Leverage the Media

 Leveraging the Media… by definition is utilizing all mass communication channels through which news, entertainment, data, education, or promotional messages are disseminated and includes every medium that reach or influence people widely.

It’s a crowded market and there is a lot of noise… how will you stand out? Building relationships {in person & online} is key to leveraging promotional partners and influencers. Patty will share actionable strategies on how to leverage your time, money, energy and your network to get massive results in both local and national media to succeed in today’s business environment.

Speaker Bio

Patty Farmer is a Marketing & Media Strategist, International Speaker, Podcast Host, Magazine Publisher, and Event Producer and works with women business owners, entrepreneurs & speakers who are experts in their field but have hit their glass ceiling and cannot breakthrough in their current environment. Patty works with them to attract and convert their ideal clients so they can make a big impact in the world, and bigger deposits in their bank account. She believes we all have a message and her mission is to help them master, market, and monetize that message in a way that creates transformation for both them and their clients while designing a lifestyle they want to live.

Register Now: Leverage the Media

Event Information

Start Date11/12/2020 11:00 AM
End Date11/12/2020 01:00 PM
Informal Networking10:30 AM
Canyon Gate Country Club
2001 Canyon Gate Dr  
Las Vegas NV 89117
United States
ChapterLas VegasNV
See more related blog: https://penzu.com/public/a208cd01

Fastest Path to Clients and Cash: A New, Proven Way To Make Your Last Year’s Income In Just 12 Weeks

 Find out a surprisingly simple methods big companies and savvy entrepreneurs use to pierce through the noise of saturated markets to quickly attract ideal clients and rev up revenues to multiple six, even seven figures - without overwhelm, complex technology, or advertising.  

Speaker Bio

Known worldwide as The Millionaire Marketing Mentor®, Adam Urbanski is the go-to guy for successful B2B coaches, consultants, and expert-preneurs who want to better monetize their unique brilliance, quickly attract more clients, convert more high-value sales, build an authority brand, and grow a business that makes a bigger income and impact. 

Register Now: Fastest Path to Clients and Cash: A New, Proven Way To Make Your Last Year’s Income In Just 12 Weeks

Event Information

Start Date11/18/2020 10:00 AM
End Date11/18/2020 12:00 PM
Zoom - on line
United States
See more related blog: https://www.merchantcircle.com/blogs/ewomen-network/2020/8/The-History-and-Importance-of-Voting-for-Women/1891621

The History and Importance of Voting for Women

It wasn’t really all that long ago when the women’s suffrage movement took place. In fact, 100 years ago, women finally received their legal right to vote. This is a battle that took activists and reformers nearly 100 years in itself to win, and it wasn’t easy. 

By now, you probably know the basic history of the women’s suffrage movement, but what all happened to get to where we are today? We’re diving into a short version of the history of voting for women and why it is so important for you to use your rights to make a change.  

Women’s Rights Movement Begins

The campaign for women’s suffrage began in the decades before the Civil War. During the 1820s and 30s, many reform groups started popping up, in which women played a prominent role. It’s also good to note here that the idea of true “Womanhood” began to break down as women started revolting against the norm. This was the idea that only “true” women were a submissive wife and mother whose only concern was the home and family.

2020 Elections

With fewer than 80 days until Election Day, it’s important to make sure all of our friends, family members, and colleagues are aware of how they can do their part in voting. There are a lot of changes happening due to the COVID-19 pandemic, so

staying up to date with elections is important. Research, research, research...whether it is through Google searches or social media hashtags, there are so many resources out there to help better explain the voting climate.

That being said, making sure you’re registered to vote is the first step. Fret not, we found the perfect article by Marie Claire that details Voter Registration Deadlines state-by-state. Take a look and find out what it looks like in your state so you don’t miss out. Even though this list is strictly for the U.S., we encourage women everywhere to actively participate in voting. You have a voice and there’s no better time to make sure it is HEARD than NOW.

Women have come a long way, but there is still so much more work to be done. Please share this article with loved ones to spread the message! Read full blog...

See more related blog: http://ewomennetwork.over-blog.com/2020/08/build-your-brand-business-with-events-in-person-or-online.html

Build Your Brand & Business with Events - In-Person or Online!

 Terri will share how any business in any industry can build their business and brand by having an event - whether it is in-person or online.  Events should be part of every business' Marketing Strategy.  There is a real power of events that can help you grow your business faster than you ever thought possible.  It is a way to scale your business in a more personal way to connect better with your customers/clients and audience.  

