Pregnancy At Work

For the modern age, a lot of ladies are more empowered to become earners in the family. This may be a combination of the rising costs of consumer products, as well as the growing emphasis of women empowerment in society.
Even as a working woman, it does not mean that you do not get to have a career and manage to balance being a mother as well.
However, if you have a team member that is expecting, then you have to know that it is important for them to learn how to not only manage the workload while taking care of their body but also how to reduce office stress. We are here to share some ways you can help them reduce the level of stress they get from work. Check them out!

1. Offer informal flexibility - When it comes to the modern workplace, a lot of places now offer a more flexible working environment. One such innovation is allowing team members to work from home.
2. Reconsider their workload - If you know that a particular team member is pregnant, then you should consider the type and amount of workload that you assign to them. Not only that, you should reconsider how their break time goes for the time being.
3. Set up a mother’s room - If you have mothers-to-be in the office who aren’t in a work-from-home arrangement, then make sure that you make the office more comfortable for them to work in.
4. Provide a family-friendly environment - Whether or not there is a mother-to-be in your office, it is important that you have a family-friendly office environment. In fact, it is one way to reduce work-related stress among team members. Therefore, if you want to help your pregnant team members feel less stressed, then make sure you create social support among you and your colleagues to help them with their pregnancy journey. A family-friendly environment will cost your office nothing while at the same time reducing the stress that your expecting team members will get from the work.
5. Organize support groups - Speaking of creating a family-friendly work environment, one way you can help reduce the stress of your pregnant team members is by creating support groups in your office. This can be composed of parent team members, mothers, or even between pregnant team members that you have. Having these support groups will help an expecting mother feel like they have a group of people to turn to who can understand knows how to deal with what they’re going through.

There are various other ways you can help them reduce the level of stress they get from work. Read the full blog...

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