Procrastination. Can We Talk About That Later?

Procrastination. I know. You may look at that word and think, “Can we talk about that later?”
The answer is no—unless you have already achieved everything that you would like to.
Recently, I came across a theory around why people procrastinate. I found it intriguing and then it stayed with me because of its (um, uncomfortable) accuracy. I thought it might be helpful to share what I learned: WHY we procrastinate, WHAT is often lurking underneath and HOW we can address and begin to free ourselves from it right now this very minute. Yes, this very minute.
Read the blog "Procrastination. Can We Talk About That Later?" and know how you can free yourself from procrastination. 
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7 Wonder Woman Lessons Every Business Woman Should Know | Entrepreneur Network

Are you planning on making 2020 the year to beat the odds and unveil the strength you didn’t know you had within you? Now that you’ve taken the leap to start your own business, start working on building the confidence you need to become much more than a businesswoman.

Even if you’re not a comic enthusiast, chances are you at least have an idea of who Wonder Woman is. In case you’ve managed to somehow not see, hear or read anything about this fictional character created by William Moulton Marston back in the 1940s, here are a few lines inspired by the adventures of Diana Prince –Princess Diana’s human alter-ego–. Once you’re done reading them, you’ll see it’s not that hard for you to turn into a real-life Wonder Woman.

A world of wonder is waiting…

Cultivate Your Talent
When growing up, little Diana didn’t know her full potential yet, but somehow, she sensed she was powerful. Year after year, she trained persistently alongside the Amazons, wise, strong women who taught her art, fighting skills, and history.

It’s great if you’re already open for business, keep going towards success with constant knowledge on your side. Smart people know that there’s always something new to learn out there in the business world, especially during these fast-paced times.

On the other hand, if you’re starting a business, work on both your craft or product and your brand, to deliver the best possible results.

Besides having something great to offer and the drive to succeed, you need to give your business a strong image. As a businesswoman, you must take yourself seriously to build a brand that people can spot and remember. First and foremost, you should create a logo that is eye-catching, memorable, and meaningful.

Read the complete blog "7 Wonder Woman Lessons Every Business Woman Should Know" to learn more!

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Making Your Brain the Conductor of Your Life

Most of the successful women entrepreneurs create their own reality and the outcomes they want in life by using the power of the brain! They believe they can achieve anything they set their mind to. They believe in themselves irrespective of their current situations.

Your brain is the conductor of your life. Any miscue by the brain yields negative results on the quality of your lifestyle. Your healthy mind is the essence of you! It shows who you are.

Very often people are misdiagnosed and this ushers in a host of challenges. Amanda provides insights and visionary solutions that can change everything for the better.

Read the complete blog "Making Your Brain the Conductor of Your Life" to learn more!

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Attract and Keep Volunteers

Volunteers, without a doubt, is one of the most important asset of any nonprofit organization. This is so because nonprofit or public organizations rely on volunteers primarily to carry out their mission and objectives! Volunteers help the organization save money, increase the contact with a greater network and provides better support to beneficiaries. they can help you in numerous tasks- from administrative tasks to fundraising and spreading the word about your nonprofit. They are the backbone for any nonprofit sector!

The relationship that your nonprofit and volunteers have with each other should be at priority for the sustainability of your organization. One of the biggest challenges for a nonprofit is recruiting and retaining the volunteers. If you don't have a strategy for volunteer management, then it's the right time to start now!

Read the blog "Attract and Keep Volunteers" as Kena Galvan shares some tips for attracting the top talent and keeping them around.


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Giving and Sustainability

In this video, you will discover 3 simple strategies that will help you to:
  • Increase your donors
  • Catapult their contributions
  • Fast track fundraising
  • Capitalize on global philanthropy
Tracy Repchuk is an online marketing and social media strategist and speaker. She is an International best selling author and has helped thousands of clients get their message out around the world. Tracy is an internationally acclaimed speaker and motivator in over 35 countries. She keeps audiences engaged with her ability to break down complex concepts and turn them into formula based success that’s easy to understand and do.
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Show Your Business Some Love and It Will Love You Back

TheNew Year always brings about a powerful energy but often fizzles fast. So, let’s keep the momentum going. We look at resolutions/targets to accomplish in your personal life. But what about New Year’s resolutions/targets for your business? Are you giving your business the love and nurturing that it needs to succeed?
When it comes to business—like anything else in life—you’ll get out of it what you put into it. When you show your business love, it will love you back. Here are 8 tips to show your small business some much-needed love to keep it growing strong in 2020…and for many more years to come!

Read the blog "Show Your Business Some Love and It Will Love You Back" and nurture your business the right way to unlock success. 
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8 Tips for Dealing With Conflict Management In The Workplace

In a work environment, it is normal, to some extent, for conflicts to occur.
After all, employees generally have very different values ​​and personalities. On the one hand, this difference can be enriching. On the other hand, the constant presence of friction can hinder corporate life.
Dealing with these differences is a complex task, as it involves personal aspects, the organizational context, and several other variables. However, managers must seek, as soon as possible, to resolve the conflict, as poorly resolved friction can bring numerous problems to the company. Fall in the quality of work, inefficiency in customer service, negative organizational climate, rivalries, and disputes are just some examples.
So, how to find good strategies for conflict management in the company? To that end, we have common methods that a company that develops systems for HR management have prepared a list of tips to help you deal correctly with conflict management in the workplace. 
Learn more by reading the complete blog "8 Tips for Dealing With Conflict Management In The Workplace"
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Are You Safe From Cyber Threats?

