How Multi-Talented Women Are Reshaping The Tech Space

The tech industry is highly dynamic as well as competitive with a preconceived notion that it's not a woman's cup of tea. Moreover, there are studies which reveal that the tech space is still dominated by male professionals. According to Statista, the percentage of women working in tech companies is quite less in comparison to their male counterparts.
But if we do market research carefully there are small changes taking place with the help of a few talented women entrepreneurs outshining the tech space. Still, there is a lot of scope for providing females with equal opportunities in this industry but let's look at six female entrepreneurs who have become the talk of the town having built successful apps.
1. Edith Harbaugh: The Real Gem Of Engineering & Marketing
Edith Harbaugh is a female leader with a wealth of experience in engineering, marketing, and product development. She has built LaunchDarkly which is an organization as well as a solution for streamlining the entire product development lifecycle.
This feature management system is built to provide solutions to the issues which she faced in her previous companies. It's an intuitive platform for programmers with which easily control product development and launch. Also, Edith's brainchild has earned a few clients in the form of industry giants such as Microsoft and GoPro.
2. Sadaf Monajemi: The Queen Of Med-Tech Startups
The healthcare sector is quite complex where it's tough to come up with innovative ideas to integrate tech tools and build intelligent clinical solutions. But Sadaf Monajemi has built a med-tech startup named See-Mode Technologies. It's a system specifically to help medical practitioners to find patients who have a great risk of getting cardiac attacks without performing multiple tests and examinations.
Sadaf has earned a PhD degree majoring in AI and ML for clinical apps from the National University of Singapore. This qualification has given the technical expertise with which she can build intuitive medical products with strategic roadmapping and planning.
3. Shao-Ning Huang: The Mediator To Bridge The Gap Between Angel Investors & Asian Startups
Shao-Ning Huang has built AngelCentral which is an online community to link 500 angel investors with potential Asian startups which are in need of funds. She is the co-founder and chief angel for the platform.
She also serves as an adviser to tech startups and helps women entrepreneurs in growing their businesses. Shao-Ning Huang is a living example for inspiring women in the tech industry with her engaging journey where she played different roles such as a mother and entrepreneur successfully.
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As a Financial Coach and Business Strategist there are many topics I can cover but I’m mostly passionate about helping them ‘stop running in place financially, debt strategies, LifeStyle Re-Design Planning and educating themselves on how to be more financially savvy in their lives and businesses
  • Financial Consistency and Stability is available to everyone regardless of what you do. It’s the secret sauce to your success with Money!
  • LifeStyle Re-Design Planning (TM) is the tool to regaining your footing in your personal life & business!

Speaker Bio

Michelle is a sought after speaker who shares relatable stories and educational insights on money and Entrepreneurship. She speaks about the importance of having a clear vision, unclogged cashflow, and strategy for growth. She is also a best selling author of ‘Prosperity After Divorce
Event Information:
Start Date08/26/2020 06:00 PM
End Date08/26/2020 08:00 PM
Informal Networking5:45pm
ONLINE Zoom Event
United States
ChapterGreater Hartford CT
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How To Flow Through Change With Grace & Ease

Are you someone who embraces change and actually thrives from it? Or do you tend to fight it ... flee from it ... or freeze when confronted with change? Would you like to be more adaptable, graceful and peaceful?
Change is happening all around us all the time. It often feels like it's happening TO us and we have no control. It may be a change in your personal life ... marriage, divorce, retirement, or a new baby. Things are changing more rapidly than ever in our high-tech world. At work they expect you to take on more and more, the news upsets you, and the future feels more uncertain than ever!
In this presentation, you'll discover the three tools to successfully navigate change that hundreds of Mary Owens’ clients have used to overcome tremendous challenges and make amazing life transitions.
You will learn:
  • Why change feels like you're swimming upstream and why that's OK!
  • Ways to create a mindset so you glide like a swan even in the most turbulent of times
  • How to surround yourself with people and practices that help keep you afloat.    

Speaker Bio

Mary's mission in life is supporting women who are experiencing a significant life transition, such as divorce or midlife "crisis". She's a dynamic and engaging speaker who connects with her audiences which have included:  Broward Women's Alliance, FemCity, National Association of Divorce Professionals, and Women's Executive Club of South Palm Beach County.  Women leave her presentations inspired with the courage and tools to make the necessary changes, so they're energized and passionate about what lies ahead.  She's a Life Transitions Expert and Clinical Social Worker who specializes in teaching women how to manage the emotions and overwhelm, develop a positive mindset and implement behavioral change so they can start taking action.
Event Information
Start Date08/20/2020 12:00 PM
End Date08/20/2020 02:00 PM
United States
ChapterPalm Beach CountyFL
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How to Use Instagram Live to Elevate Marketing Strategies

Live video streaming is the new social media trend - and it’s here to stay. From TikTok, YouTube Live, Facebook Live, and Instagram Live, influencers and brands are constantly taking advantage of live features across social media platforms. So, if you’re not utilizing it, you could be missing out on a huge opportunity to better brand your business and elevate marketing strategies. 
Today, we’re focusing on one of the leading platforms: Instagram. Throughout the pandemic, Instagram has upgraded its Live features to be more user friendly and help businesses add to their marketing strategies. It is still a feature that many are learning about compared to Instagram stories, but it is worth the investment. 

