Why Women Should Vote?

Aside from the very obvious reason being that most of our ancestors fought for us to have this right, there are a few others we want to shed light on. Why women should vote:

  • Because laws affect women as much as men.

  • Because there are men who are making laws that affect women that are being passed without consulting them.

  • Because over 8 million women in the U.S. are wage workers, and the conditions under which they work are controlled by law.

  • Because women have experience which would be helpful to legislation.

  • Because biologically women are built differently from men, which can bring a new perspective on lawmaking. 

  • Because change can happen in numbers, and women have the power to make that change.

  • Because laws regarding children should include the women’s point of view.

  • Because many intelligent, hard-working women desire legislative positions.

  • Because it is for the common good of all.

Your Body Breakthrough Starts with Choosing YOU

In this powerful and motivational talk Lauren Powers shares how to have a Body Breakthrough by choosing YOU first. Lauren pulls back the curtain of the fitness industry and shares expert tips on how you can be FIT, FIERCE and FABULOUS.

This talk is perfect for professional women who want to learn:

  • The TRUTH about how they can increase their fitness while maintaining their full lives.

  • How to Lose the BS (Belief Systems!) that are Blocking Your Breakthrough

  • Lauren's Secret Sauce to Taking a Stand for Yourself

  • Easy to Implement EXPERT Wellness Tips & Tricks from a Body Building Champion

Event Information

Start Date05/19/2021 10:00 AM
End Date05/19/2021 12:00 PM
Zoom - online
United States

5 Ways You Can Avoid Stagnant Productivity While Working Remote

Below are 5 ways you can avoid stagnant productivity while working remote:

1. Create a consistent schedule to stick to - Remember when you’re home, you won’t be able to avoid all distractions such as family. When you have a lot going on, you want to make sure everything has its dedicated time. Setting a schedule for yourself is a great way to start breaking the cycle of stagnant. Set times to make meals, take a break, work on tasks, help kids with their homework, etc. Following this schedule will allow you to maximize your time and productivity
while minimizing distractions.

2. Avoid doing household chores or having easy distractions during your scheduled work hours - When you’re trying to be productive from home, specifically through work, minimizing distractions that are at the tips of your fingers can increase productivity. This includes having a TV on as background noise or taking a break to clean the kitchen (which usually ends up taking more than just a short break). Distractions like these can instantly take your focus off your task at hand.

3. Set up a comfortable remote office - Having a comfortable and organized setting to do productive work is very important because it sets the tone for your workday. Ideally, it should be a quiet area within your home that is easy to escape from distractions. You should incorporate your own personal style to your workplace, such as art, photos, plants, and other decor. Also, make sure you’re choosing a location to optimize natural lighting as it can help keep your mind focused and prevent possible eye strains. 

4. Have a designated accountability partner - It’s not always easy forming new habits, but you can make it fun by having an accountability partner. This is someone who will check-in and follow up with you to make sure that you’re doing what you said you would do. In this case, it’s having productivity check-ins to see what all you did. This information can help you measure how truly productive you’ve been and where you could improve.

5. Know when to log off and check out - As you get in this routine you may find yourself wanting to keep going to maximize your productivity, but the burn out will be real. Once the time comes to end your workday - END IT. You can always have a team member work on it if they have time, come to it later in the day if it is still on your mind, or add it at the beginning of your to-do list for the next day. 

Get detailed info: 5 Ways You Can Avoid Stagnant Productivity While Working Remote


Go from unrecognizable in your industry to unstoppable in your niche! Today!


Here's the Real Deal...
** There's never been a more important time in history to leverage your star power!
** In 2020 a large portion of the world took their businesses online, have you?
** It's time to STOP trading being the best-kept secret and start profiting from being YOU!
If you are ready to CELEBRITIZE your business and capitalize on being YOU then YOU will not want to miss this exclusive one-time training!