Our world has dramatically changed and we rely on technology for everything we do. According to recent studies, there is a new victim of identity theft every two seconds. Identity theft and cybercrime could happen to anyone. 

In this video, Sandra Estok shares her first-hand story of identity theft and provides 3 simple actions we can take to protect ourselves against hackers, scammers, cyber monsters and together live Happily Ever Cyber!

Learn more..


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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540

Dallas, Texas, 75254

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The Power of The Story

Storytelling was and is a very powerful tool at the beginning of the human communication. Stories connect us well to our listeners. When we share the real-life stories, our audiences get to know us as authetic people-people who have struggled with problems and who have figured out how to overcome them.

The use of stories, if properly conveyed can raise up the influence and engagement, thus letting people take some action. This can be a highly effective tool to create customer loyalty and allow people to connect in a deeper and more meaningful way!

Discover how you can harness the power of the story within your life and your company. In this video, Michele Gunderson will teach you how important and helpful storytelling is and which story is harming your business.


“Give first, share always!”

Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540

Dallas, Texas, 75254

United States

Stop it! Stop Hiring for Potential

“We all want to save the world…” is a great line from a great Beatles song. And I get it. You decided to become a business owner to, among other things, help the next generation step up. Maybe to give another human the chance you never got while working up the professional ladder. And you believe SO HARD that your interview candidate COULD be the next “you”. Or the next Manager in your company. Or the next most talented “FILL-IN-YOUR-INDUSTRY’S-SPECIALTY”. It all started at the interview.
As you sat across from your candidate for the customer service role, you saw the foreshadowing of future success skills. You easily pictured them networking with your customers. You dreamed of how much you would enjoy spending time with them working on growing the business. Sure, they were inexperienced in the EXACT area, but they could grow into that over time, right? And you would love to have someone to teach all the tips and tricks you acquired over the years. This time, someone will learn to do it all the right way. Your way.
I know that social media and business magazines are telling you how to promote from within and give your team the chance to expand internally but I am telling you that your business does not have time for teaching anyone. 
Read the blog "Stop it! Stop Hiring for Potential" and know why a small business may not hire for potential! 
“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.
Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
United States

The Fine Art of Social Media

Discover the best social platforms to use for your business. In this video you will learn:
  • Social media strategies you need to have a successful brand
  • How to keep the attention on your social platforms with the stories you tell
  • Techniques you can use to get more traffic on your social platforms
Jonathan Christian is the founder of We Make Stuff Happen, an innovative Canadian-based Digital Marketing and Training Agency that helps businesses and non-profits around the world tell their story online and on the ground.
Read the complete blog "The Fine Art of Social Media"
“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.
Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
United States

How to Increase Email Deliverability And Land in the Inbox

Emails have been a great communication channel to communicate with a B2B customer, if and only when tapped in the right way. What’s the point in sending bulk emails to the customer only to realize that none of them are landing in their inbox? It can be a headache for marketers when their emails do not reach the targeted customer, leading to the failure of the entire campaign. In this scenario, one has to find innovative ways to improvise the deliverability rate of email. A different approach can redirect the email marketing campaign on the right path with easy access to the inbox of the recipient. Find out some of the tested ways to land the email in your recipient’s inbox.
1. Following the best industry practices
2. Having a clear opt-in process
3. Avoiding email spam filters
4. Cleaning up the list to improve deliverability
5. Maintaining the proper IP allocation
6. Authenticating the email domain
7. Providing the preference center
8. Writing non-spammy subject lines
9. Avoiding inconsistency of emails
10. Sending valuable content
Website eWomenNetwork
Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
United States

How to Choose the Right Workflow Management System for Your Business

Dealing with complex business processes can be a great challenge for any company even if you've just launched a startup with a few remote workers.

For example, an employee is responsible for processing raw data or information and transforming it into insights or something else that the business can benefit from. To achieve this, they have to employ several additional processes. If for some reason an employee fails to process some information or data properly or promptly, the consequences may be profound. The work may start piling up until a point when one simply can’t deal with it anymore. And, unlike many movie characters, you cannot toss the papers in the shredder and claim you never got them.

Another serious consequence is stress. Work-related stress is common these days, with millions of people suffering from high workplace demands. According to the American Institute of Stress, the workload is the #1 cause of stress in the U.S.

But how can you reduce the impact of stress and ensure that organizational processes run as smoothly and efficiently as possible?

The answer is superb workflow management. By giving the employees the guidelines they need to perform tasks as effectively and efficiently as possible, a proper workflow management framework increases the chance of achieving the company’s goals.

In this article, we’re going to explore the reasons why companies need to adopt workflow management software and how to make the choice that can help to meet the needs of your business. Read more!


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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540

Dallas, Texas, 75254

United States

How to Protect your Brand in the AI Era

Unpack and learn the secrets to protecting your brand in the digital landscape of AI and design platforms like Canva. You will walk away wit...