A Letter To My Working Mom


Let me go ahead and start this off with saying that I hate the term “working mom,” because I believe even stay-at-home-moms are also WORKING moms. Mom-life ain’t easy and whichever path you choose; you are going to be putting in work.

What I also know, is that while “working-mom-hard” and “stay-at-home-mom-hard” may be equal, they are also very different. 

They experience a different kind of mom-guilt. 

It’s a different kind of stress.

A different kind of tired.

So today, I want to talk to the “working mom” that is both a mom and also running a business...

Because, you see, not only am I in that category now, so I feel like I get her. But I was also raised by her. I saw her sweat the sweat, and I saw her cry the tears. I might have even seen her shed the blood on a few occasions. 

And now as I walk a mile in her stiletto’s, and find myself reliving all her blood, sweat, and tears on my own journey as a working-mom, I wanted to take this Mother’s Day weekend as an opportunity to share 3 of the most profound lessons my mom passed on to me…

I know for a fact that we, women, can really have it all. Not because my mama told me so, but because she showed me so. I watched her do it. I watched her build an empire out of thin air. I watched her have a beautiful marriage and loving relationship with my dad. I watched her be there for me and my brother whenever we needed her most. 

I watched her buy the house, hire the trainer, get the TV recognition, do the charity, and accomplish literally everything she wanted. And it’s because she did it herself, that I know with complete confidence and clarity that it’s possible for me.

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