Your Spiritual Success System

Discover your Spiritual Success System as Felicia Searcy shares her tips on how to think differently and start your successful journey!

For close to 20 years, Felicia has worked with professionals and entrepreneurs who are seeking the spiritual side of success by helping them accelerate their results as they create richer, more fulfilling lives.

Read the blog "Your Spiritual Success System" to know more!


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Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540

Dallas, Texas, 75254

United States

Are you joining me this Thursday?

In case you haven’t heard, this Thursday on January 30th at 1:30 PM CST, you might want to block your calendar.

I am going to be sharing all the scoop on how YOU can significantly boost your bottom line with effective video marketing AND how to do it.

Join me this Thursday so that you can:

• Increase conversion rates by 80%,
• Get your website visitors spending 88% more time on your site,
• Assist 90% of customers with helping them make purchasing decisions,
• And more!

Register Now for Women Networking Event

Overcoming Obstacles Standing in Your Way to Joy

As dallas female business owners, we sometimes forget to step back and appreciate all of the good around and in our life. Connie Hertz shares thoughtful information on how to be happy and more appreciative no matter what you're facing.
During Connie’s early career as an oncology nurse, she found herself naturally showing others how to live healthier and prevent illnesses. She has since spent her life studying health, nutrition and effective ways to experience and reflect youthful energy. She credits success to her light, caring nature, intuition and dedication to her health and fitness routines.
Read the blog "Overcoming Obstacles Standing in Your Way to Joy" and Explore the tips to help you live in more joy each day!
“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.
Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
United States

Experience This!

The most precious commodity in the world is the time and attention of your target audience. It’s more valuable than gold and harder to strike than oil. Why is it so dang hard to get?

We live in a post-broadcast world. Every person can customize their television experience, their music, their news, their sandwiches, their shopping and more. It’s truly not a one-size-fits-all environment. Your audience is now conditioned to get what they want, when they want it and avoid any friction along the way.

The trade off for all that customization is that success minded business owners now have a long list of highly targeted advertising options to reach their audience. From your desktop, you could order up an aggressive Facebook marketing campaign to reach left-handed accountants in Dallas that enjoy the Kardashians and Starbucks.

As customizing the customer experience has led to terrific target marketing, it has also driven up the cost of a very valuable item: the attention of your customer. In virtually no setting does your customer need to wait through something they don’t want to get something they do. That means, you can target the right person as much as you like but you’re still hoping they have an interest in what you’re going to say. And if they don’t have an interest, they are not going to listen to your ad, watch your video or hear your sales pitch.

So, how to do you capture these precious moments of attention and truly deliver the answer to the question “what’s in it for me” from the customer?

Read the blog "Experience This!" to know how great experiences Sell!

“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
United States

You've Got This!

As entrepreneurs, we tend to self-sabotage which sometimes leads to limiting our success. Discover these simple, proven, highly effective tools and strategies to clear that automatic subconscious program and pattering that's holding you back.
Read the blog "You've Got This" and learn about 3 key components that contribute to the success or failures of business owners.
“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.
Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
United States

Tips for Using Speaking as a Profitable Business Generator

Could keynotes, seminars or other speaking opportunities be a huge business builder for you? They could, IF you do it right! A poor presentation can set your business back, instead of moving it forward. Do you know the worst way to open a presentation? Do you know how to keep even a distracted audience engaged throughout? Do know the easiest way for audiences to remember your and your take-aways? You will know all these answers and more when you join me for this interactive time together. Use speaking to get name recognition and sell your services/products.
Sure-fire strategies to grab your audience from your first word The irrefutable evidence of why you will want to to add speaking to your business plan Proven formulas that guantee to make your message memorable and action-oriented 3 worst "shoot yourself in the foot" mistakes you may be making when presenting

