Why Aren't You Asking?

My daughter likes to ask for a back massage and a foot massage every night before bed. So, the other night I said to her, “You’re a pretty lucky girl! I don’t think most 6-year-olds are getting a back and foot massage every night.”

She looked at me and says, “Mommy, that’s because they don’t ask.” Her words of wisdom hit me like a slap in the face…Why are so many people afraid to ask?

I mean the worst that can happen is someone says “no”, right? Believe me, there are many nights that she asks that I do say no because it’s too late or she hasn’t earned it. But it never stops her from asking again the next night. Because she knows what she likes, she knows what she wants, and she isn’t afraid of getting a “no” and then trying to negotiate the outcome by saying “how about just a foot rub then…”

Being able to ask for what you want or need is an essential skill for an entrepreneur and small business owner. Whether you are asking for a referral, trying to close a sale or asking someone for help, taking the initiative and doing it will make a huge impact on your business.

After thinking about the lessons I have learned from my daughter’s tenacity as well as my experience in business, I have put together 5 key reasons that make asking so critical in growing your business.

1. You can only get a YES if you ask.

If you don’t ever ask for what you want, then you will never get it. You can’t expect people to read your mind and know what you want. You’ve got to open up and tell them what it is you are looking for.

Know the important questions you need to be asking in order to get what you want. If you’re going to a networking event, ask “Do you know someone who… (fill in the blank with your ideal client)” Have an objective in mind when you go to events so that you can leave with your questions answered.

2. You learn what people really want.

Mastering the art of asking goes beyond just asking for what you want, to learning how to ask others what they want. Asking the right questions to clients, employees, prospects and vendors help you understand their needs and desires better so that your communication and relationships improve.

Asking your clients for input and how you can provide more value for them will make your offers/products/solutions so much better. Asking prospects what their biggest pain points are will give you insight into what message you need to be relaying to draw in more ideal clients.

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