My Speaker Topics

The Pychology of Selling (this includes number of sub topics, such as The Pychology of Agreement, Overcoming Objections, The Anatomy of Rejection, The Art of Persuasion, Submiminal Selling, Body Language)

Battling Invisible Enemies: Facing Inner Struggles Head On

Becoming Memorable: Standing Out In a Crowd

Overcoming Adversity


Building Authentic Relationships

Identifying Your Talents

Developing G.R.I.T (Guts. Resolve. Intensity. Tact)

Mastering Self Discipline

Techniques for Powerful and Effective Subconscious Communication

How To THRIVE in the New Decade 

Event Information

Start Date08/19/2021 11:30 AM
End Date08/19/2021 01:30 PM
Informal Networking11:00 AM
5908 Headquarters Dr  
Plano TX 75024
United States
ChapterNorth Dallas/PlanoTX
Event Link: My Speaker Topics

Online Madison Member Speaker Showcase

Experience the excitement and power of Accelerated Online Networking, a unique eWomenNetwork process that assures you have an opportunity to:

  • Promote who you are and what you do;
  • Ask for what you specifically need from others;
  • Develop new business alliances and friends; and
  • Learn new ideas and strategies for promoting your business and generating more revenue

Join us as we highlight four of Madison's eWomenNetwork Speakers!

Event Information

Start Date08/18/2021 11:30 AM
End Date08/18/2021 01:30 PM
Informal Networking11:00
Online - Zoom Venue
United States
Event Link: Online Madison Member Speaker Showcase

Important Link: Business Women Network

Master Your Message-How to Convert Networking Opportunities into Clients & Cash

Mastering Your Message is NOT about marketing. It's about WHO you are at what makes YOU stand out in a crowded marketplace of 30 second-1 minute elevator pitches. Imagine clients coming to you and saying, "I NEED to work with you."  When you understand your core message, and how to deliver it, it can happen!

Event Information

Start Date10/28/2021 03:00 PM
End Date10/28/2021 05:00 PM
Informal Networking2:30
Atlantis Casino Resort Spa
3800 S Virginia St  
Reno NV 89502
United States
Event Link: Master Your Message-How to Convert Networking Opportunities into Clients & Cash

Elevate Your Image: 3 Secrets to Create Influence, Impact, and Rev Up Your Revenue With Your Visual Brand

You will learn 

  • How to capture the attention of your ideal clients without saying a word
  • How to instantly build the know, like and trust factor with your visual images
  • How to capture your clients instantly with your images

Event Information

Start Date08/17/2021 11:00 AM
End Date08/17/2021 01:00 PM
Informal Networking10:45
Online - Zoom
United States
ChapterSalt Lake CityUT
Event Link - Elevate Your Image: 3 Secrets to Create Influence, Impact, and Rev Up Your Revenue With Your Visual Brand

Important Link: women groups in dallas tx

5 Self-Care Strategies for Busy Entrepreneurs

At eWomenNetwork, we are all about taking time for self-care because your business only functions as well as you do. You can’t function correctly if you are stressed out. Researchers have suggested that entrepreneurs have more mood swings and a loss of motivation due to a certain character trait. Entrepreneurs are so busy wearing many different hats that they often forget to take a much-needed step back, so it is very important to practice self-care. Even the most successful entrepreneurs know you have to carve out time for yourself.

What is Self-Care? 

Let us clear up one thing: self-care does not mean you are being selfish. Self-care is a term used to describe one's actions of staying healthy, both mentally and physically, by doing activities that make you feel good. In the past few years, this definition has expanded into activities such as pampering yourself, focusing on emotional needs, and personal growth. It’s time to start managing your health and well-being starting with self-care. Here are our team’s five self-care activities for busy entrepreneurs.

1. Get Moving

Try to exercise every single day, even for a little bit - it’s a great stress reliever. Staying active forces you to apply yourself mentally and physically. A simple walk around your office, or a few jumping jacks, when you’re feeling overwhelmed can help you get out of your head. Simply walking around can help you disconnect from work which helps you in your after-work hours. No longer laying awake thinking about work and helps you to be more present at home.

