Designing Success: Creating the Ideal Workspace for Women Entrepreneurs | eWomenNetwork

 As any busy woman knows, a desk is hardly required for getting our work done. We often carve out time to tackle our business to-do lists while tending to the tasks of everyday living, but jotting down notes while waiting in line for a latte isn’t exactly a recipe for success. We highly recommend taking the time to craft a workspace that not only inspires you but also enhances your productivity, whether at home or in an office setting. You – and your goals – are worth it!

Read on for our tips for creating a space that maximizes your potential for success:

Create a Distraction-Free Zone: Designate a specific area exclusively for work to help maintain focus and productivity. This means minimizing distractions by setting clear boundaries about work hours and using tools like noise-canceling headphones and “focus time” on your smartphone. Organize your space with ample storage, because a streamlined environment can reduce stress and improve concentration. By establishing this dedicated work zone, you create a mental separation between work and personal life, which enhances overall productivity.

Prioritize Ergonomics: Ergonomics is the science of designing a space to minimize physical discomfort and keep you focused on your work. To begin, invest in a high-quality office chair that supports your lower back and promotes good posture. Ensure your desk and chair are at the right height to prevent strain on your wrists and shoulders as you use your keyboard. Lastly, position your computer monitor at eye level to avoid neck strain and, if necessary, consider using a keyboard tray to maintain a natural typing posture.

Incorporate Elements of Creativity: Next, lend your attention to the creative side of the equation. This could be through personalized decor, such as artwork, inspirational quotes, desk toys, or vision boards. Designate a space for brainstorming ideas, as well, utilizing a white board, chalk board, or simply an oversized notepad and colored pencils. In short, surround yourself with items that inspire you to stimulate your imagination and help you envision the path to success.

Optimize Lighting for Productivity: Lighting plays a pivotal role in your workspace. Ideally, you should have a combination of natural light and adjustable task lighting. Position your desk near a window to take advantage of natural daylight, if possible, which can boost energy levels and reduce eye strain. For task lighting, use a desk lamp with adjustable brightness to reduce glare and create a well-lit environment that minimizes eye fatigue. Proper lighting ensures that you can work comfortably and efficiently, regardless of the time of day.

Bring Nature Indoors: Finally, adding plants to your workspace can significantly boost your mood while adding vibrancy and life to the area. In addition, plants purify the air, and don’t necessarily require a great deal of maintenance. Choose succulents, snake plants, or pothos that thrive with minimal care, and treat yourself to stylish planters or repurposed containers that coordinate with your overall office aesthetic.

By implementing these tips, you can transform just about any space into a personalized office that not only supports but also amplifies your entrepreneurial success. Here’s to creating a workspace that fuels your ambition and drives you toward your goals. Click here to join eWomenNetwork for more business-building tips, events, and support through the #1 Business Community for Women Entrepreneurs!

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Designing Success: Creating the Ideal Workspace for Women Entrepreneurs | eWomenNetwork

 As any busy woman knows, a desk is hardly required for getting our work done. We often carve out time to tackle our business to-do lists while tending to the tasks of everyday living, but jotting down notes while waiting in line for a latte isn’t exactly a recipe for success. We highly recommend taking the time to craft a workspace that not only inspires you but also enhances your productivity, whether at home or in an office setting. You – and your goals – are worth it!

Read on for our tips for creating a space that maximizes your potential for success:

Create a Distraction-Free Zone: Designate a specific area exclusively for work to help maintain focus and productivity. This means minimizing distractions by setting clear boundaries about work hours and using tools like noise-canceling headphones and “focus time” on your smartphone. Organize your space with ample storage, because a streamlined environment can reduce stress and improve concentration. By establishing this dedicated work zone, you create a mental separation between work and personal life, which enhances overall productivity.

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Designing Success: Creating the Ideal Workspace for Women Entrepreneurs

As any busy woman knows, a desk is hardly required for getting our work done. We often carve out time to tackle our business to-do lists while tending to the tasks of everyday living, but jotting down notes while waiting in line for a latte isn't exactly a recipe for success. We highly recommend taking the time to craft a workspace that not only inspires you but also enhances your productivity, whether at home or in an office setting. You - and your goals - are worth it!

Read on for our tips for creating a space that maximizes your potential for success:

Create a Distraction-Free Zone: Designate a specific area exclusively for work to help maintain focus and productivity. This means minimizing distractions by setting clear boundaries about work hours and using tools like noise-canceling headphones and "focus time" on your smartphone. Organize your space with ample storage, because a streamlined environment can reduce stress and improve concentration. By establishing this dedicated work zone, you create a mental separation between work and personal life, which enhances overall productivity.

