Seven Ways an Unhealed Betrayal is Impacting Your Business

 While it’s common to think that the betrayal of a family member, partner, friend or coworker impacts us personally, here are seven ways an unhealed betrayal is impacting your business:   


1. Confidence- A betrayal shatters our confidence. One minute we can feel safe and secure, then a painful discovery of betrayal can shatter that sense of safety in an instant. Think about how that impacts your business. If confidence is shattered, how comfortable are you asking for the sale, asking for the raise, introducing yourself at a networking event, or making that call to someone you’re hoping to collaborate with? Confidence is crucial in business and without it, it’s extremely challenging to convey your message in the way you want it to come across


2. Health- An unhealed betrayal dramatically impacts your health and level of energy. Once the stress response is ignited from this type of pain, you’re headed for just about every stress-related symptom, condition, illness, even disease. Some of the most common symptoms left in the wake of a betrayal? Digestive issues, extreme exhaustion, brain fog, mental confusion, insomnia, anxiety, sadness, anger, and depression…to name a few. Managing these symptoms, while managing your business (in addition to other responsibilities you may have such as raising children, running a household, taking care of elderly parents, etc.) can make running a thriving business near impossible.


Awareness is the first step towards making changes and the gift in a traumatic experience is the transformation of a healthy, healed, whole and complete “upgraded” version of you. That version never would have emerged had it not been for the experience and it’s the least you owe yourself after going through something painful. After the awareness, fuel it with a healthy desire to fully heal and watch your body, mind, and business transform.

Read full blog: Seven Ways an Unhealed Betrayal is Impacting Your Business

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