What You Should Know About Instagram Live
Instagram Live appears in the Stories section of your followers’ Instagram app - so you can avoid the dreading algorithm that typically makes your content invisible. One of the biggest advantages is that Lives appear first in each potential viewer’s Stories secti
on. It’s guaranteed access to the best real estate on Instagram.

Why Should You Use Instagram Live
If your target audience is on Instagram, then it makes tremendous marketing success for you to broadcast your messages to them on the platform. Not only will you be visible next to Stories, but your followers will get a notification of your Live if they have their notifications on for the app. This ensures that your audience will hear what you have to say. It’s not like Instagram feed posts or IGTVs in a sense that you can live stream for as long as you want and engage with viewers within seconds. 

New Features Coming To Instagram Live in 2020 that You Should Prepare for
Due to the pandemic, there has been a high demand for different types of features on Live, such as badges, fundraising, and live shopping to help businesses stay afloat (especially, small businesses). 

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Good Gala: How to Supercharge Business Giving

You'll Learn:
  • How to better brand your events 
  • How to create sponsorship levels that will have business excited to work with you
  • How to put on a successful gala  
  • How to build successful business relationships needed to succeed sustainably
Ellie White-Stevens, Owner of Dirt1x, knows what it takes to grow a small business. She’s built hers from the ground up and has helped numerous clients find life-changing success. Ellie volunteers extensively and serves on several local boards and committees. Eight years ago, she created an annual soiree, O Christmas Tea, to benefit domestic abuse survivors. The event has turned a profit every year and has netted more than $113,000 to date. She helped another non-profit raise more than $40,000 

Watch the full video: Gifted Wisdom for Non- Profits

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5 Ways You Can Avoid Stagnant Productivity While Working Remote

It’s still a very uncertain time as the COVID-19 pandemic continues and numbers are constantly fluctuating. Many business owners are taking safe measures by pushing the returning to office date all the way into 2021. This means working remotely will continue to be a trend we see throughout the rest of the year. 
 By now, you’ve probably figured out how to work from home or remotely productively, but it may be time for some new strategies to avoid feeling bored or trapped. If you’re coming across the mental fight of how to spend free time and how much of that time should be for productivity, this blog came to you at the perfect time. If you’re reading this because you have become a part of the cycle of stagnant, even better.
Let’s dive into the 5 ways entrepreneurs can avoid stagnant productivity while working remotely. First off, it’s important to start by acknowledging what it is that is causing your productivity to become stagnant. Here are a few signs to determine whether or not you’re experiencing the cycle of stagnant:
  • You feel unmotivated and uninspired (even when you try hard to find inspiration/motivation)
  • You’re slowly starting to avoid responsibilities
  • You find yourself constantly procrastinating
  • You don’t feel like doing anything but mindless activities and distractions that bring easy pleasure
  • You have a gut feeling that you aren’t reaching your fullest potential
How to Avoid Stagnant Productivity:
1. Create a consistent schedule to stick to
2. Avoid doing household chores or having easy distractions during your scheduled work hours
3. Set up a comfortable remote office
4. Have a designated accountability partner
5. Know when to log off and check out

Keeping a balance of mindful and mindless work is imperative. You’re working remotely so you are in charge of knowing when it is time to wrap up and give your attention elsewhere. Read full blog...

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Pivoting through Change

As the seasons change ... so do you. Have you ever become paralyzed when trying to make a decision?  Should you take that new position, go back to school, begin your own business, change your business model?  Maybe you get that gnawing pain in your gut because trying to decide is just too hard!  Struggling with indecision is like being stuck in the mud. Even the greatest leaders suffer from indecision at times. 
  • Discover the power of pivoting by trusting your 'gut' and accepting the limiting thinking mind
  • Learn the CHANGE process for successful forward movement
  • The power of Letting go for more change
Learn the CHANGE process for forward successful movement
·       Practice letting go to accept more

