Hacks Every Entrepreneur Needs to Stay Productive

The life of an entrepreneur can feel overwhelming at times. There’s so much going on, even while working remotely. It’s truly the cliché saying, there’s so much to do with so little time. So, how are we busy entrepreneurs supposed to get anything done? A great start is this blog that you’ve landed on.

We know the feeling all too well and we see it among our eWN community more often than not. Start considering these productivity hacks we’ve put together to be your most productive self:

Work Around a Schedule that Works For You

Choosing a reasonable schedule that helps you balance business and personal life is one of the best things you could do for yourself as an entrepreneur. This doesn’t mean to schedule concerts and marathons in the middle of your week to work around your free time. It means to schedule your free time around the work you need to do. You should also be considerate of what times of day you work best. If you’re more productive at 7 a.m., get an early start to your workdays. If you find m
ore focus and inspiration at 2 p.m., then schedule free time activities before and then hone in on work.

Be open-minded to the process if you’re going to test out what schedule works best with your preferences. Once you know when the best times are, make sure to stay consistent with maintaining that schedule. 

We personally like to get an early start to our day around 7 a.m. We also prioritize important things that will take more brainpower at the beginning of the workday, which we’ll get into later in this blog.

Stop Multitasking

We know as entrepreneurs sometimes we feel the need to do 10 or more things at once. You may think this makes you more productive and saves time, but it actually does the opposite. Only 2 percent of people can effectively multitask, which leaves the other 98 percent of people actually lessening their productivity without even realizing it. It’s vital to nip that in the bud right now before you make a habit of it and find yourself running around like a chicken without a head on. 

Bottom line, if you don’t multitask, you’ll be able to retain more information, work more efficiently, and save time (and possibly money). Just focus on one task at a time!

Define Your Important Tasks

Understanding which tasks you need to get to first and which can wait if you’re unable to that day will help productivity over time. Keep in mind that it’s also best to start your workday with tasks that are going to take more thinking than others. All you have to do is set 10 minutes or so aside every morning, or the night before, to identify what tasks need to be at the top of your list. Even if you only get these tasks done and don’t get to your whole to-do list, you can be at peace knowing that you’ve had a productive day.

We personally like to do this the night before so the moment we wake up, we have a solid plan to follow for the day. Knowing what you’re going to do prior to starting the day will help you focus your time better - work smarter, not harder!

 Read More This Blog : Hacks Every Entrepreneur Needs to Stay Productive

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