be observant to the clues for potential problems that might arise after the right hiring and training process. Read the blog “Building Effective Teams 101” to find out how to develop an A-Team to support your business.

“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.
Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
United States

Success strategy for entrepreneurs to start a Nonprofit Organization

You are a business owner or an entrepreneur and you have decided that it’s time to contribute in your community. You are ready to fight for a cause, so you decide to nonprofit organization. It takes a lot more than your passion and heart. There is a thin line difference between a profit and nonprofit organization. In a profit business, the owners and shareholders receive the profits. But in a nonprofit organization, any amount left after paying all the bills is put back into the organization.  Sandra Yancey began eWomenNetwork Foundation with a philosophy of “Give Back, Share Always and Lift as we climb”. Read the blog “How to Start a Nonprofit Organization” as Sandra Yancey shares success strategies for entrepreneurs to start with a nonprofit organization. 

“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.
Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
United States

Keys to Grow & Sustain a Successful Nonprofit | Success strategy for entrepreneurs

A non-profit is a business where you have to report to a board that makes decisions. The components that contribute to a successful business are also applied to a non-profit organization. eWomenNetwork created a program called”Gifted Wisdom” which is framed to provide online training to the people of the nonprofit to help them launch and grow their organization.  On the donation of $5000, they provide donors with the access to the production facilities and production team to shoot a training video to help the nonprofit organizations. Here are the “Keys to Grow and Sustain a Successful Nonprofit” collaborated from the training videos. 

“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.
Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
United States

Overcoming Anxiety with Aime Hutton

All of us have gone through stress and anxiety at one time or another. Anxiety Disorders are mostly found in United States. This medical condition is highly treatable but only a small number of those suffering from anxiety get the treatment. Anxiety can be caused not only from life events, but due to other factors also like genetics, brain chemistry and personality. Aime Hutton started with her struggles as and when she was born 3 months early in 1976. She was bullied in her school and was diagnosed as a slow learner and faced an abusive relationship. Today, she suffers from high level anxiety and PTSD, but helps other girls facing similar condition so that they can overcome and grow up with confidence. Read the blog “Overcoming Anxiety with Aime Hutton” where she shares 3 tips to cope up with anxiety and stress.

“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
United States

4 Inspiring Quotes for Entrepreneurs | Entrepreneurs Network

Managing a company and having many responsibilities can be overwhelming for even the most experienced entrepreneurs. Running a business and handling different people can be a challenging task. Every entrepreneur, once in a while, needs few words of consolation that keeps him up and motivated. Read the blog “4 Inspiring Quotes for Entrepreneurs” where Stephanie Chung shares her favorite powerful and inspirational quotes from other famous female leaders to give entrepreneurs a few words of encouragement as they continue on their path to success.

“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
United States

How to Get and Keep High-End Clients

Dr. Venus, Founder of Black Women Millionaires Moves likes the quote “People don't remember what you say; they remember how you made them feel.” This is actually true if you want to get and attract high-end clients. She shares how she went from $47K a year with very less money left during summer months to making $2.3 million in less than 4 years. She also shares her story of success and to help others to achieve those heights. Read the blog “How to get and Keep High-End Clients” where she reveals the strategies to attract high end clients and keep them coming back again.

“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
United States

Navigating Tough Decisions as an Entrepreneur

Sandra Yancey, CEO and Founder of eWomenNetwork and Marie Moody, Founder and Chairman of Stella & Chewy’s on-stage interview at 2018 Conference last month was every bit of real and raw. Their candid conversation was filled with takeaway after takeaway. This interview is a must-watch interview and every time leaves with a new message. There are many things women entrepreneurs resonate with. Marie Moody discussed several tough decisions that she had to make in order to scale up her business. She realized that she needed to step out of the comfort zone to fulfill her dreams. When asked “what is one thing you would like all women entrepreneurs to know?” , her response was “Just, go for it.” Read the blog” Navigating Tough Decisions as an Entrepreneur and see how Marie Moody has navigated every obstacle to reach where she is today.

“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
United States

How to Protect your Brand in the AI Era

Unpack and learn the secrets to protecting your brand in the digital landscape of AI and design platforms like Canva. You will walk away wit...