2. Create A Workspace You Love

You spend the majority of your time in your office, so be mindful of that when decorating. Your workspace can motivate you or cause more distractions. Clutter on your desk needs to be cleared before you head home, so you can start your next day fresh. Some affirmation wall decor definitely wouldn’t hurt to put up in your space as that can help you feel more confident. Less can actually be more productive, make sure your workspace flows and makes you feel good being in there.

 3. Make Time to Do Other Things That You Love

Everyone needs a break from work to blow off steam and do something that they enjoy. It’s called me-time for a reason so do with it what you want and when you want to. If you want to read every night before bed, then do it. If you want to exercise every morning before work, then do it. Even getting your nails done monthly, go do it. Make time for all the things you love doing and actually do it. Find ways every night to unwind from work, that will help you not feel burnt out. No more excuses. 

4. Treat Yourself

This phrase can mean many different things to people. For some, this means buying yourself something, big or small. For others, it means taking time for yourself to read, write, paint, take a bath, or catch up on your favorite shows. Either way, allow yourself to be rewarded for all your hard work. Give yourself the recognition you deserve because you do work incredibly hard. Doing something fun that you enjoy helps give your mind a break so you can be more creative and energized when you have to get back to work. 

5. Check In With Your Mental Health

Checking in with yourself is so important to not only your well-being but also the relationships around you. Engaging in self-care activities, such as exercising or journaling, that promote good mental health is a great place to start getting in tune with yourself. It’s about taking time to be self-aware - to gather your thoughts and reflect on the day. You will feel refreshed and better equipped to handle daily stressors once you start checking in with yourself daily.

Your mental and physical health must take priority in your life in order for your business to have long-term success. By knowing when to unplug from work, you give yourself time to decompress, reconnect with loved ones, and check in with your own well-being. Take time practicing these strategies, you can even add in your own flair to it to get the most out of your self-care. They don’t need to take a long time for you to get something out of these activities. Next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, consider these de-stressors that can take you from stress to success. So, shut your laptop, draw yourself a bath, go for a walk, call your best friend. Whatever it is you do to unwind, go do it because your work can wait. You not only need self-care but you deserve it. 

Good Gala: How to Supercharge Business Giving

 You'll Learn:

How to better brand your events 

How to create sponsorship levels that will have businesses excited to work with you

How to put on a successful gala  

How to build successful business relationships needed to succeed sustainably

Ellie White-Stevens, Owner of Dirt1x, knows what it takes to grow a small business. She’s built hers from the ground up and has helped numerous clients find life-changing success. Ellie volunteers extensively and serves on several local boards and committees. Eight years ago, she created an annual soiree, O Christmas Tea, to benefit domestic abuse survivors. The event has turned a profit every year and has netted more than $113,000 to date. She helped another non-profit raise more than $40,000 

Important Link: Marketing Networking Events Dallas

From FOG to CLARITY - The Path to Work/Life Balance

You're a professional woman who operates with high passion and purpose. You work hard, but are you getting to play hard, or harder than you work? Imagine if your days were led with full clarity, working AND living on-brand and on-purpose, feeling energized and nourished with meaningful, beautifully paid work and an abundance of time for play, growing your business gorgeously with grace and ease. It IS possible! The key is going from fog to clarity. Lorrie Thomas Ross is an entrepreneur, retreat leader, author, wife, mother and volunteer who has run a successful business for 16 years and knows firsthand how challenging work and life balance can be. She will share her breakthrough story and a simple, super-powered formula that will help you architect your life personally and professionally in happy, healthy, and wealthy ways!

Event Information

Start Date09/09/2021 11:30 AM
End Date09/09/2021 01:30 PM
Informal Networking10:45 AM
The Valley Country Club
14601 Country Club Drive  
Centennial CO 80016
United States

Whole-Brained Decisions Lead to Greater Profitability

Bring Your Whole Brain to Work

Learn what the world's most successful CEO's know: Intuition is a must when making decisions! When you make decisions based on just the facts, it's like leaving half your brain in the car! But a gut check isn't enough.

