Business Lessons From Our Favorite Spooky Movies

Scary Movies aren’t for everyone, but I have always loved them.  It makes no sense why I love them. As a child and now as an adult I am incredibly easy to scare. To this day I will jump out of my skin if someone comes up and surprises me.  And yet as a kid, I insisted my 11th birthday party be Scream-themed.  

Scary movies are chock-full of powerhouse women success coaches overcoming the impossible, and in-turn many spooky movies offer great lessons we can all apply in business and in life.  But just in case you aren’t the kind of person who had a Scream-themed 11th birthday party, here are some business lessons without the jump scares: 

Always be a Team Player. (IT, 2017) When push comes to shove and you’re battling a project of epic proportions (or, you know, an evil clown in the sewers), there’s power in numbers.  If everyone plays their part and communicates, there's no problem you can't handle.

Don’t run and hide from your problems. (Ready or Not, 2018) Your problems will always catch up to you, whether it be a regulation and compliance issue, or a new husband who’s family is in a diabolical cult (let's hope that's not it though). When times get rough, you can only run out the clock for so long. You have a much better chance of succeeding if you face things head on with wits and strategy. After all, sometimes the only way out of something is straight through it.

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