  1.  What is the Power of Events
  2.  The Key Ingredients so you can have a successful business event
  3. The Magic to Make You, Your Brand and Business Memorable

Speaker Bio

Founder,CEO, Business Events + Experiences Wizard, Speaker & Facilitator at Eventful Advantage LLC, Managing Director of eWomenNetwork - Madison and Platinum eWomenNetwork Member, Terri Lynn draws upon her MBA in Marketing and 20 years executive level corporate experience to strategize and produce events to help business owners create experiences not just events to build business and brand.  eWomenNetwork Success Institute trainer and participant in the eWomenNetwork Mainstage Speaker Showcase.  

Event Information

Start Date12/15/2020 11:00 AM
End Date12/15/2020 01:00 PM
Informal Networking10:30 am
Holiday Inn Express & Suites
3022 Ford Street  
Beloit WI 53511
United States
See more related blog: https://www.merchantcircle.com/blogs/ewomen-network/2020/8/3-Steps-To-New-Age-Power-Selling-/1890438

3 Steps To New Age Power Selling (Get More Sales & Close More Deals Without the 'Ick' Factor)

 In sales circles, Anthony Camacho is known as the 'hitman'. A nickname earned not from the gang life he escaped as a teen; but for his ability to turn 'cold into sold'.

Having personally cold called millions of dollars and having worked with start-ups to $40 million 'small businesses' as well as Fortune 500 companies; Anthony has found 3 critical elements to write your own paycheck.

Topics Anthony will touch on include:

-- Magic Numbers (why every 'contact' has a dollar amount and just how much).

-- The Five-Figure Instant Pay Rise - Fortunate 500 Formulas that add five and six figures to your bottom line.

-- Closing ratios that count.

Speaker Bio

Anthony Camacho is known as the 'hitman'. A nickname earned not from the gang life he escaped as a teen; but for his ability to turn 'cold into sold'.

Register Now: 3 Steps To New Age Power Selling (Get More Sales & Close More Deals Without the 'Ick' Factor)

Event Information

Start Date12/09/2020 11:30 AM
End Date12/09/2020 01:30 PM
Informal Networking11:00 AM
Online Event - Zoom Call - details provided 24 hours prior to the event
United States
See more related blog: https://www.merchantcircle.com/blogs/ewomen-network/2020/8/The-New-Tax-Law-How-It-Affects-You-And-Your-Business/1889837

The New Tax Law: How It Affects You And Your Business

 The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 is the largest tax law change in 30 years!  Are you confused about how this will effect you?  Do you have questions you have been unable to answer yourself?

You are in luck.  Tax expert Sheree White will help you get clear answers to the most common questions, and understand the most impactful changes in the new tax law.

To get the most out of this workshop, please know your entity type before you arrive. (Check entity type on your last tax return.) Find out how your business is really being taxed and follow along with a reference provided to you which is yours to keep.

In this eye-opening discussion, you will discover:

  • What’s going on with Entertainment expenses

  • What the 20% deduction is about

  • New uses for 529 education savings plan (Florida Pre-Paid)

  • How changes in personal exemptions affect your bottom line

Speaker Bio

In 2012, Sheree earned her Enrolled Agent designation from the IRS after many years of preparing taxes, and while working for a major tax preparation service. This designation has allowed her the opportunity to gain valuable experience representing clients involved in various tax-related issues and with various state taxing agencies.

Register Now: The New Tax Law: How It Affects You And Your Business

Event Information

Start Date11/19/2020 12:00 PM
End Date11/19/2020 02:00 PM
Informal Networking11:30 AM
Fountains Country Club
4476 Fountains Drive  
Lake Worth FL 33467
United States
ChapterPalm Beach CountyFL
See more related blog: 

Leverage the Media

 Leveraging the Media… by definition is utilizing all mass communication channels through which news, entertainment, data, education, or promotional messages are disseminated and includes every medium that reach or influence people widely.

It’s a crowded market and there is a lot of noise… how will you stand out? Building relationships {in person & online} is key to leveraging promotional partners and influencers. Patty will share actionable strategies on how to leverage your time, money, energy and your network to get massive results in both local and national media to succeed in today’s business environment.

Speaker Bio

Patty Farmer is a Marketing & Media Strategist, International Speaker, Podcast Host, Magazine Publisher, and Event Producer and works with women business owners, entrepreneurs & speakers who are experts in their field but have hit their glass ceiling and cannot breakthrough in their current environment. Patty works with them to attract and convert their ideal clients so they can make a big impact in the world, and bigger deposits in their bank account. She believes we all have a message and her mission is to help them master, market, and monetize that message in a way that creates transformation for both them and their clients while designing a lifestyle they want to live.

