Want Your Business to Increase Sales? Just Ask Why?

The word, “No,” is a staple in the entrepreneur’s vocabulary. More than likely you’ve heard more “No’s” than “Yes’s” when it comes to selling your product or service. But if you want to be a better salesperson, the best thing to do is learn from the“No’s.” How? Just ask your customer why they said no.

Often, success minded business owners hope and expect to sell their product or service the first time they meet a prospect. Yet only 2% of the sales occur in the first meeting. The other 98% need to know they can trust that you will deliver what they want. Many studies show that there is an average of 5 follow-ups before a customer will say, “yes!”

Read the blog "Want Your Business to Increase Sales? Just Ask Why?" as eWomenNetwork President, Kym Yancey, explains a simple and yet extremely effective approach to increasing your sales.

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
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Women-Owned Businesses Lack Access to Capital

According to the 2012 Census report, women own 36% of all privately held businesses. They account for an economic impact of $3 trillion due to jobs they create and maintain. That's 16 percent of all U.S. jobs! Yet, one of the biggest issues for female success minded business owners is lack of access to capital.

According to a report issued by the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, "women account for only 16 percent of conventional small business loans and 17 percent of SBA loans even though they represent 30 percent of all small companies. Of conventional small business loans, women only account for 4.4 percent of the total dollar value of loans from all sources. In other words, just $1 of every $23 in conventional small business loans goes to a woman-owned business."

And that's not the only issue women have with access to funds. Women receive just 7 percent of venture funds, and the percent of female venture capitalists has actually declined from previous years. That decline means less women are in the position to support women entrepreneurs by investing in their growth.

Before you start banging on doors searching for venture capitalists and bankers to give you money, you need to do a couple of things first. To know more, read the blog Women-Owned Businesses Lack Access to Capital

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
United States

How to Take Advantage of Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday

It’s November, and for many, it means Thanksgiving, but for others, it means business - Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday. As success minded business owners, these special holiday shopping days can bring opportunity for increased consumer awareness and significant sales. By not taking part, your business may be missing out on some of the most lucrative days. 

Black Friday has been there for a long time and there are many theories as to how it began. Today, it is known as one of the biggest and most important shopping holidays of the year. Cyber Monday and Small Business Saturday are the new additions but are based on the same theme as Black Friday. The difference of both from Black Friday, which occurs nationwide among big businesses, is that Cyber Monday is optimal for omnichannel and online businesses, and Small Business Saturday is set away for non-traditional retailers with smaller chains. The big consumer spending days of the Holiday season to come can be very profitable for your business by strategical planning. 

Read the blog "How to Take Advantage of Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday" and make the most of the Special Holiday Shopping Days to grow your business. 

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
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How to Create a Podcast that Grows Your Business?

Do you have a message you want to share with the world? Perhaps you want to spread your brilliance around to a larger audience. Maybe you want to make a difference to a specific audience or grow your business. All of these are great reasons to start a podcast, but first, you need to know how to create a podcast that grows your business and generates loyal fans.

These days anyone can do a podcast. All you need is a microphone or smartphone, a connection to the internet and voila..you can spread your brilliant message to the world. But if you’re in business, it’s important to have a podcast that represents your brand and your message, so you can generate leads, reach more potential customers, create valuable content and potentially increase your bottom line. But, like anything in business, there is a process to success. Quality trumps quantity. Read the blog "How to Create a Podcast that Grows Your Business" and learn to produce a quality podcast that will generate loyal fans who could help grow your business.

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
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How To Break Through Your Inner Glass Ceiling

You might be working extremely hard in your business, but if you don’t have a healthy relationship with money, it will all be for naught! You need to come to terms with your relationship with money. If not, your business will most likely plateau or even fail. You will work hard to achieve success, but your mindset around money is holding you back. Where is that mindset coming from? What relationship did your parents have around money? These are questions you need to examine in order for your business to soar to greater heights. Wish to develop a healthy mindset with money? Read the blog "How To Break Through Your Inner Glass Ceiling" to learn about few money mindset tips to Explode Your Income and the ways to achieve your full potential. 