Prioritize Ergonomics: Ergonomics is the science of designing a space to minimize physical discomfort and keep you focused on your work. To begin, invest in a high-quality office chair that supports your lower back and promotes good posture. Ensure your desk and chair are at the right height to prevent strain on your wrists and shoulders as you use your keyboard. Lastly, position your computer monitor at eye level to avoid neck strain and, if necessary, consider using a keyboard tray to maintain a natural typing posture.

Incorporate Elements of Creativity: Next, lend your attention to the creative side of the equation. This could be through personalized decor, such as artwork, inspirational quotes, desk toys, or vision boards. Designate a space for brainstorming ideas, as well, utilizing a white board, chalk board, or simply an oversized notepad and colored pencils. In short, surround yourself with items that inspire you to stimulate your imagination and help you envision the path to success.

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Building Networks that Empower: How Women Can Create Effective Business Networks | eWomenNetwork

 In the realm of business, networking is not just about building a list of contacts—it’s about cultivating meaningful relationships that can provide mutual support and opportunities for growth. For women in business, these connections can serve as a springboard to overcome hurdles, achieve professional goals, and pave the way for future generations of women leaders. Today, we’ll dive deep into how women can create effective business networks and how such networks can empower them to reach new heights in their careers.

Understanding the Importance of Networking for Women in Business

Research has repeatedly shown that robust business networks play a crucial role in the success of entrepreneurs and professionals alike. It’s through these networks that we gain access to essential resources—knowledge, opportunities, mentorship, and support. However, the gender disparity within business networks is not insignificant. Women in business often find themselves contending with male-dominated networks, where access to resources may be limited. As a result, it’s vital for women to build their networks proactively, focusing not just on quantity but also on the quality of connections.

Navigating the Networking Landscape

The world of networking can feel overwhelming. It’s teeming with networking events, online platforms, and various groups that can sometimes feel more daunting than helpful. For women looking to build their business networks, it’s crucial to navigate this landscape strategically. Consider your professional goals and target industries, and identify networking opportunities that align with these parameters. Seek out events and platforms where you’re likely to meet peers, mentors, and potential business partners who share your interests and aspirations. The more relevant your network, the more empowering it will be.

Building Meaningful Connections

Once you’ve identified the right networking opportunities, the next step is to build meaningful connections. Networking isn’t just about exchanging business cards—it’s about engaging in authentic, mutually beneficial relationships. This means asking insightful questions, offering your knowledge and expertise where appropriate, and maintaining regular contact. Networking for women in business isn’t about conforming to an “old boys’ club” model; instead, it’s about fostering relationships based on respect, empathy, and mutual support.

The Power of Women’s Business Networks

Business networks created by and for women have the potential to transform the professional landscape. By providing a supportive environment where women can exchange ideas, share experiences, and collaborate on projects, these networks can help level the playing field in male-dominated industries. Moreover, they can foster a sense of camaraderie and solidarity that can be empowering on both a personal and professional level.

Harnessing Technology for Networking

In our digitally connected world, technology plays an integral role in networking. Online platforms like LinkedIn, industry-specific forums, and even social media can be powerful tools for connecting with like-minded professionals. These platforms allow women in business to extend their networks beyond geographic boundaries, tapping into a global pool of knowledge, opportunities, and support.

Investing in Your Network

Building a business network is not a one-time endeavor—it’s an ongoing investment. This means continually engaging with your contacts, attending networking events, and staying updated on industry trends. As you progress in your career, your network should evolve and grow with you. Remember, networking is not just about taking—it’s also about giving back. As you gain experience and achieve success, consider how you can support other women in business, whether through mentorship, collaborations, or sharing opportunities.

In conclusion, for women in business, networking is more than a tool—it’s a strategy for empowerment. It allows women to access resources, forge their path in their chosen fields, and shape the future of business. The journey to creating an effective business network may not always be easy, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting your career, we’d love to hear about your networking experiences and strategies. Join the conversation and share your thoughts below!

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Here's your exclusive invitation to participate in an extraordinary ONLINE business mastermind where we get the opportunity to learn about you, your products and services and the ways we can help you. At this ONLINE event you’ll make outstanding connections, gain a wealth of new ideas and get access to needed resources. This is an intimate group of up to 12 dynamic entrepreneurs.


  • Meet potential new clients

  • Share what your business offers

  • Discover needed resources

  • Obtain support and guidance for your business


During this event you’ll be a part of our unique mastermind “Wisdom Circle" process. Your needs are front and center with all attention on what is important to the success of your business. You gain the collective insights from the group. 

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Keys to Building & Maintaining Customer Loyalty | eWomenNetwork

 In today’s competitive market, where options are just a click away, building and maintaining customer loyalty is more crucial than ever. For women entrepreneurs across various industries—be it food service, car care, or tech support—the challenge remains the same: how do you keep customers coming back for more? Loyal customers not only provide repeat business but also become brand ambassadors, helping to spread positive word-of-mouth and drive new clients to your door.