Register Now: Leverage the Media

Event Information

Start Date11/12/2020 11:00 AM
End Date11/12/2020 01:00 PM
Informal Networking10:30 AM
Canyon Gate Country Club
2001 Canyon Gate Dr  
Las Vegas NV 89117
United States
ChapterLas VegasNV
See more related blog: 

10 Podcasts Every Female Entrepreneur Should Be Listening To

 As entrepreneurs, we’re always looking for new ways to grow our business. It can be both intimidating and thrilling specifically being a female entrepreneur. You can go from feeling on top of the world after a bunch of successful meetings to feeling anxious and overwhelmed when a client campaign falls through the cracks.

Wherever you find yourself on your entrepreneurial journey, surrounding yourself with impactful resources that have positive effects on your business. These resources should help you stay aligned with your vision and keep yourself motivated to make consistent progress. Whether that be a team, mentor, or supporting circle, having resources that help guide you in the right direction is key. 

Now, if you’re reading this and are thinking to yourself you don’t have a team or circle to fall back on just yet or haven’t found a successful mentor -- we’ve got a secret to share. Finding these impactful resources can come in many forms and doesn’t always mean having direct physical interaction between you and another person. 

So, what’s the secret? The Power of Podcasts.

As a network of entrepreneurs, we’ve come to realize the importance of having a podcast and listening to other podcasts. Not only are they easy to access, but they also give you the opportunity to hear the wisdom of some of those top mentors that you may not come across in-person. Podcasts, in our opinion, remain one of the greatest resources for entrepreneurs, offering insight, guidance, and expertise from other successful female entrepreneurs for free.

There are currently over 1 million podcasts out there for any listener to hear. In a time where the market is so saturated, you might be asking, where do I even start to look for the podcasts I need to be listening to?

Look no further because we put together 10 podcasts that we believe are the most useful to listen to if you’re a female entrepreneur.

Goal Digger

This podcast is all about setting and managing goals. Hosted by marketing entrepreneur and photographer, Jenna Kutcher, each episode offers a wealth of tools and advice that you can implement in your own business today. 

Women Taking the Lead

Host Jodi Flynn challenges women business owners to call out their struggles and forget about perfectionism. This podcast features topics such as Type A personalities, resolving conflict, and personal branding.

She Did It Her Way

Featuring different female entrepreneurs every week, this podcast discusses the challenges entrepreneurs face and how they overcome obstacles to build their business. It is hosted by CEO and accountability coach Amanda Boleyn and touches on new topics every week for guidance on all aspects of business from leaving your corporate job to offering the right products/services. 

Read full blog:  Insightful and Powerful Podcasts We Currently Love

See more related blog: https://www.merchantcircle.com/blogs/ewomen-network/2020/8/Tricks-to-Filling-your-Events-with-a-High-Value-Audience/1888087

Tricks to Filling your Events with a High Value Audience

 It is difficult enough to host an event. The most stressful component, and most important, one is getting the people actually in the seats. A lot of speakers spend their time on their presentation and aren't thinking strategically how to actually get their ideal clients in the room to hear their message.  There are several different ways to fill your events, and if you plan accordingly and put a game plan together from the start, you will definitely reduce the stress and last minute scrabble to sell tickets. Whether you use all 10 of Toni's Tips and Tricks or just a few, she guarantees that your event will be a total success!

Toni will teach you: 
- How to strategically plan (from conception to execution) an event that is filled with your ideal clients.
- Top Ten Tips on filling their rooms & monetizing the event to increase their bottom line.
Speaker Bio

Toni Caruso is an Event Producer and the Founder of Caruso Signature Events. She has had a successful career working in the Entertainment Industry in talent agencies, music management and video production along with the Corporate world in marketing, advertising and events. She believes that hosting events and going live onstage is the number one way to exponentially build your business.

Register Now: Tricks to Filling your Events with a High Value Audience

Event Information

Start Date10/20/2020 12:00 PM
End Date10/20/2020 02:00 PM
Informal Networking11:30 AM
Online Event - Zoom
United States
ChapterCentral New JerseyNJ
See more related blog: https://ewomennetwork.tumblr.com/post/626961545375662080/why-high-achieving-women-cant-lose-weight

Why high achieving women can't lose weight

 Top-performing women are often very successful in so many areas of their lives but often struggle with their relationship with food and their weight. Learn why and what to do about it.

You will leave knowing:

1. The 3 reasons you aren't losing weight
2. How to take control of your relationship with food without a diet

Speaker Bio

Laura Dixon helps high-achieving professional and entrepreneurial women break free from food and stop the self sabotage cycle so that they can be more productive, confident and calm.