Speaker Bio

Kay Fittes is the founder and of High-Heeled Success, LLC, specializing in training, keynote presentations, and consulting for career women. Ms. Fittes is an expert of gender behaviors that put women at a disadvantage in the workplace. Her registered trademark, High-Heeled Success, is a system for empowering women to command a competitive edge in the workplace.Ms. Fittes is a the author of: Achieving High-Heeled Success: 50 Ways for Career-Oriented Women to Succeed, it is designed as a simple step-by-step guide to creating an executive presence. Kay has presented to almost 100,000 women, in over 2,500 programs showing how to gain visibility in the marketplace, respect of clients, and the perks you deserve. The glass ceiling isn't all that holds women back in the workplace. Kay Fittes guides women in overcoming patterns of behavior that put them at a distinct disadvantage in business and the world of work. Kay takes participants on a journey from insight to action.
Register Now for Entrepreneur Networking Events 

How To Make Sure That The Content You Publish Directly Contributes To Your Business’ Growth

Today, the web is flooded with content. Recognizing and expanding sustainable competitive advantage could easily be considered one of the most challenging activities for a new business venture.

The process can often be extremely challenging for the regular small business owner, as the journey can often be both time-consuming as well as difficult. Developing competitive advantage can be especially demanding for new emerging businesses operating in industries where several other businesses already compete.

While every industry has its own eccentricity and best practices, it doesn’t take a genius to understand that publishing a handful of blog posts simply isn’t going to be enough for generating genuine growth.

So then, how do businesses really grow through content marketing? It all comes down to linking content with the growth levers in your business and creating a friction-free, intuitive next step for readers to extract something meaningful out of your marketing funnel.

Read the blog "How To Make Sure That The Content You Publish Directly Contributes To Your Business’ Growth" and get some handful ways to leverage content to tap into real growth!

“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
United States

Vision Creation and Strategic Planning

Discover why vision creation is so important and what fundamentals are needed to begin. Katie will share her recipe for creating a vision, developing a strategy to reach it and how to implement the strategy to be successful.
Katie Miller is the President of Left Lane Advisors and a Principal of Fehr & Peers with over 25 years of experience in managing and developing leaders at all levels. She has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology, a Master’s in Business Administration, and is a certified professional coach with experience ranging from project management to business and corporate development to coaching senior professionals on leadership, talent management, and succession planning.
Read the blog "Vision Creation and Strategic Planning" to learn more!
“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.
Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
United States

Your Leadership DNA is Crucial as an Entrepreneur

We’re so busy as success minded business owners getting those next clients, trying to stabilize our monthly incomes, getting to the next meeting and building a team that we rarely stop and think about our leadership as an entrepreneur.

Yet every decision we make now in our businesses should be thought of from your unique leadership style - Your Leadership DNA.We all have that unique leadership signature that needs to be developed, nurtured and stepped into even when in doubt, having fear or not knowing what needs to be decided.

The biggest glitch that comes up for entrepreneurs regarding your leadership is how late into your business building timeline you start thinking about your own ways of leading. Yet, you’ve been leading from the start and most likely more from a reactive position.

Read the blog "Your Leadership DNA is Crucial as an Entrepreneur" and develop the right leadership skills for yourself and your business.

“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
United States

How to Stay Connected With Your Customer

Your customers are the ones to drive business to your brand! hence, it is so important to consider how they interact with your brand! Don't just reach out to them when you want to generate revenue, find out ways to continuously show them that you care!

Customer experience is going to overtake price and product and will be the key differentiator in 2020! It is crucial to stay connected with your customers and keep them informed about your company's innovations and events. You may attract customers with great content, but to retain them, you need to offer exceptional customer experience.  41% B2B and 47% B2C will try to be ahead of their competition with the help of great customer service over the next five years.

Relationship building has become a very critical component of your business growth. Read the blog "How to Stay Connected with Your Customer" as Jamie Shibley shares 3 valuable tips and discover what your customer wants and how to keep them connected!


“Give first, share always!”

Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540

Dallas, Texas, 75254

United States

Level UP

Learn how to LEVEL UP by increasing your funding and visibility. Discover how to:
  • Build your leadership mindset
  • Leverage your strengths
  • Expand possibilities for your organization
WorkMatters Founder, Gayle Lantz, is a leadership expert, author, speaker and trailblazer in her field who helps CEOs and executives shape corporate culture and inspire change. For over 20 years, she has devoted her work to helping others do the work that matters–making a positive difference in the lives of those they lead and serve.