In this post, we’ll explore actionable strategies that can enhance customer loyalty across different business categories, ensuring that your business stands out and thrives.

Provide Exceptional Customer Care

Regardless of your industry, exceptional customer service is non-negotiable. Consider Chick-fil-A and Ritz-Carlton. Though the two brands may seem to have little in common, they’re alike in more ways than one— namely, welcoming and attentive team members who are committed to providing the highest level of customer service. We recommend following their lead and training your team from the start to be responsive and empathetic, focusing on clear communication, patience, and effective problem-solving. High-quality customer care lays the foundation for a loyal relationship.

Create a Personalized Experience

Another brand known for its loyal customers is Zappos, which has built a reputation on delivering outstanding service with a focus on creating a personal connection. As an entrepreneur, tailoring your business’s approach to individual customer needs can significantly boost loyalty in the long run. This may include referencing your customers’ purchase history to provide relevant new product recommendations, or using their personal preferences to suggest complementary services. Personalized experiences show your audience that you value them as individuals, fostering a deeper connection to your brand.

Implement a Reward Program


A well-designed reward program is another smart way to build customer loyalty. From punch cards to points systems, whether you’re running a restaurant, a luxury spa, or a tech support business, these programs are a tried-and-true method for incentivizing repeat customers. Your business can offer discounts, free gifts, or exclusive benefits, but no matter the rewards, make sure they are attainable and appealing and promote them effectively to maximize participation. The ultimate reward will be yours: a growing, loyal customer base.

Gather and Act on Feedback

Another essential task for businesses across industries is collecting and acting on feedback. Let customers know that their opinions are valued and impactful as you regularly request evaluations through surveys, reviews, or one-on-one conversations. You may also choose to incentivize responses with discounts, gifts, or prize drawings. Then, consolidate and analyze feedback to identify key improvements that are data-backed to meet customer needs.

Build a Strong Brand Community

Apple is a longtime leader in loyalty, owing greatly to a clear identity, comprehensive support resources, and knowledgeable team members who are available through various channels—including the signature Genius Bar. They are an ideal example of creating a sense of community by providing myriad opportunities for customers to identify with the brand and engage at multiple levels. In your own business, you can build community by emphasizing your brand’s unique attributes through your website, social media, and advertisements, as well as hosting signature in-person or online events. A strong community can transform customers into advocates who are invested in your brand’s success.

Maintain Consistency

Finally, consistency in service, quality, and communication is key to building trust and loyalty. After all, a brand is a promise, and customers should have a reliable experience every time they interact with your business. Whether it’s the taste of a dish, the durability of a product, or the lasting impression of a sincere handshake, maintaining high standards helps ensure that customers know what to expect and are likely to return.

Building customer loyalty—especially as an entrepreneur—is a multifaceted endeavor that requires dedication. By providing exceptional service, personalizing experiences, implementing effective reward programs, and maintaining a consistent brand experience, you will be able to foster long-lasting relationships with your customers. Remember, loyalty is earned through ongoing efforts and genuine care. Embrace these practices, and watch your loyal customer base, and your business, flourish.

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5 Ways for Entrepreneurs to Decompress Over the Holidays | eWomenNetwork

 No matter which holiday(s) you celebrate, this time of year can be a great time to get some much-needed rest and relaxation. For many industries (certainly not all, but many) it’s a great time of year to carve out these moments for yourself since clients are focused on family. But we all know that relaxation can be easier said than done when you’re used to being on the go.

Here are some of the best ways to decompress:

Guided Meditation. It can be difficult to turn your brain off! While the goal of meditation may seem lofty, for those who think meditation is impossible, try guided meditations! The internet is full of great tools to help you practice mindfulness and decrease your anxiety.

Make plans with friends you haven’t seen in a while!  One of the big down sides to being an entrepreneur is how isolating it can be. Even when you have a supportive and loving tribe, it can be easy to lose touch when so much of yourself is wrapped up in your business. What better time to reconnect?

Turn off your phone.  Yup, I said it. Don’t put it on silent. Don’t put it on vibrate. Turn it OFF. It doesn’t have to be all week, or even for a whole day, but take some time and give yourself the gift of unplugging, even if it’s only for a few hours. And no cheating with your iPad either!

Read for pleasure.  No business books, no self-improvement, just good old-fashioned FUN. Think back to the time your loved reading the most, doesn’t matter how old you were. Was it Roald Dahl, Stephen King, Jackie Collins? Doesn’t matter. Embrace the fun of reading and pick something for the sole purpose of your own enjoyment!

Catch up on sleep. That’s right- don’t event set your alarm! Just sleep as long as you need to with no apology! Sleep is essential for your physical and mental well-being. Insufficient sleep can have a negative impact on your health and even quicken the aging process. So, get those Zs in! 

As we sign off for the holiday weekend, we at eWomenNetwork wish you a safe and happy holiday!

