Be a Quitter! Stop Multi-Tasking and Make Some Money

Women like us will brag about how many balls they can juggle at one time. We think of ourselves as the queen of multitasking. Well, there is no such thing as multi-tasking! Research from the American Psychological Association says that this so-called multitasking actually reduces our productivity by 40 percent! So, it's time to be a quitter, lose the multitasking and make some money. Multi-tasking  is nothing but task-switching. Instead of doing many things at once, task-switching actually splits your brain in two.

In business, if you are trying to run your day-to-day operations, make sales calls and post on social media all at once, not only will you be depleted and have nothing left for yourself or your loved ones, but mistakes will be made that can jeopardize your business. CNN American Hero, Sandra Yancey says it's time to quit trying to multitask. It is not a badge of honor. In fact trying to multitask can adversely affect your bottom line.

Read the blog "Be a Quitter! Stop Multi-Tasking and Make Some Money" and know the science behind multi-tasking and how it lowers your IQ.

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