Event Information

Start Date07/27/2021 12:00 PM
End Date07/27/2021 02:00 PM
Informal Networking11:45 ET
United States

Mindfulness Tips for Entrepreneurs When the Going Gets Hard

 Below are some of our favorite mindfulness tips for Entrepreneurs When the Going Gets Hard:

  • Take A Step Back  - Sometimes in order to see something more clearly, you have to take a step back. It can be overwhelming to tackle a hardship immediately. Make time to really reflect on what is happening. If it’s taking over your emotions, give yourself a few days to sit on it. When something dramatically bad or unpleasant or unexpected happens, do not make any decisions for 48 hours afterward.
  • Go Outside - The same reason getting ‘fresh air’ is always encouraged, being in nature can help you in a very beneficial way. One research by The Royal Society even found that individuals who were exposed to nature when having to make a big decision were more likely to take their time thinking through it and often chose the path with more value. Moral of the story here: getting outside can help you get out of your head.
  • Seek Help From Your Support System - As entrepreneurs, you need a support system to help guide and advise you through certain situations. This is no different when you are in a bad headspace. Lean on your friends, family, colleagues, and team members in times of need. You never know when one person has a solution that will change your entire situation. Plus, it’s always good to know that you are not alone in anything that you face.
  • Journal About It - When thoughts are racing, it’s best for entrepreneurs to pick up a pen and paper and start journaling. Sometimes dumping all of your thoughts onto a few pages can better help you understand what is happening. This mindfulness practice is critical to being successful and happier because it allows you to reflect and generate creative solutions. It assists our brains in properly processing what is happening in a way that can foster a healthy outlook.
  • Gain A Different Perspective - Entrepreneurs gain different perspectives on a daily basis, and it is no different when it comes to hardships. When things are not going as planned or how you perceived it to be, try looking at it from a different perspective. Put yourself on the other side of the problem. Think about what it may look like from an outside perspective; one of a team member or colleague. Does it seem as bad from their point of view as it does from yours? The key here is to be open-minded.

Why is Mindfulness For Entrepreneurs Important?

During times of uncertainty and hardship, it’s necessary to practice mindfulness. You will come across a lot of these moments as an entrepreneur, and it’s normal to be uncomfortable. However, you must get used to checking in with your thoughts and feelings to understand what is going on. This mindfulness is key for unlocking big potential in both you and your business.

There is no way you can prepare for everything that may get thrown your way. A great example of this that many can relate to is the global pandemic. The unknown is inevitable, but so is finding a solution to help you stay in a good headspace. You may not realize this, but you are better prepared than you realize, and staying present and mindful will help support good decision-making. You will find more peace amongst the perceived chaos around you by doing so.

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness may be described in many ways. You may have heard of it as taking time for self-care or seen it during a meditation session. But what is it really?

Ryan M. Niemiec, Psy.D., an education director at the VIA Institute on Character, describes mindfulness in three characteristics:

  • Not taking things for granted

  • Returning to the present moment

  • Self-regulation of attention with an attitude of curiosity, openness, and acceptance

Now, for entrepreneurs, mindfulness involves the process of being in tune with your thoughts and body, regularly checking in, and making adjustments based on what you notice. Sound familiar? It’s the opposite of mindlessly doing things or acting out of emotion without intention or strategy to back it up.

Why is Mindfulness For Entrepreneurs Important?

Entrepreneurship can be tough. Keeping spirits high among team members, money flowing in, and investors happy requires a lot of mental and emotional energy. Mindfulness is important because it helps you process the challenges you face in a way that is beneficial to yourself, those around you, and your business. 

It can do many things, including improving health, preventing anxiety and depression, improving cognitive abilities, and battling burnout. Overall, it helps make tough situations more manageable. This leads to more productivity, efficiency, and happiness. All things that can create a significant boost for you and your business.

Get detailed info: Why is Mindfulness For Entrepreneurs Important

7 Tips for Leading An Effective Virtual Meeting

The new workday consists of many virtual meetings. Whether you’re working from home or social distancing, effective communication is essential for business success. It may seem simple because all you have to do is click some buttons, turn on your camera and you’re in. But, conducting productive meetings takes planning and preparation.  

  1. Have A Solid Plan 
  2. Test The Set-Up
  3. Create And Share An Agenda Before Meeting
  4. Make Sure Video-On Is Set For All Attendees
  5. Avoid Topics That Can’t Relate To All Attendees
  6. Ask For Feedback During Meeting
  7. Agree And Reiterate The Next Steps
Virtual meetings aren’t going anywhere. Having these meetings isn’t the solution to everything but it can be vital for moving projects forward. Implement these seven tips into your next virtual meeting and you will see a significant increase in productivity. 

13 Productivity Tips to Help Small Business Entrepreneurs

 Productivity is very different when you’re a small business owner compared to large corporations. You’re making due, with limited resources and time. So, figuring out how to adapt your own strategies that work is very important. 