We strive to be the best women’s networking organization and the best networking organization for entrepreneurs. Everyone here at home office wishes you and your business a happy and lucrative holiday and new year !

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Here's your exclusive invitation to participate in an extraordinary ONLINE business mastermind where we get the opportunity to learn about you, your products and services and the ways we can help you. At this ONLINE event you’ll make outstanding connections, gain a wealth of new ideas and get access to needed resources. This is an intimate group of up to 12 dynamic entrepreneurs.

Meet potential new clients

Share what your business offers

Discover needed resources

Obtain support and guidance for your business

During this event you’ll be a part of our unique mastermind “Wisdom Circle" process. Your needs are front and center with all attention on what is important to the success of your business. You gain the collective insights from the group.

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The Art of Braving: A Crucial Tool for Networking Entrepreneurs | eWomenNetwork

 Let’s begin by talking about connection. As human beings, we are wired for connection – it’s in our DNA. As entrepreneurs, the value of connection magnifies. Networking, a form of connection, plays a pivotal role in our journey towards building successful businesses. Yet, it’s not always easy. It requires vulnerability, courage, and trust, or what I often refer to as ‘Braving.’

What is Braving?

Braving is a concept I use to outline the key components of trusting relationships, whether they’re with our clients, partners, or fellow entrepreneurs. Each letter in ‘Braving’ stands for a different aspect: Boundaries, Reliability, Accountability, Vault,

Boundaries: Networking starts with knowing your boundaries and respecting those of others. It involves clear communication of what’s acceptable and what isn’t, allowing for mutual respect and understanding.

Reliability: Being reliable is crucial. Can people count on you to do what you say? In networking, showing up consistently and following through on commitments goes a long way in building strong connections.

Accountability: Mistakes happen. Owning up to them, making amends, and learning from them builds trust and shows others you’re accountable. It’s an invaluable trait when establishing connections in the business world.

Vault: The ‘Vault’ refers to confidentiality – not divulging information that’s not ours to share. In networking, keeping someone’s trust is as crucial as earning it. By honoring confidentiality, we foster a safe and trusting environment.

Integrity: In networking, as in life, integrity is choosing courage over comfort, and doing what’s right over what’s easy or fast. It’s about living in alignment with your values, even when no one is watching.

Non-Judgment: Effective networking involves offering and asking for help without judgment. Everyone is on a unique journey with its own set of challenges. A non-judgmental approach enables open conversations and mutual support.

Generosity: Finally, generosity. Assume people are doing the best they can with the tools they have. A generous approach nurtures empathy and understanding, fostering stronger connections.

Braving in Practice

When we practice Braving in our networking efforts, we open doors to authentic and meaningful connections. We build relationships grounded in mutual trust and respect. We create networks that support our growth, resilience, and success as entrepreneurs.

Braving may not be the easiest path, but it’s the most rewarding. It asks us to show up, to be seen, and to live our truth. But isn’t that why we became entrepreneurs in the first place? To create, to connect, to contribute, and to courageously put ourselves out there?

So, as you continue your entrepreneurial journey, remember the power of Braving. Embrace it in your networking efforts, and watch how it transforms not just your business relationships, but also your journey as an entrepreneur. Here’s to Braving the wilderness of entrepreneurship, together.

Now, I’d love to hear from you. How have you practiced ‘Braving’ in your entrepreneurial journey.

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Don’t Miss the #1 Women’s Entrepreneur Conference in North America!

 SECURE YOUR ICON TICKETAugust 7-10, 2024 | Dallas, TX

ICON is the highly-anticipated annual gathering of eWomenNetwork, the #1 Business Community for Women Entrepreneurs. For 23 years – and counting – eWN ICON has established a reputation as the leading conference for passionate, driven entrepreneurs who are ready to take their success to the next level.

Showcasing top-tier thought leaders and celebrity speakers, the ICON agenda is packed with business-building content across every essential category. And there’s no place like ICON to get the inside track on social media mastery and influencer strategy success. Plus, exclusive pop-ups and exhibits round out a must-attend event for every entrepreneur.
ICON Quick Stats
  • Over 60% of Attendees Register a Full Year in Advance
  • 80% of Attendees Return Again (& Again!)
  • 85% of Attendees Rank eWN ICON Best & Most-Actionable Conference Content
  • ​4 Transformative Days & Nightly After-Glow Networking Events
  • ​20 Top-Tier Trainers & Speakers
  • ​25 Pop-Up Shops & Exhibits
We know you’re ready to get the tools to help boost revenue and achieve your biggest, boldest goals while cultivating transformational relationships. We’re on a mission to help 1 Million Women Entrepreneurs each achieve $1M

Networking For Introverts: Strategies To Thrive

If you’re an introvert, the idea of "networking" might make you want to run and hide. The thought of walking into a crowded room, ...