The secret is to know how your intuition shows up for you, how to call on it pro-actively, and how to trust it. When you use your whole brain you will have greater clarity and confidence in your decisions. Stop wasting time and money on half-brained decisions. Let Mary help you gain expanded awareness for forward momentum. 

Event Information

Start Date08/09/2021 02:00 PM
End Date08/09/2021 04:00 PM
Informal Networking1:45 pm ET
Online Event - Zoom
United States
Event Link: Whole-Brained Decisions Lead to Greater Profitability

Important Link: women business network

Whole-Brained Decisions Lead to Greater Profitability

Bring Your Whole Brain to Work

Learn what the world's most successful CEO's know: Intuition is a must when making decisions! When you make decisions based on just the facts, it's like leaving half your brain in the car! But a gut check isn't enough.

The secret is to know how your intuition shows up for you, how to call on it pro-actively, and how to trust it. When you use your whole brain you will have greater clarity and confidence in your decisions. Stop wasting time and money on half-brained decisions. Let Mary help you gain expanded awareness for forward momentum

Event Information

Start Date08/09/2021 02:00 PM
End Date08/09/2021 04:00 PM
Informal Networking1:45 pm ET
Online Event - Zoom
United States
Event Link: Whole-Brained Decisions Lead to Greater Profitability

8 Public Relations Tips Every Entrepreneur Can Implement Without Having A Degree In PR

Understanding the power of your unique story and media is critical for your business's success. First let’s discuss what Public Relations, also known as PR is, PR is the art of creating and delivering messages that generate publicity for a business. PR helps spread awareness about who you are and what you do, which helps increase sales and drives business growth. Our team of public relations experts has outlined eight PR tips for you to implement into your strategies!

  1. Understanding Your Story
  2. Research Your Target Audience
  3. Knowing How To Pitch Yourself
  4. Email Etiquette
  5. Interview Etiquette
  6. Communication is Key
  7. Longevity of PR
  8. Credibility

Now that you got down the PR basics, go out and tell your unique story!

Get detailed info: 8 Public Relations Tips Every Entrepreneur Can Implement Without Having A Degree In PR

Important Link: Female Association Entrepreneur

Turn Your Wardrobe Into a Six-figure Income

Join Alice Flowers, Founder and CEO and Founder of AF Image Group, where she is going to share HOW defining and dressing your personal brand sends the right visual message of who you are as a business owner. Look the part, act the part, be the part... alignments to gets you closer to your ultimate dream of a six-figure to multi-six-figure cash flow.

Question 1: What value judgment do you want to communicate based on the visual cues you project

Question 2: Are you aware of the message your appearance sends to those who are capable of promoting or propelling you forward in your chosen profess

Event Information

Start Date07/19/2021 02:00 PM
End Date07/19/2021 04:00 PM
Informal Networking1:45 pm ET
Online Event - Zoom
United States
Event Link: Turn Your Wardrobe Into a Six-figure Income

eWomenNetwork Entrepreneur ICON Conference Panel

Join us for a spirited and insightful panel discussion with attendees of the 20th Annual eWomenNetwork Conference ExperienceYou will learn about their biggest “AHA” moments and their personal and business breakthroughs. Whether you attended this conference or not, this panel will provide you with new perspectives, reimagined ideas and a big booster shot to help you finish 2020 on a high note!

Event Information

Start Date10/19/2021 11:00 AM
End Date10/19/2021 01:00 PM
Informal Networking10:45 AM MT
Online - Zoom
United States
ChapterSalt Lake CityUT
Event Link: eWomenNetwork Entrepreneur ICON Conference Panel

"How to Stop the Drama Habit In Your Business"

When we are the "drama" habit in our businesses, we may be playing the "victim" role by blaming our circumstances or hyper-focusing on problems, rather than on creating outcomes. 

We might be the playing the "rescuer" role by "buffering" or numbing our uncomfortable emotions with the "wrong" tasks, or by overwhelming or inviting burnout.

And, we might be playing the "persecutor" by criticizing our own and others efforts and contribution. 

