A Strong Heart Leads to a Healthy Business

Yeah, yeah you've heard it a million times. Heart disease is the number one cause of death for men and women in the United States. And, like Charlie Brown, you're only hearing "wah-wah-wah, wah wah." You're just too busy running a business and a household to deal with this right now, right? Wrong! Besides the fact that someone proclaimed February, "American Heart Month,"  you need a strong heart to run a healthy business.

Heart Risks for the Business Owner

Long Working Hours

Whether you work for yourself or you're a worker-bee, a recent study from the Journal of Occupational Health and Medicine determined that the more hours someone worked per week, on average, the more likely he or she was to be diagnosed heart disease. On average, entrepreneurs work anywhere from 52-60 hours a week, which is 63% longer than the average worker.

What the study actually says...

"After controlling for factors including age, sex and income, the researchers determined that, over a 10-year period, participants who worked a 55-hour-week were 16 percent more likely to be diagnosed with heart disease diagnosis than those who only worked 45 hours per week. As the number of work hours per week increased, so did this relative risk. Participants who worked 60 hours per week were 35 percent more likely to be diagnosed with heart disease than those who worked 45 hours, while those who worked 70-hour-weeks were 74 percent more likely.

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