Are You Productive or Just Busy?


You’re busy. You work hard. But are you productive? No, they’re not the same thing, and even if you are rocking your productivity game, there’s always room to improve! Let’s find out how:

Stop glamorizing multitasking. You may feel more productive when you’re juggling lots of tasks, but don’t let your brain fool you, it’s taking longer to get things done and studies have shown that focusing on more than one task at a time results in lower quality work. One thing at a time is the way to go if you’re looking to maximize your productivity.

Respect deadlines (even the ones you set for yourself).  While it’s good to give yourself extensions when needed, if you do it too often it’s easy for deadlines to become arbitrary. And when deadlines become arbitrary, it’s time to admit it: you’ve become a certified procrastinator. Procrastination dressed up as multitasking is still procrastination, folks. RESPECT DEADLINES.

Set SMART goals.  What are SMART goals you ask? Specific. Measurable. Attainable. Relevant. Time-based. Specific: You must have clarity! Measurable: Your goal needs to be trackable so you can see your progress! Attainable: Don’t set impossible goals! Relevant: Does your goal align with your short- and long-term objectives? Time-based: Set a realistic, ambitious end date! Shooting for the stars is admirable, but when it comes to your productivity, think through each letter.

The biggest tasks come FIRST. It may seem more attainable to knock out the little things first, but is it more productive or are you just making excuses for procrastination? Tackle those big things when your brain hasn’t been overworked from a million little things yet!

Make meetings work for you. The first question you must ask yourself: is this meeting necessary? There are a lot of memes about whether a meeting could’ve been an email, and those memes exist for a reason. Once you decide a meeting is essential, begin each meeting by clarifying the purpose and intent of the meeting. Upon conclusion, review the actionable items each attendee will complete as a result of the meeting. 

Get More Info :  Are You Productive or Just Busy?

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