What's on Your Small Business List | Women Success summit


List all of the things you want to be able to add to your accomplished list by this time next year.

List everything, big and small, personally and professionally.

Now, that you have your list, circle the accomplishment that will bring you the most joy. And, circle the accomplishment that will generate the most revenue for your business.

Now, what would you have to do to make those two things happen? Write out the action steps (yes, that’s called a list) to achieve your accomplishment. Schedule them in your calendar.

Once you’ve accomplished the things you said would bring you the most joy and generate the most revenue for your business, visit the list again and ask yourself all the items I have yet to accomplish, ‘What will bring me the most joy? What will generate the most revenue for my small business?’"

Again, write out the action steps and schedule them in your calendar. These two questions will help you prioritize all that you want to accomplish this year and keep you taking action.

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