Register Now: Why high achieving women can't lose weight

Event Information

Start Date10/20/2020 11:00 AM
End Date10/20/2020 01:00 PM
Informal Networking10:30 a.m.
United States
See more related blog: 

Your Leadership DNA is Crucial as an Entrepreneur

 We’re so busy as entrepreneurs getting those next clients, trying to stabilize our monthly incomes, getting to the next meeting and building a team that we rarely stop and think about our leadership as an entrepreneur.

Yet every decision we make now in our businesses should be thought of from your unique leadership style - Your Leadership DNA.

We all have that unique leadership signature that needs to be developed, nurtured and stepped into even when in doubt, having fear or not knowing what needs to be decided.

The biggest glitch that comes up for entrepreneurs regarding your leadership is how late into your business building timeline you start thinking about your own ways of leading. Yet, you’ve been leading from the start and most likely more from a reactive position.

The current research is telling us that most leadership programs are failing and that over 80% of businesses who use these programs have buyers remorse.

Let’s get you started by answering and pondering the following questions regarding leadership and what you may need to consider developing the leadership style you desire. If you want feedback, you can email - LoriAnne@LoriAnneReeves.com

  • What leadership qualities did each of your parents exhibit?

  • Who do you admire as a leader and why?

  • What leadership skills to you want to develop as an entrepreneur?

  • Who has been a great leader for you? What do you want to bring forward from them?

  • Who has been an awful leader for you? What did you learn from them?

  • What are the most important decisions you make as an entrepreneurial leader?

  • What is one skill you think every entrepreneurial leader should have?

  • What are you doing to continue to grow as a leader?

  • What’s your biggest blind spot? How are you resolving it?

  • What makes people want to work with you? What makes people don’t work with you?

As a leader, what rules should you be breaking? Know more....

See more related blog: 


Be Real. Generate Revenue.

 In this talk Katie walks you through what to do in those crucial selling conversations so that you are 100% real and authentic in your offering.  She debunks the "mysteries of selling" and shows you exactly how this conversation will convert to the oxygen your business needs so badly - revenue.  You will leave knowing what TO and what NOT to do in sales interactions so you can pave your way for a successful sale.

After all, there is no "magic pill" or "easy button" to make a sale - the best way is to be yourself!  

Speaker Bio

Katie Nelson, Owner of Sales UpRising, helps business owners to overcome their sales fears and in doing so, generate revenue quickly. Her clients hire her because of her business successes, infectious energy, and her ability to keep them inspired to KEEP selling!  As a serial-entrepreneur herself she has seen AND fallen into the pitfalls of small business ownership!

Register Now: Be Real. Generate Revenue.

Event Information

Start Date10/21/2020 11:00 AM
End Date10/21/2020 01:00 PM
Informal Networking10:30 AM
Online Event - Zoom
See more related blog: 

Hacks Every Entrepreneur Needs to Stay Productive

 The life of an entrepreneur can feel overwhelming at times. There’s so much going on, even while working remotely. It’s truly the cliché saying, there’s so much to do with so little time. So, how are we busy entrepreneurs supposed to get anything done? A great start is this blog that you’ve landed on.

We know the feeling all too well and we see it among our eWN community more often than not. Start considering these productivity hacks we’ve put together to be your most productive self:

Work Around a Schedule that Works For You

Choosing a reasonable schedule that helps you balance business and personal life is one of the best things you could do for yourself as an entrepreneur. This doesn’t mean to schedule concerts and marathons in the middle of your week to work around your free time. It means to schedule your free time around the work you need to do. You should also be considerate of what times of day you work best. If you’re more productive at 7 a.m., get an early start to your workdays. If you find more focus and inspiration at 2 p.m., then schedule free time activities before and then hone in on work.

Stop Multitasking

We know as entrepreneurs sometimes we feel the need to do 10 or more things at once. You may think this makes you more productive and saves time, but it actually does the opposite. Only 2 percent of people can effectively multitask, which leaves the other 98 percent of people actually lessening their productivity without even realizing it. It’s vital to nip that in the bud right now before you make a habit of it and find yourself running around like a chicken without a head on. 

Always Be Prepared to Take Notes

Have you ever had a brilliant idea that you swore you would remember and when the time comes it completely slipped your mind? We certainly do. It happens more often than not because we can only retain so much information, especially during other tasks. But you can avoid this by carrying something to take notes whenever something comes to mind. 

You need to record everything that comes to mind the moment it comes to mind. Keep a notepad, journal, or utilize the Notes feature in your cellular device whenever this situation arises. 

Read full blog: Hacks Every Entrepreneur Needs to Stay Productive

See more related blog: 


Strategic In-Person Business Introductions | women speakers network

We want to learn about you and your business— Please join us! Here's your exclusive invitation to participate in an extraordinary IN-PER...