Stop the Self-Doubt and Self-Sabotage

I don’t know how many times people have said to me…”I don’t know if I can do it.  I lack belief in myself.”  “I don’t feel like I have anything of value to offer.” My answer to each one of these self-sabotaging statements is the same, “We are all created equal.  Of course you can achieve anything you put your mind to achieve!  Look at all the examples we have to show us the way.”

I feel so humbled to have the understanding I do of the statement, “We are all created equal.”  It has allowed me to understand that no person is better than another. That we are all special and that we have all been created with greatness. Your greatness may look different than my greatness - but no one’s greatness is better than another.

So maybe some people have developed their talents more than you’ve developed your talents. On the flip side, I'm sure you have developed your own talents more than somebody else. In the end, It doesn't matter. Everyone is on a different journey, embracing life in their own way.

If you are ready to stop the self doubt and self-sabotage, but not quite sure how, first accept the 3 facts and then implement the 3 easy steps that follow to start living your life to the fullest and blessing the world with your greatness.

Check the complete blog "Stop the Self-Doubt and Self-Sabotage"


“Give first, share always!”

Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540

Dallas, Texas, 75254

United States

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