5 Ways for Entrepreneurs to Decompress Over the Holidays

No matter which holiday(s) you celebrate, this time of year can be a great time to get some much-needed rest and relaxation. For many industries (certainly not all, but many) it’s a great time of year to carve out these moments for yourself since clients are focused on family. But we all know that relaxation can be easier said than done when you’re used to being on the go.

Here are some of the best ways to decompress:

Guided Meditation. It can be difficult to turn your brain off! While the goal of meditation may seem lofty, for those who think meditation is impossible, try guided meditations! The internet is full of great tools to help you practice mindfulness and decrease your anxiety.

Make plans with friends you haven’t seen in a while!  One of the big down sides to being an entrepreneur is how isolating it can be. Even when you have a supportive and loving tribe, it can be easy to lose touch when so much of yourself is wrapped up in your business. What better time to reconnect?

Turn off your phone.  Yup, I said it. Don’t put it on silent. Don’t put it on vibrate. Turn it OFF. It doesn’t have to be all week, or even for a whole day, but take some time and give yourself the gift of unplugging, even if it’s only for a few hours. And no cheating with your iPad either!

Read for pleasure.  No business books, no self-improvement, just good old-fashioned FUN. Think back to the time your loved reading the most, doesn’t matter how old you were. Was it Roald Dahl, Stephen King, Jackie Collins? Doesn’t matter. Embrace the fun of reading and pick something for the sole purpose of your own enjoyment! 

Get More Info :  5 Ways for Entrepreneurs to Decompress Over the Holidays


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