Embrace Disruption | Women Entrepreneurs Suceess Reimagined

In a world where the pace of change is relentless, and the pressure to perform is intense, Success Reimagined offers more than just a strategy – it’s a lifeline. 

It’s where ambition meets inner peace, where scale meets sustainability, and where you, the dedicated woman entrepreneur, find a path to soar without losing sight of what truly matters.

Front-Row Seat from Anywhere: 

No need to travel. No need to compromise. Secure your front-row seat for this game-changing event from the comfort of your home or office. Connect with business leaders, fellow entrepreneurs, and visionary speakers without leaving your chair.

Meet the Trifecta:  

  • The Trifecta of eWomenNetwork, Sandra, Kym, and Briana, collectively represent the epitome of entrepreneurship, creativity, and strategy. 

  • Sandra Yancey, the internationally acclaimed Founder & CEO of eWomenNetwork, is your guiding light—steering you through every phase of success. CNN named her an American Hero.  

  • Kym Yancey, President & CMO, and the creative engine behind Celebrity Science is a Former Capital Records, Gold-Record Winning composer/producer who’s won over 200 awards for advertising creative excellence.

  • Briana Dai, the Creative Director with an unrivaled eye for design. is an international makeover expert and a social media branding force. She imprints her magical touch on a multitude of high-profile projects, from Mariah Carey to global brands like Dell and ESPN.

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