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
United States

Building Your Intentional Nonprofit Partnership

There’s plenty of buzz these days about “Cause Marketing.” Businesses are entering into partnerships with diverse nonprofits in order to enhance their image, boost sales, engage employees, and build customer loyalty. Most likely, if you are anticipating a nonprofit relationship, you are pretty aware of the potential benefits to your company (increased sales, employee engagement, media coverage, customer loyalty, etc). But, what should a business really consider when entering into a relationship with a nonprofit organization? 

Considering the opportunity is the first step toward defining an innovative partnership. A key to your success is to identify quality partner(s).  A lot of business default straight to high-profile charities. There are advantages to that tactic, but the value of your investment may be much more impactful with a small organization. These small businesses are built by people who know how to get a lot done with minimal resources. Many gurus on the subject suggest that there must be a common mission in the partnership. On the other hand, maybe this is a chance to use your uncanny creativity and find unique connections. Perhaps your business is in a growth phase and you meet up with a nonprofit with great potential that is also growing. Read the blog "Building Your Intentional Nonprofit Partnership" to translate your creativity and emotional intelligence into a nonprofit partnership that genuinely advances both your business and the social benefit organization.

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
United States

How to Choose Strategic Business Partners

Strategic business partners come in all shapes and sizes. Partners aren’t just the ones with whom you share profit and expenses. They are everyone from your supplier to your customer to your investor. Your partnerships will affect your business on many levels, so you need to know how to choose your strategic business partners with great care. “Strategic” is the optimum word here. Whoever your partner is, no matter what their contribution to your company is, you need to take careful consideration before entering into an agreement. 

Some entrepreneurs have a hard time giving up a piece of their pie. Whether it’s spending more money to get the help you need to fulfil your dreams or sharing the profits of your hard-earned money. Life and business Transformation Specialist  Sandra Yancey says, she would rather have a smaller piece of something than 100% of nothing. The bottom line is, we all have gaps in what we want to provide to our customers and what we actually can provide. Read the blog "How to Choose Strategic Business Partners" to know the criteria for choosing a strategic business partner and the crucial steps to take before entering into a partnership. 

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
United States

How to Produce a Podcast that Grows Your Business

Podcasting is not the NEXT big thing. It IS the thing. So if you want to stand out among the other podcasters, you need to create a podcast that rocks. Producing is not about, “Hey, let’s put on a show!” and then miraculously you sit down in front of your microphone and go. It requires a lot of thought, planning and time. Doing your show is actually the easy part. It’s what gets done behind-the-scenes where the real magic happens. First, you need to have branding elements for your show. The basic elements of a podcast include Show Open, Bumper Music, Rejoiners and Show Close.  This process for each show will be similar, it’s a good idea to create systems for your show. This will save you a lot of time and headache. Systemizing and preparing the content for the show are the basic things for a podcast. Read the full story "How to Produce a Podcast that Grows Your Business" to get tips on how to produce a show.

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
United States

Women Making HERstory

On November 6th, history was made in America. Or, perhaps we should say HERstory was made!  If you haven’t heard yet, there are now 112 women in Congress - a record number in history. Women were poised to make significant electoral gains in this “Year of the Women” election. Not only do we have more women in the government now, but many diverse women in terms of background, age, race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. This is the first time in 100 years that women are making their mark in Congress stronger than ever before.   In 1992, the first “Year of the Women,” 54 women were elected to Congress, making historic records. Since then, women have never held more than 84 of the 435 seats in the House. On Wednesday morning, it was declared that 96 women had officially been declared winners. Nine women won governors’ races. At least 12 women won Senate seats, which brought the total to 21 women. And the numbers are progressively increasing. The women in this year’s race focused on key issues such as better health care, pledges to better protect the environment and to help stop the rising incivility and divisions among Americans to propel their campaigns. 

