Learning Blocks--What are Yours and How to Overcome Them

 We all have learning blocks that are ingrained in us since childhood because no one taught us HOW to learn, just WHAT to learn. These learning blocks follow us into our professional lives still today.

Have you ever been extremely busy yet not productive? Many people feel overwhelmed but don’t know where to begin to calm the storm. Most are unaware you even have learning blocks. Yet everyone has the ability to optimize their brain’s capabilities so that they can enjoy their best professional and personal lives.  I teach people how to function optimally doing things they never thought were possible, like learning a new language, putting names to faces, using Mind Maps, applying strategic speed reading or memorizing important numbers, lists or speeches just to name a few. That is Cosimo’s genius!

Awareness is the first step to change. He teaches people how to be super productive based on how YOUR brain functions in a way that is best suited to YOU so you can experience the unlimited power YOUR mind.

You’ll learn:

·         What are a learning blocks? and how can you overcome them?

·         What are common learning blocks do most people need to overcome?

·         How much more your “unblocked” mind can achieve?

Event Link: Learning Blocks--What are Yours and How to Overcome Them

Event Information

Start Date07/21/2021 11:30 AM
End Date07/21/2021 01:30 PM
Informal Networking11 am
Online Event
Important Link: Orlando women entrepreneurs network

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