At eWomenNetwork, we are all about taking time for self-care because your business only functions as well as you do. You can’t function correctly if you are stressed out. Researchers have suggested that entrepreneurs have more mood swings and a loss of motivation due to a certain character trait. Entrepreneurs are so busy wearing many different hats that they often forget to take a much-needed step back, so it is very important to practice self-care. Even the most successful entrepreneurs know you have to carve out time for yourself.
What is Self-Care?
Let us clear up one thing: self-care does not mean you are being selfish. Self-care is a term used to describe one's actions of staying healthy, both mentally and physically, by doing activities that make you feel good. In the past few years, this definition has expanded into activities such as pampering yourself, focusing on emotional needs, and personal growth. It’s time to start managing your health and well-being starting with self-care. Here are our team’s five self-care activities for busy entrepreneurs.
1. Get Moving
Try to exercise every single day, even for a little bit - it’s a great stress reliever. Staying active forces you to apply yourself mentally and physically. A simple walk around your office, or a few jumping jacks, when you’re feeling overwhelmed can help you get out of your head. Simply walking around can help you disconnect from work which helps you in your after-work hours. No longer laying awake thinking about work and helps you to be more present at home.
2. Create A Workspace You Love
You spend the majority of your time in your office, so be mindful of that when decorating. Your workspace can motivate you or cause more distractions. Clutter on your desk needs to be cleared before you head home, so you can start your next day fresh. Some affirmation wall decor definitely wouldn’t hurt to put up in your space as that can help you feel more confident. Less can actually be more productive, make sure your workspace flows and makes you feel good being in there.
3. Make Time to Do Other Things That You Love
Everyone needs a break from work to blow off steam and do something that they enjoy. It’s called me-time for a reason so do with it what you want and when you want to. If you want to read every night before bed, then do it. If you want to exercise every morning before work, then do it. Even getting your nails done monthly, go do it. Make time for all the things you love doing and actually do it. Find ways every night to unwind from work, that will help you not feel burnt out. No more excuses.
4. Treat Yourself
This phrase can mean many different things to people. For some, this means buying yourself something, big or small. For others, it means taking time for yourself to read, write, paint, take a bath, or catch up on your favorite shows. Either way, allow yourself to be rewarded for all your hard work. Give yourself the recognition you deserve because you do work incredibly hard. Doing something fun that you enjoy helps give your mind a break so you can be more creative and energized when you have to get back to work.
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