From figuring out which systems to put in place, and onboarding the right talent to increasing brand awareness through marketing efforts, small business entrepreneurs have to get creative about solutions to improve efficiency and increase productivity. The best starting point is what you’re about to read. Here are 13 productivity tips that you might not even know about yet that will help you as a small business entrepreneur.

  1. Set a Routine
  2. Prioritize Your Tasks
  3. Be Aware of How You Start Your Mornings
  4. Utilize Scheduling Tools
  5. Take Advantage of Your Flexibility
  6. Ask for Help
  7. Invest in Social Media
  8. Automate Tasks When You Can
  9. Get Rid of Time Wasters
  10. Streamline Your Internal Communications
  11. Adopt a Stress Relief Routine that Incorporates Movement
  12. Work on One Non-Urgent Task Every Day
  13. Practice Self-Management

The 4 Cybermonsters You Need To Protect Your Business From

 1. The CyCri-M0 - the Cyber Criminal Monsters

Cyber Criminal monsters operate like small businesses and other for-profit companies and large enterprises. Their product is your money and they have unique ways to source and obtain it. They employ skilled hackers and scammers to conduct their business or they purchase information once somebody else has stolen it. They even form partnerships to leverage each other’s technologies and do more harm.

2. The HaKi-M0 - the Hacktivist Monster

Hacktivism is the act of misusing a computer system, computer network, or computer data for political or social motives. Cybermonsters who practice hacktivism are known as hacktivists. The HaKi-M0’s goal is to disrupt or bring attention to a specific cause, as well as to humiliate and embarrass their victim- and financial gain is not their primary focus. 

3. NaSu-M0, the Nation-State Monster

NaSu-M0 Cybermonsters are motivated by political, economic, technical, or military agendas. Nation-State Monsters use stolen intellectual property or valuable information ha

cked from companies and governments to build up their own businesses. Recently, NaSu-M0’s target has shifted toward individual consumers and small businesses because – just like other Cybermonsters – they look for vulnerable and easy entry points to steal critical data.

4. The InSi-M0, the Insider Cybermonster

InSi-M0 Cybermonsters could be anyone with legitimate access to your personal information or your business data: employees, former employees, contractors, vendors or business partners, or vengeful ex-spouses. The Insider Cybermonster could attack by accident, because of ignorance, due to negligence, or for a specific financial or malicious intent. InSi-Mo will misuse their access to your sensitive information and negatively affect you, your organization, or business operation. They may be involved with espionage, fraud, theft, or the disclosure of unauthorized information, sabotage of your systems, or operations.

Read full blog: The 4 Cybermonsters You Need To Protect Your Business From

How Kindness Goes a Long Way for Entrepreneurs

When you think about the word ‘entrepreneur’, qualities like leadership, fierceness, and hard-working might come to mind. But what about the quality of kindness? 

The theme of collaboration over competition has surfaced over the years changing the way entrepreneurs do business. This shift is caused by major changes in the industry like the fact that women have grown to represent over 42 percent of all American businesses with over 250 million women entrepreneurs worldwide. And psychologically, women report experiencing more compassion in their lives than men report doing. So, it’s time to change the way we think about business. 

Recent studies have shown that kindness can pay off more than we think, especially in the modern workforce. Looking back at the climate of 2020, kindness was quick to become the emerging trend of the year. From compassionate brands helping provide the resources and tools for others to spread the message like the Nonprofit Campaign, Random Acts of Kindness, and Kindness.org, to social media movements. Big corporations like Dairy Queen, Havaianas, and Volkswagen were also quick to jump on the movement with their own acts of kindness.

Amazing things happen when entrepreneurs shift from a self-centered, aggressive approach and choose to be sympathetic and have compassion in business. In honor of World Kindness Day, we decided to dive into how kindness goes a long way for entrepreneurs.

  1. Kindness strengthens trust
  2. Kindness establishes respect
  3. Kindness helps everyone’s health
  4. Kindness leads to success

It may sound cliché, but kindness is very contagious. Being sympathetic to others can help you succeed as an entrepreneur in many different aspects. The more you are able to implement compassion into your business, the more reputable and authentic you and your business will be in the long run.

Read full blog: How Kindness Goes a Long Way for Entrepreneurs

10 Tech Tools Every Entrepreneur Should Invest In

Saying that we live in a digital age is a little cliché at this point, but it still holds very true. Every day, entrepreneurs and businesses are looking for ways to integrate and automate technology into their work systems. Technology allows entrepreneurs to stay up to date and maximize productive outcomes that can save time, energy, and money.

With tons of tech tools and software programs available in the market, it might take some time to figure out what works best with your business systems. However, we’re here to make things a little easier by providing you with ten tech tools that every entrepreneur should invest in to increase efficiency and productivity!

  1. Stress Management Technology
  2. Training Software That Works
  3. Internal Chat Platform
  4. Video Equipment
  5. SEO Rank Tracker
  6. Good Project Management Software
  7. Automate Meetings
  8. Manage Passwords & Logins
  9. Mobile Optimization

  10. Social Media Tools

Ready to produce more productive results?

⁠Our partner, Dell has the perfect tech solutions for you. After all, in order to produce efficient and productive results you have to have the right tech equipment to do so. From laptops and desktops to servers and storage, Dell’s Small Business Advisors can fit you with the best tech solutions for your business. Plus, eWomenNetwork members receive up to 48% off with their exclusive discount.

Read full blog: 10 Tech Tools Every Entrepreneur Should Invest In

7 Financial Mistakes 95% of Entrepreneurs Make That You Can Avoid!

It's often said that more than half of new businesses fail during the first year. According to the Small Business Association (SBA), this isn't necessarily true. The SBA states that only 30% of new businesses fail during the first two years of being open, 50% during the first five years and 66% during the first 10. But there is also the ‘not discussed’ statistic that most businesses may not have failed yet, but that they are hanging on by a mere thread

So, why does this statistic remain the same year after year and how can you level up your chances at being on the winning side of those statistics

I'll cover 7 financial mistakes most Entrepreneurs are making and how to shift!  

Register Now: 7 Financial Mistakes 95% of Entrepreneurs Make That You Can Avoid!

Event Information

Start Date07/15/2021 11:30 AM
End Date07/15/2021 01:30 PM
Informal Networking11:00 AM
United States
ChapterGreater BurlingtonVT

YES I Can: Designing Life On Your Terms

 Tired of saying NO to the things you really want? Feel like you may be missing something but not sure what? Questioning “is this it”? Why are you waiting to live your best life? Why are you waiting to follow your dreams? Why are you waiting at all? It’s time to step into the life you are meant to live – designing your #YESICAN lifestyle for fulfillment, fun and fabulousness.

Speaker Bio

Cathy Alessandra, also known as The YES I CAN Coach, is a dynamic, innovative woman who inspires her international clients and audiences into action. An entrepreneur for over 25+ years, Cathy has owned and published two magazines and has two best-selling books on Amazon with her third book, Dare to Be You: You Were Born to Be Brave, Bold and Fabulous, released in the fall of 2019. She coaches entrepreneurs around the world using her signature YES Method tm and Success System. Her energetic style provides an interactive experience for business owners who want to take their business and life to the next level. She shares her expertise on topics ranging from marketing and networking to leadership and work-life balance.

Event Link : https://www.ewomennetwork.com/event/yes-i-can-designing-life-on-your-terms-6745/register

Event Location : Online - Zoom, Canada

Contact Number: 250-744-4715

Location : Vancouver Metro, BC

Turn your Social Media into a Golden Goose

 Social Media can be a distraction or a profitable tool for growing your community and business. All to often people get caught up in trying to get more friend, connections, followers, and likes. Instead of using social media as a way to show up, bring value, serve one another, and turn soft contacts into long-term paying clients. I will walk you through how to turn your social media into a referral machine, while building lasting relationships. Best of all, this presentation will meet you wherever you’re at with social media, from the beginner to someone who already has a big following. Are your clients and prospects thinking of you when a referral opportunity presents itself? After you take this course they will be.  

Speaker Bio

Mike Raber is a #1 International Bestselling Business Author, Speaker & Coach. His skills and capabilities of leadership, building relationships, growing different businesses, and writing a book with his daughter on the secret to raising financial savvy kids helped to make him the father, business and wealth architect he is today. Mike is continually perfecting his skills in the areas of financial management, leadership & business development around the many challenges faced by small business owners. He has also written a book sharing many lessons learned from starting, building, & selling a business 100% by referral. Mike works with coaches, influencers, and professionals helping them to fully understand their own purpose or core genius.

Event url: - https://www.ewomennetwork.com/event/turn-your-social-media-into-a-golden-goose-6849/register

Event Location : Online Event - Zoom

Contact Number: 425-444-5558

Embrace Change & Transformation Panel

Key Takeaways:

*Be inspired by how others, not only survived, but thrived in these

unprecedented times.

*Key Action Steps they took that may help you

*How to step into your next bold move and more!

Register Now: Embrace Change & Transformation Panel

Event Information

Start Date06/02/2021 11:30 AM
End Date06/02/2021 01:30 PM
Informal Networking11:00 AM
Online Event - Zoom

Selling with Ease and Authenticity

Join women’s business master coach, Caterina Rando for a perspective on selling that will make it easy for you to enjoy every sales conversation. This will results in you gaining more clients more easily. 

We will throw out a couple of sales techniques you may have been taught that do not work for you because they are out of alignment with you and your values. 

Register Now: Selling with Ease and Authenticity

Event Information

Start Date06/10/2021 11:15 AM
End Date06/10/2021 02:00 PM
Online Event - Zoom
United States
ChapterOrange CountyCA

Lose Your Excuses, Find Your Results

Are you ready to experience 3 experts sharing how you can lose your excuses and find your results.  Are you aware that by saying, "Yes, BUT..." you are creating more obstacles for yourself? Let's shift the script and say, "Yes, AND" so we can eliminate the excuses and start creating our desired results. 

How can you start soaring into the year with confidence by letting go of limiting beliefs....

  • Know where you want to go
  • Uncover the limiting beliefs that are holding you back
  • Create a new Story

 Register Now: Lose Your Excuses, Find Your Results

Event Information

Start Date05/26/2021 06:00 PM
End Date05/26/2021 08:00 PM
Informal Networking5:30pm
ONLINE Zoom Event
United States
ChapterGreater Hartford CT

Monetize Your STORY: Write Your Book!

Smart entrepreneurs know that a book is the new business card. Do you have one? Your book should define your brand, reveal your vulnerabilities, explain your expertise, and draw readers to want to work more closely with you so you can earn more.

In this session, Anita, The Author's Midwife will:

  • Explain how simple it is to write a book that helps you

  • Highlight your superpowers to establish your expertise

  • Share your knowledge to influence others

  • Tell your unique story

  • Reveal life lessons that have guided you

  • Expose your dreams and accomplishments  

You'll leave with a renewed commitment to write your book to earn more money in your business.  

Register Now - Monetize Your STORY: Write Your Book!

Event Information

Start Date05/25/2021 12:00 PM
End Date05/25/2021 02:00 PM
Informal Networking11:30 AM
Online Event - Zoom

Perfecting Your Elevator Pitch

Elevator pitches are extremely important for entrepreneurs in any relationship-building interaction. It is exactly what it sounds like; a pitch that is as long as an elevator ride. In other words, a brief, persuasive speech that you can use to spark interest in what your organization does. Think of it as a quick way to create interest in a project, idea, or product. When you give

an elevator pitch you have to condense the most important and captivating information into less than a minute. Ready to take the challenge on?

We’re going to share the formula for creating and perfecting your elevator pitch. One that is concise, clear, and gets noticed by the right people. Get ready to learn from the experts who have done it from time and time again to create eWomenNetwork into the globally successful company it is today. Here is a step-by-step guide to crafting the perfect elevator pitch and connecting with your target audiences with confidence:

  • Identify Your Goal/Mission - Start by thinking about what is your objective within your pitch. Do you have a great new product idea that you want to pitch to an investor? Or do you want a simple and engaging speech to explain what you do for a living?  Write out your ideas and keep them in a list organized by your goal and correlating audience that you would be pitching it to. For example, if your goal is the new product idea that would pair with investors, however, if it was explaining your job, that would be potential partners, team members, etc. That way you’re prepared when the time comes to pitch yourself.
  • Explain What You Do - Start your pitch off by describing what you and/or your organization does. Focus on the problems that you solve and how you help people. Adding in information or a statistic that emphasizes the value of what you do can be very beneficial, as well.  Ask yourself this question: What do I want others to remember most about me? The answer should excite you. After all, if you’re not excited about what you’re talking about, why would someone else be? Also, remember to keep it short and sweet. You only have a few minutes to get all the information out and you don’t want to overload the person your pitching to with too much information. The goal here is retention.
  • Put It All Together - Once you’ve established an idea of what each part of your elevator pitch will entail, you should then start putting the pieces together. Read it aloud and use a timer to ensure that it is no longer than 45-60 seconds. Otherwise, you might lose the person’s interest. Cut out any unnecessary information because the shorter, the better!

How to Protect your Brand in the AI Era

Unpack and learn the secrets to protecting your brand in the digital landscape of AI and design platforms like Canva. You will walk away wit...