Event Information

Start Date10/06/2021 11:30 AM
End Date10/06/2021 01:30 PM
Informal Networking11:00 AM
Los Robles Greens
299 S. Moorpark Road  
Thousand Oaks CA 91361
United States
Event Link: "How to Stop the Drama Habit In Your Business"

Surviving Now and Thriving in the Near Future

The last year has been stressful and fear inducing and unfortunately, we are not done yet.  And once we make it through to the other side it is never going to be like it was.  The world has permanently changed and that opens us up to new possibilities going forward.  We need to have ways to stay positive, productive, and moving forward in good times and bad.

1.  How to pick yourself up on the bad days

2.  Set a plan to move you forward

3.  Strategies to cope through challenging times

Event Information

Start Date07/22/2021 06:30 PM
End Date07/22/2021 08:30 PM
Informal Networking6:00 PM
Online Event - Zoom
Event Link: Surviving Now and Thriving in the Near Future

Why Having A Supportive Tribe Is So Important To Success

One of the most appealing reasons to become a business owner is the freedom it has to offer, but the advancement of your business relies on you in many ways which can become very lonely. The business world can be cut-throat and there are many ups and downs along the way, so having a support system for entrepreneurs to turn to is essential. Pursuing your dreams requires a tremendous amount of determination, discipline, risk, and motivation. Having the right people around you can significantly help you stay motivated and keep you on track to achieve your goals. Here are a few reasons why having a supportive tribe is so important to your success, both personally and professionally.

  1. Increases Motivation
  2. They Have Your Back
  3. Sense of Belonging
  4. Mentor to Success

As a business owner, you will come across and overcome many obstacles, but not without a solid support system. The entrepreneur world can be very intimidating, especially to new entrepreneurs that have to wear many hats. Don’t forget to ground yourself with some amazing people by your side that will support, motivate, and continuously push you towards accomplishing your dreams. Connections can form in surprising ways! Your friends and family aren’t the only ones that can be a part of your tribe, remember to reach out to old colleagues, professors, and fellow entrepreneurs to aid you on your path to success. 

Are you looking for a supportive tribe that can help you along your journey through entrepreneurship? Look no further, that’s exactly what eWomenNetwork is all about! We absolutely love connecting and collaborating with fellow women entrepreneurs in order for them to achieve greatness.

Get detailed info: Why Having A Supportive Tribe Is So Important To Success

Important Link: women groups in dallas tx

Maximizing LinkedIn

More than 30 million companies use LinkedIn for business. Not just because it’s the preeminent social network for recruiting and hiring top talent. With more than 690 million members, more and more brands are using LinkedIn marketing to network, connect, and sell.

There are LinkedIn marketing tools available for every business size and type, from small to large and B2B to B2C. This presentation will teach how to use LinkedIn for business, maximize the best tools and get the most out of your LinkedIn marketing strategy.

Event Information

Start Date08/19/2021 03:00 PM
End Date08/19/2021 05:00 PM
Informal Networking2:30
online event - zoom
United States
Event Link: Maximizing LinkedIn

Building credibility in your community

Speaker Bio

Dorinda has spent her life experimenting with new ideas and building successful businesses. She is known for her genuine love of people and heartfelt desire to help others their own dreams. The founder of Dorinda's Chocolates and Co-Founder and CEO of LiveKAYA, Dorinda is the holder of the vision at both. She is a natural connector who loves nothing more than bringing the right people together and has an acute understanding of successful business strategies that create sustainable growth.

Above all else, Dorinda adores her family and considers her greatest accomplishment to be raising her four sons to be the amazing people they are.

Dorinda is a born visionary, always looking to create the next success story

Event Information

Start Date07/15/2021 01:00 PM
End Date07/15/2021 03:00 PM
Online Event - Zoom
ChapterGreater Seattle/Snohomish CountyWA
Event Link: Building credibility in your community

Important Link: women success coaches

How to Protect your Brand in the AI Era

Unpack and learn the secrets to protecting your brand in the digital landscape of AI and design platforms like Canva. You will walk away wit...