Read the full story at "Women Making HERstory

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Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
United States

How to Bootstrap, Boogie and Borrow Your Way to Success

Almost 2 decades ago, CNN American Hero, Sandra Yancey bootstrapped her way from a room above her garage to create her dream. She succeeded and continues to scale and re-imagine her business. Her company is now one of the largest women’s business networks in North America. Her journey to success wasn't easy but it was important to grow. When you’re starting out, sacrifice is a key ingredient to getting the lift you need to fly. Bootstrapping in the startup phase of your business is just way of life. You need to develop the bootstrap mindset. Startup mentor, Martin Zwilling, says, “With startups, there is a big premium on creativity and innovation. Big competitors are quick to copy a conventional solution with minimal risk. Let a limited budget be your driver to winning, rather than a curse.” Zwilling shares growth strategies for successful business owners to bootstrap their business. Read the blog "How to Bootstrap, Boogie and Borrow Your Way to Success" to know Sandra’s 3 Steps to Borrow for Your Success.

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
United States

How to Host a Podcast to Grow Your Business?

A podcast can be helpful in growing your business when used strategically. You need the right podcasting approach, you need to have answers to the questions before you start with a podcast! The key is where you want your podcast to go and what results you would like to get from your podcast. If you want to use your podcast as a means to grow your business, then you need to understand some basic rules that will give you a leg-up on your competition. If you sound smart and passionate on theair, your listeners will get to know, like and trust you. Those are the key ingredients for growing your customer base. If they like how you sound, it could generate curiosity for them to want to know more about you.  There are some rules you need to know before you turn on the mike and after you turn on the mike. Read the blog "How to Host a Podcast to Grow Your Business" to know the basics of hosting a podcast.

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
United States

Seven Crucial Tips for Starting a Podcast

Digital resources are an important part of the business to create and expand relationships with the public. Podcasting is a great way to reach the mass audience. In fact, various studies found that one in four Americans listens to podcasts. Most people can’t always find time to read in their fast-paced world but turn to podcasts on their morning or night time drive to keep their mind off traffic and learn more. With the correct resources, you can have your podcast up in no time! If you’re interested in digging deeper into podcasting, read the blog “Seven Crucial Tips for Starting a Podcast” and find out how a podcast can be beneficial to you and your brand.

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
United States

How to Market Your Podcast to Grow Your Business

You know the saying, "If a tree were to fall on an island where there were no human beings would there be any sound? That question was actually posed over 120 years ago in 1883 in the magazine The Chautauquan. There is an actual answer for that, which was published in another magazine, Scientific American one year after that. The answer according to the magazine's author is, "Sound is vibration, transmitted to our senses through the mechanism of the ear, and recognized as sound only at our nerve centers. The falling of the tree or any other disturbance will produce vibration of the air. If there be no ears to hear, there will be no sound." Without ears to listen, all the efforts to create and produce a podcast will be fruitless and your business will suffer. That's because as success minded business owners, any time spent on something other than your business is time taken away from making the cash register ring. So, if you're going to do a podcast for the sake of your business, it's most important that you know how to market your podcast to grow your business. Read the blog "How to Market Your Podcast to Grow Your Business" as Margaret Croom, Director of eWomenNetwork offer her advice on marketing your podcast to scale up your business. 

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
United States

The Key to Success is Not Your Mindset, but Your Worthset

If you want to be wildly successful, some believe you first have to develop a healthy mindset. But what does that actually mean, mindset? It’s one of those buzzwords you hear a lot these days like the word “mindfulness.” Well, the dictionary says that “mindset” is “the ideas and attitudes with which a person approaches a situation, especially when these are seen as being difficult to alter.” But Life and Business Transformation Specialist, Sandra Yancey, takes it one step further. She says the key to your success is not your mindset, but your "worthset." She explains that mindset is more about what's in your head. For example, people create New Year’s resolutions to exercise more. That's their mindset. But we all know what happens. Their head tells them they should, but their heart isn't into it. The key is you need to believe you are worth the trouble of doing whatever it takes to have a Healthier body. That is your "worthset. Read the blog "The Key to Success is Not Your Mindset, but Your Worthset" to plan your worthset and take action accordingly. 

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Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
United States

Mastering First Impressions | Women Networking

First impressions are important. People make judgements about you in as little as 20 seconds. Studies have shown that first impressions, par...