Fear Signature Moves & What's Being Asked of You

It started with not being able to buy toilet paper. Then diet coke. Then chicken. Now COVID -19 has you working from home and taking your business online. You’re practicing social distancing and you’re not sure what plans to put in place because there is plenty of confusion, complexity and uncertainty at this moment. Less than two weeks ago, you were wondering - why toilet paper hoarding? It was a fear signature move in action from the unconscious due to security and safety concerns. Every person, client and business will express fear in their actions when uncertainty is present.

The uncertainty of this moment brings out fear in people. You may not feel it as fear but it is. It will show up in so many other ways personally and professionally. This virus puts us on heightened alert and our adrenalin revs up. It can show up as anxiety, poor decision making or being paralyzed in your thinking. All of us will be affected in some way as business owners revise plans, events get canceled and business slows down. This situation may bring up fears from prior circumstances and contribute directly to what you are experiencing now.

Turn your leadership into a resource so fear melts…..

Lead you first - Have a protocol for taking care of your health and energy and ways to combat fear and anxiety.

Lead your family - Manage and lead the emotional tone of your family.

Lead your clients - Call them and with certainty discuss a plan for now and a plan when the virus passes and business gears up. Give them more time. They are looking to you for your leadership. Give it to them.

Lead your business - Show up. Regroup. Your business will talk to you. Listen. You need to be able to show the value you bring to your clients. Messaging is key right now to your community. Reposition and pivot if necessary.

Lead your team - Take care of them and they will take care of you.

Here you are…. witnessing what’s going on in the world today…. changing daily - Ooze. Sumo. Wiggle. Welcome. You’ll be glad you did. Read full blog...

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