eWomenNetwork Spotlight: From Dreamer to Dreamprenuer


Traci Bogan was sexually assaulted when she was a child. Her healing began with a trip to Hawaii and facilitating the passage of a Wisconsin State law to benefit childhood victims of sexual abuse. Beyond that, this is also an amazing story of how the self-proclaimed world’s first “Dreampreneur” gave away all of her earthly possessions, strapped an 82 pound backpack on and set off to see the world. Two Years, 54 countries, 75,000 miles later, Traci Bogan’s journey became a transformational book and will soon transform others in soon-to-be released movie, “The Backpack Diaries.”

How the Journey from Dreamer to Dreampreneur Began

  • Traci was sexually abused as a child in Wisconsin

  • Blue collar worker – making refrigerator handles

  • Met best friend – talked about "wouldn’t it be nice if…." Ended up deciding on Hawaii

  • Traci's philosophy - When you keep your eye on the “why” the “what” doesn’t matter and the “how” always shows up

  • Lived in Hawaii for 10 years – did a lot of healing

  • Had gnawing feeling and talked about her abuse – went to professional for help. She woke up one day and knew she needed to do something about it.

  • Helped write state law to increase criminal statue for sex crimes on children in Wisconson. Known as, "The Bogan Bill." – Happy because she left a “little” footprint in Wisconsin.

  • Living the dream – While living in Hawaii, someone told her she has more to contribute – went into medical field

  • Lived a great life in Hawaii working for Plastic Surgeon – went out every night – one morning after a hard night on the town with puke in her hair – she knew she was destined for more. Always wanted to see the world.

  • Woke up knowing today is the day she was going to follow her dream.

  • Gave everything away – for free!

  • Bought a backpack and a map – Traci circled everywhere in the world she wanted to go – first stop was to Raising, Wisconsin – Then she spent a year crisscrossing the world – had no money, but had the strong enough "why."

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