The Unseen Boundary

A boundary is a line that marks the limits of an area.  Sounds simple enough right? But when I say the word boundaries to a woman I am working with, I invariably get the same reaction without fail. She exhales and says something like, “I suck at boundaries!“ It would seem there is an epidemic of women who, though well educated, successful and informed lack this one very important skill set.

In modern culture, women have been encouraged to be diminutive, coquettish and above all else, anything but what might be considered masculine.

But if you go back far enough in human history, you will see that strong women used to be revered and given a place of prominence in tribal cultures; the Medicine Women, the

Shaman and the Matriarchs to name just a few. