Why Healthy Competition Is Good for Entrepreneurs

As an entrepreneur, you are always taught to look for competitive advantages. Whether it’s a marketing campaign or making a new investment, wherever you can gain an edge puts you that much closer to being successful. And depending on what industry you may be in, you may have to fight a bit harder in your space than others. Still, the same message holds true and you’ll find that competition is actually very beneficial for you, the industry, and your consumers. 

However, there are many entrepreneurs who run away from it. Some may feel like it’s too pushy and that they can do better without integrating a bunch of systems and tools that set them apart in a saturated market. It’s time to grow out of that mindset and adopt a new one. One that is welcoming to the thought of competition and embraces all that comes with it. 

Here are key reasons that prove healthy competition is good for entrepreneurs:

  • Sparks Innovation
  • Helps You Better Your Systems
  • Prevents Complacency
  • Allows Differentiation to Shine 
  • Makes You More Self-Aware

It’s important to understand all the ways that competition can benefit you and your business as an entrepreneur, as well as how to approach monitoring your competitors. When you find clarity in these key factors, you’ll end up with much greater respect for other entrepreneurs, as well as your own.

Important Links:

How to Use LinkedIn to Drive Traffic and Increase Sales

Do you want your posts to get visibility and generate business from LinkedIn?  Do you want a clear plan to get the biggest bang for your time spent on LinkedIn?

Judi Fox, aka #FoxRocks on LinkedIn, will share secrets that you can implement immediately that can take your posts from 100 views to 10,000 views. 

Judi will cover the types of content that convert more business and how to use new features. When this talk is over, you’ll know how to accelerate your LinkedIn content to get more business and sales.

Event Information

Start Date06/23/2021 12:00 PM
End Date06/23/2021 02:00 PM
Informal Networking11:30 AM
The Boathouse At Rocketts Landing
4708 E. Old Main St  
Richmond VA 23231
United States
Event Link: How to Use LinkedIn to Drive Traffic and Increase Sales

Important Links:

The Power of Our Silent Language

 At this powerful event, you will:

  • Know the perfect time to close a deal.

  • Learn how your body language influences other people’s perception of you.

  • Learn how to present, persuade, and preserve your professional relationships.

Event Information

Start Date07/08/2021 11:15 AM
End Date07/08/2021 02:00 PM
Informal Networking10:45 AM
Online Event - Zoom
United States
ChapterOrange CountyCA
Event Link: The Power of Our Silent Language

Important Links:

Intro to Crystal Healing By Energy Body Vibration Expert, Debbie Sodergren

Let’s face it, we all could use a little help in building our business, I happen to enlist the help of things that have a high vibration, such as crystals!

  1. Citrine - Let’s start with Citrine. I love Citrine. The color of the sun's golden rays. Citrine is known as the merchant’s stone of wealth. It is ideal for those looking for success in business and personal power in careers.  Citrine brings good luck in addition to prosperous new deals into your business. 
  2. Rose Quartz - It is my next ‘must-have’ crystal. Beautiful, light pink Rose quartz is known for bringing in abundance. I have learned that this happens only when we are learning self-love, self-empowerment, and self-trust.  This crystal helps us feel compassion and softens the walls around our heart that we have erected. What I now understand, is that if you have walls around your heart, (most of us do because of traumas we’ve experienced) we think we are protecting ourselves by blocking out the bad stuff but instead we are also blocking out the good stuff. Rose Quartz is a great stone to crumble away the walls around your heart and build yourself back up into your vibrant, loved, empowered, trusting self. 
  3. Pyrite - It is the next amazing one to have in your possession if you have a business. This golden square nugget helps with bringing in money and opening you up into prosperity in many ways, especially in financial terms. It’s also a heart-opening stone. Some keep it on them in their wallet, or by their cash register or in their purse for luck and fortune. It’s not like an ‘oh wow, luck will come my way now that I have this crystal”, it’s more of the energy of feeling lucky and feeling like you can create whatever you need when you need it, more of a ‘get it done’ crystal.
  4. Clear Quartz - Next in line is a Clear Quartz.  Clear quartz is known to work with all the chakras and encourages clarity. Look to your clear quartz as your favorite neutral lip color that goes with everything. It is known as the amplifier stone. You will want to put your clear quartz in the same vicinity as all your other money crystals because you want to amplify all their vibrations. 
  5. Selenite - And last but not least, you want to have Selenite. This translucent crystal is found in a stick form. It is often used as a ‘wand’ to wave over and clear energy. Think of it like a charcoal cleanser that helps to detox you and your home. It allows that space for your true wealth to come flooding in. You can use it to clear energies off your other crystals, off yourself, out of your home, off everything really!   
Important Links:

3 Keys to Harness the Power of the DANGER ZONE to Create a Life of Ease, Abundance and Deep Purpose

This past year, you rose to the occasion. Out of necessity, you discovered a streak of power, brilliance and amazing ingenuity that laid dormant within you. What if you could access this same power during times of ease and without the drama of crisis? What if you knew that this is naturally who you are?  

Join Felicia as she helps you tap into this indescribable power that is always available to you without having to have a crisis to activate it. No longer do you have to get painted into a corner to make your quantum leap.

During this presentation, you will:

  1. Learn why you are so much more attuned during times of deep transition and difficulty.

  2. Discover the steps to access the Power Source that flows through you without the crisis so you can embrace change and growth from a place of adventure.

  3. Gain tools to help you consistently take the bold actions required to create your quantum leaps. 

Event Information

Start Date07/08/2021 11:30 AM
End Date07/08/2021 01:30 PM
Informal Networking11 ET
Online Event - Zoom
Event Link: 3 Keys to Harness the Power of the DANGER ZONE to Create a Life of Ease, Abundance and Deep Purpose

Important Links: 

CIA Spy Secrets to Making Goals Work for You

 This is for purpose-driven leaders who are sick and tired of everything feeling so DANG hard.

Are you sick of goals not working for you?

They’re supposed to be motivating and inspiring but somehow, they never work that way for you. Don’t worry, you’re not broken.

There’s just a missing link between where you are now, and the goals you set.

Join Martha Wilson and discover the 3 biggest “goal-getting” mistakes really smart people make that leave them feeling stretched thin, burned out, and disappointed.

In this value-packed session, you’ll learn…

·         The real reason goals have never worked for you…Trust me, it has nothing to with how S.M.A.R.T. they are.

·         The hidden factors that are setting you up for unnecessary stress and making everything harder than it needs to be…so you can finally stop feeling guilty and beating yourself up and actually DO something about it.

·         The #1 thing standing in the way of you making consistent, meaningful progress toward the things you really want…even if you don’t know exactly what that is yet.

I promise, accomplishing goals doesn’t have to be so painful.

Event Information

Start Date06/17/2021 11:30 AM
End Date06/17/2021 01:30 PM
Informal Networking11:00 CT
5908 Headquarters Dr  
Plano TX 75024
United States
ChapterNorth Dallas/PlanoTX
Event Link: CIA Spy Secrets to Making Goals Work for You

Important Links: 

Where’s the Money – Post-Pandemic Strategies to Build Your Business


  • What new skills do we need to be successful in this new era?
  •  Are the expectations of your clients/prospect different today than before Covid?  How do we take advantage of this opportunity?
  • What are the top three financial strategies we should embrace to help us navigate in this next phase?

Now that most people are feeling relieved to be past the worst of the pandemic and its aftermath – you might be asking yourself - why do I not feel better about my financial situation?  What was your biggest takeaway during the year and what commitment did you make to yourself that you would never allow yourself to be in this position again? What knowledge and information did you gain in the last year and how do you use that to propel your business to the next level? 

Event Information

Start Date06/10/2021 11:30 AM
End Date06/10/2021 01:30 PM
Informal Networking11 CT
United States
ChapterTwin CitiesMN
Event Link: Where’s the Money – Post-Pandemic Strategies to Build Your Business
Important Links:

The Rise of Audio Influencers

Audio creators are the newest influencers to the digital market, mostly born from the rise of podcasts and the audio-based app Clubhouse. This doesn’t come as a surprise looking at the past few years where many content creators turned into mini-celebrities within their genre due to social media and streaming platforms. There was a huge surge during the lockdown. With limited and restricted outdoor activity, people moved their attention from the outside world to the digital world where information to entertainment was consumed in the form of online content from video to audio.

Now, content creators continue to go out of their way to showcase their craft and expertise via their social media and streaming platforms in hope of gaining an “influence”. And many are doing it quite well as newcomers and professionals lead into the digital playground with an open mind.

Audio influencing has become such a widespread phenomenon that even platforms like Twitter have started to introduce their own form of audio-based rooms, with Facebook also introducing a new in-app podcast player. These new features come as Clubhouse, the trailblazing app that started it all, approaches the end of an explosive first year. According to one researcher, the app has been downloaded more than 4.7 million times since its introduction just last April. 

Many industry experts see this interactive audio trend as an exciting area that will produce a new wave of influencers. “Never before have so many brands, entrepreneurs, influencers and regular folks had instant access to their most devoted audience,” author of “The Passion Economy”, Adam Davidson told the New York Times. “Like any transformational medium, it offers new opportunities.

We’re currently seeing the early emergence of audio creators, who are creating and cultivating communities for their platforms and they’re very niche and specific. When you dive into the digital playground, there is really an audio creator out there for everyone. This aligns with the shift of wanting to consume more personalized content in our daily lives. Gone are the days of having to only tune into major content creators, and here to stay are the days where we can go out there and find micro creators whose community aligns with our values. 

For entrepreneurs who are trying to figure out where to amplify their voice, trying to stay on top of every new social platform to hit the market can be bewildering. Think about it, Clubhouse didn’t even exist until 2020. But remember, not every app or platform matters equally to every brand. 

Instead, take a look at how social audio plays a part in your content strategy for building awareness, converting consumers, and building relationships. Trying to become a hot audio influencer on Clubhouse may or may not be what your brand needs. However, one thing is for sure: the rise of audio influencers is on the come up and it cannot be ignored!

Get detailed info: The Rise of Audio Influencers

Important Links:

life transformation expert

Secrets For A Thriving Business

The Power of Style: 3 Secrets to Dress For Success, Get More Clients & Be Unforgettable & In Demand

Learn how the power of style can change your business and help you get more clients.  What if what you're wearing is steering your potential clients into the arms of your competitor?  And what if your wardrobe is causing you to leave money on the table?  Now imagine if you could fix that so that you show up being authentic, on-brand, and confident with your style?  That could be the game-changer in your business you need.

During our time together Elisa will reveal the 3 secrets you need to know to dress for success.  You'll walk away knowing;

      How to be unforgettable
      How to do it without breaking the bank
      How to be in demand.

      Event Information

      Start Date06/10/2021 11:30 AM
      End Date06/10/2021 01:30 PM
      Informal Networking11:00 am
      Online Event - Zoom
      Event Link: The Power of Style: 3 Secrets to Dress For Success, Get More Clients & Be Unforgettable & In Demand

      Important Links: 

      The Importance of Knowing Your Why and It's Impact on Your Branding

      "The two most important days of your life are the day your were born and the day you find out WHY."  Mark Twain

      Lisa will provide clarity and direction for discovering your WHY.  Lisa believes that nothing is more powerful than knowing your purpose, whether personally or professionally.  Finding your Why will help you get clear, stand out and play big.  Don't waste your life, your potential, your gifts, your time and especially don't waste your WHY.
      When you discover your WHY, you will  own your purpose and WHY you are here.  Your WHY emanates through everything you do from buying a car, to what you order in a restaurant, how you life to vacation, where you work and WHY you do the work you do.

      Event Information

      Start Date06/17/2021 11:30 AM
      End Date06/17/2021 01:30 PM
      Informal Networking11:00 AM
      United States
      ChapterGreater BurlingtonVT
      Event Link: The Importance of Knowing Your Why and It's Impact on Your Branding

      Important Links:

      Self Care is Preventative Care

      Learn from Licensed Professional Counselor and Founder of IOME, Becky Lauridsen, as she walks you through a presentation on the importance of Guilt Free Self Care. You will learn the difference between self care and self indulgence and walk away with an action plan to ensure you are on a journey to being your best self. 

      Event Information

      Start Date06/09/2021 11:30 AM
      End Date06/09/2021 01:30 PM
      Informal Networking10:45 AM
      The Pinery at the Hill
      775 Bijou St.  
      Colorado Springs CO 80905
      United States
      ChapterColorado SpringsCO
      Event Link: Self Care is Preventative Care

      Important Links:

      How to Protect your Brand in the AI Era

      Unpack and learn the secrets to protecting your brand in the digital landscape of AI and design platforms like Canva. You will walk away wit...