“Give first, share always!”

Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540

Dallas, Texas, 75254

United States

The Four Best Practices for Creating the Perfect Elevator Pitch

Imagine this. It’s Tuesday, you are riding the elevator up to the fifth floor of your office. The elevator stops on the second floor and your CEO hops on. “Hi,” they say. “What do you do?” You have three floors to nail what to say and no idea where to begin - what do you do?
Maybe this exact scenario hasn’t happened to you before. We have all had moments with potential clients, executives or someone we were networking with to tell them who we are and what we do - the elevator pitch. Designed to be an introduction tool, your elevator pitch should be a concise, engaging way to tell someone who you are or what you do. Often, we get intimidated with the idea of trying to wrap all we are into a short speech. Elevator pitches can be the perfect target to being able to reach someone for an idea, partnership or becoming a client.
Read the blog "The Four Best Practices for Creating the Perfect Elevator Pitch" for you to nail at any opportunity. 
“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.
Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
United States

Do You Need A Success Coach?

Our select group of success coaches will enable you to go farther and faster than you could alone. These dynamic coaches will listen to what you want to achieve and will work with you to establish a plan of action based on your goals and objectives. We have chosen experts that can help you come up with solutions and help you focus on the issues that deliver the greatest rewards for you.
As a member of eWomenNetwork, you receive two complimentary coaching sessions with a coach of your choice. 
The success coaches represent some of the very best in North America and are excited about working with you on your success strategy. 
We are all about 'Success Minded Business Owners'. Entrepreneurs are our tribe!

What's Your Metric?

2020 is here! It’s a big year and a sparkling new decade! You get a clean slate to write dreams and goals for your business and yourself.

Perhaps this is the year you want to generate a million dollars in revenue; finally eat right and fit into your skinny jeans; be more productive so you can find time for self-care; or travel to Paris, Bali or Japan.

How are you going to make it happen? To turn your dreams into a reality and improve yourself and your business you need a plan and SMART metrics-driven goals to measure, track, and fuel your success.

As a success minded business owner, you undoubtedly know the value of tracking key metrics like sales revenue, profit margins, marketing impact (i.e. social media stats and web analytics), customer loyalty, and qualified leads per month. But did you know that tracking personal metrics can help you be more successful, improve your health, and even boost happiness?

Read the blog "What's your Metric" and create your own success metrics.


“Give first, share always!”

Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540

Dallas, Texas, 75254

United States

4 Resolutions For A Better You

Setting resolutions can be inspirational and full of motivation. A new year is a fresh start, a do-over for some, but like many people that hope to continue on their forward path, some resolutions don't last.  With the new decade approaching, all will reflect on this past year to make improvements in themselves, and their actions. Becoming a better version of ourselves is essential, but the steps we take to grow and improve will ultimately lead us in the right direction. So, instead of setting resolutions, a one time thought, let's focus this year on setting smart short and long term plans to meet our grand goals. Read the blog "4 Resolutions For A Better Youto turn your dream goals into a reality this upcoming year.  


“Give first, share always!”

Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540

Dallas, Texas, 75254

United States

Getting Through Your To-Do List

You have many things to finish, but nothing seems to get done actually. You prepare multiple to-do lists and you feel like adding more tasks to the list rather than checking off. So does this mean lack of time management or something else? Well, 89% of the people don't finish their daily tasks of the to-do list.

There are some simple strategies you can follow to make your list manageable and to get more done. You need to decide what's going to drive your business forward! Julie Miller-Davis shares her "3 D's" and how getting through your to-do list doesn't have to be a stressful thing! Watch the video to know more!


“Give first, share always!”

Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540

Dallas, Texas, 75254

United States

How to Protect your Brand in the AI Era

Unpack and learn the secrets to protecting your brand in the digital landscape of AI and design platforms like Canva. You will walk away wit...