Survival to Self-Care: How to say NO to generational bad habits and YES to the REAL YOU

Are you stuck in survival mode and don’t know it? So many of us continue to perpetuate cycles and habits that keep us stuck in the same cycles of survival living because they have been passed down through the generations and we aren’t even aware that things can be different.  These cycles impact relationships with ourselves, family, friends, and business too. Self-care is so much more than spa days and time off, it’s about breaking cycles that hold us in a space of limiting beliefs and circular outcomes. Karen shares a step-by-step process that helps us break into a perpetual cycle of good self-care that will positively impact generations to com

Learn the difference between survival mode, self-care, and where the real you resides

Learn some of the common generational cycles and how to identify your own

Learn the steps to break the cycles that are not serving you well, and replace them with new habits in alignment with the real you.

Speaker Bio

A gracious heart, kind soul, and desire to help others succeed are just some of the many ways to describe Karen Que. Born and raised in a small, working-class suburb of Philadelphia, she developed a knack for entrepreneurship at the young age of 6, when she began selling golf balls on her neighborhood golf course. That same fire and determination she had at 6-years-old never left her, and today, it's burning brighter than ever. 

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