The Thankful Entrepreneur


Intentional gratitude practice does wonders for the soul, but also for your business plan.  We attract the energy we put out. When we’re internally in the mode of “me, me, me” people can tell whether we open our mouths to say it or not. Gratitude is as much about being thankful for what you have as it is a commitment to improving the lives of others. With the leaves changing and turkey in the oven, there’s no better time to reflect on the things we’re thankful for and ways that gratitude can grow your business. 

Create a gratitude culture. It’s right there in eWN’s values. “Giving first, sharing always”. Creating a culture of gratitude within your organization starts at the top. Leading by example and doing it daily (even when things get rough) is paramount to creating a culture of gratitude. Recognize good work and say thank you.

Write thank you notes. When most of the world is a slave to email, handwritten thank you cards sent through the post, stand out. If you just had a meeting with a potential client, send a thank you card.  If you receive a referral from an existing client, send a thank you card. If it’s not already a regular habit for you, it might feel like overkill, but it’s not.  People remember when you go the extra mile. And who doesn’t love receiving mail that’s not a bill?

Make connections. Not just for you, for your customers too.  We all want glowing referrals, show your clients that you prioritize their success as well as your own by sending those referrals their way. Connecting your customers builds strength and trust in your network. Being the one to give referrals cements your place as a leader in your industry and in your community. 

Acknowledge the milestones. Birthdays, weddings, babies, graduations, if you know about them acknowledge them!  Clients, employees, contractors, acknowledge them all. Send every client, employee, and contractor a birthday card.  Not an email, a physical card. Yes, it can be a lot to keep up with, but when growing your business, it’s important to take a beat and remember that everyone in your network is not just a client, employee, potential sale, etc.  They are people with full lives and major priorities that may have nothing to do with business at all.

Get More Info :  The Thankful Entrepreneur

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