Speaker Bio

Denise Hansard, Life Architect, Pricing Expert, Motivational Speaker, & Author of Suffering In Comfort, is an expert in transformation. Through her Southern style of storytelling, masters in counseling and life coaching certification, Denise shares how your past story doesn’t define your future ... all while having fun.
With 20 years of corporate work as a Certified Pricing Professional, Denise’s passion is to help entrepreneurs in the Art & Science of Pricing, packaging you & your business for profitability and owning it all. Denise travels from Chicago to bring her message to audiences from all walks of life.  Her talks have been experienced by hundreds. She shares her message via live talks, keynotes, retreats & workshops to organizations & people willing to stop playing small in life. Denise truly is one of a kind!
Register Now: Pivoting through Change
Event Information:
Start Date08/13/2020 11:30 AM
End Date08/13/2020 01:30 PM
Informal Networking11:00am
United States
ChapterTwin CitiesMN
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Turn Your Fantasies into Realities (Goal Achieving)

Learn to take your deepest desires and make them a reality by understanding the art of goal achieving.  You'll gain an understanding of how to create goals that will take you to a whole new level.  If your goal doesn't scare you and excite you, you're going in the wrong direction. If you decide to leap into unfamiliar territory and go after something that you don't know how to do, you'll become unstoppable! Watch the gap close between you and your results as you access exponential growth both in your personal life and professional life.

If you're going after a goal that you already know how to do, you're going in the wrong direction.

A goal is to help you grow. Without a goal, people are lost and living life by default. It's important to understand about who you're becoming along the way.

Speaker Bio

"Barbara Daoust is an acclaimed success coach, author of "True Love, True Self: a Journey to Self-love" and inspirational speaker. Barbara shows entrepreneurs, business owners, and individuals how to break through their fears, limitations, and negative mindsets in order to achieve outstanding results in both their personal and professional lives.

Event Information:
Start Date08/13/2020 09:00 AM
End Date08/13/2020 11:00 AM
Informal Networking08:30 AM
Zoom - you will be sent link following registration
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6 Tech Skills You Need If You Want To Be An Entrepreneur

As you start in your business venture of becoming an entrepreneur there are key factors that you must have a basic understanding of in order to produce successful work. Of course, you can delegate certain tasks elsewhere to individuals with more experience in a certain skill, but there are some skills that you will need to develop. One of these skills is being tech-savvy. 

Being tech-savvy doesn’t mean understanding HTML coding or rocket science, it’s simply knowing what technology you will need to carry out your business and how to effectively use it to streamline internal/external processes. We’re diving into the five basic tech skills we suggest you develop to make the most out of your business.

  • Access Your Office Computer from Anywhere: With the advancement of technology comes a lot of perks as an entrepreneur. The biggest, and possibly most important factor is being able to work from anywhere. Gone are the days of having to be in-office to get work done. You can now run your business from laptops, tablets, and even mobile devices. However, it is still important to have access to all your information and work that is on your office desktop. 
  • Graphic Design and Image Editing: At some point, you may need to create or edit images for marketing purposes, whether it’s your website, social media, presentations, etc. Whatever the case may be, understanding the fundamentals of graphic design and knowing how to edit images are crucial skills to have in today’s market. 
  • Backup Your Information: We all know that dreadful feeling of working on a project for hours and then the computer crashing or links go missing, and all of a sudden you’re having to start from scratch. Don’t let this happen to you. Take preventative measures by backing up your work to the Cloud or an external hard drive (or maybe both). It’s important to know where your information lives and how to access it from anywhere. 

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Vision Creation and Strategic Planning

In this presentation, Katie provides you with effective steps to create a vision, develop a strategy, and implement the strategy.
Katie Miller is the President of Left Lane Advisors and a Principal of Fehr & Peers with over 25 years of experience in managing and developing leaders at all levels. She has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology, a Master’s in Business Administration, and is a certified professional coach with experience ranging from project management to business and corporate development to coaching senior professionals on leadership, talent management, and succession planning.Start writing here...
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Dream - I Dare You

Julia believes that the biggest adventure you can take in this life is to live the life of your dreams… and not only is she inviting you to witness the perfectly imperfect unfolding of her dream life, but she’s challenge you to do the same and to take her dare:
Dream. I dare you. 
Learning to live your PURPOSE and CONVICTION!

Speaker Bio

Julia Gentry - Keynote speaker on living with purpose, heart and conviction.
Whether it's traveling the country in an RV, raising a family of four young children, building businesses or growth coaching, Julia has dedicated her life to wake up dreamers everywhere and she’s inviting people into an opportunity to change the conversation to one that REALLY matters.
As an author, speaker, growth coach and business owner, Julia Gentry is a champion and voice for the next generation of people who want to live unapologetically, authentically according to the dreams they have within them. She is a true advocate for people and believes that every single person has a true purpose for their lives, making it her life’s calling to help people get their life back so they can live with more success and fulfillment. With her truth speaking, matter of fact, crazy practical approach, she just has an uncanny, one of a kind way of moving people forward. She claims her failures are just as epic (if not more so) as her successes and without shame shares it all.
Register Now: Dream - I Dare You
Event Information:
Start Date08/13/2020 11:30 AM
End Date08/13/2020 01:30 PM
Informal Networking11:00 AM
The Valley Country Club
14601 Country Club Drive  
Centennial CO 80016
United States
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Conquer Your Business: Creating Magnetic Messaging

Imagine being able to talk about your business in a manner so compelling that it attracted your ideal client to you AND made it easier for people to refer you business! As an added benefit, the process of putting together this magnetic messaging created an entire marketing language bank for you to pull from for everything from client meetings to social media posts. 
  • The four components of an effective "elevator speech"
  • How to turn using value-based language into a business changing habit
  • The questions I ask my private clients that help them create their own marketing language bank

Speaker Bio

Erin Marcus is an award-winning business owner, nationally renowned speaker, author, and consultant, who has been creating business successes for nearly 20 years.
She has spoken for top organizations such as Coldwell Banker, Highland Capital, Baird & Warner, US Bank, and more.

Regardless of the setting, the consistent theme has always been how to create powerful connections, come from an authentic place of service and help people reach heights they may not have even thought possible.
Read our latest book: Book Sandra
Event Information:
Start Date08/11/2020 06:00 PM
End Date08/11/2020 08:00 PM
Informal Networking5:30 p.m.
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5 Steps to a Successful Sale

Would you like to be more Successful Selling?   
Would You like MORE Sales MORE Often?
Diana will be sharing her 5 Step Sales process..
"The Ability to sell is the #1 skill required in business" Selling requires you to master communications, be genuinely interested in understanding your clients needs and providing them guidance to solve their problems..
Diana has help 1000 s of  corporations, business owners, sales professionals and entrepreneurs to  increase their sales performance, revenue, retention, while maintaining a congruent message . 
You will be  introduced to the  5 steps that need to occur in any sale .. for the sale to come to fruition.
Identifying your Ideal Client 
Questions you need to Ask ..
Connecting the Dots to Your Services
Getting the Client to Take an Action
Building Successful Business Relationships

Speaker Bio

Diana Sabatino is originally from Pittsburgh Pa, but has lived throughout the United States and Abroad.
Diana left her 14 year corporate career in 1997 with a fortune 100, as VP of Training & Sales Development to open 3DInternational Training & Consulting Inc.  
After 3 years of an International contract in Ireland with ESAT Communications and 5 years serving clients throughout North America creating custom curriculum in sales, Leadership & Performance management; Diana decided to use her business savvy in the entrepreneurial arena.
Event Information:
Start Date08/05/2020 11:30 AM
End Date08/05/2020 01:30 PM
Informal Networking11:00 AM
United States
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How to Grow a Team That Can Lead Itself

 Build a flourishing team that leads itself and ensures the continuing growth and maintainability of your foundation.
  • Discover the 3 habits of extraordinary teams
  • Learn how to be an exceptional leader
  • 7 behaviors of teams that run themselves  
Dawn Andrews is the CEO of Free Range Thinking, Entertainment Business Strategist, Entrepreneur and Speaker. She is the trusted advisor to 250+ leaders in the entertainment industry. Her clients have built schools in Africa, helped to end "Don't ask, don't tell" and continued the recovery effort in Haiti after post-earthquake.  
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The F* Word Make all the Difference | Finding Your FORMULA and FUDGING Through Speaker Sarah Cortez Founder Speaker Trainer

The F* Word Makes all the Difference | Finding Your FORMULA and FUDGING Through. 
Sarah Cortez delivers a high energy session to help business people find their FORMULA for success in sales and have FUN along the way. 
This presentation will have you laughing while learning how to develop a formula to hit numbers based on goals and desired annual income.  
You will also learn about the age old sales velocity formula and how to apply it in your career.
Attendees will walk away with :
  • Access to a FREE website that calculates sales velocity AND monthly and weekly closings needed to reach goals and desired annual income.
  • Acces The F* Word Calculator online and worksheet that walks you step by step through how to track and calculate the numbers in the sales velocity formula to accomplish your goals.
  • The Triple F* Ect mindset tool to keep you focused each day.
  • A Value Proposition FORMULA that gives potential clients a reason for why they should do business with you
After attending this session you will have the foundation to meet and exceed your sales goals and desired annual income. 

Speaker Bio

Sarah has spent 19 years in sales and sales management. 
She started her career with 11 years in Media sales at radio and television stations.
She then moved on to a job in sales at the Boise Metro Chamber of Commerce where she spent 7 years responsible for selling memberships, sponsorships, advertising and retention.   
Event Information:
Start Date07/21/2020 11:30 AM
End Date07/21/2020 01:30 PM
Informal Networking11:00 AM
United States
ChapterTreasure ValleyID
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How to Protect your Brand in the AI Era

Unpack and learn the secrets to protecting your brand in the digital landscape of AI and design platforms like Canva. You will walk away wit...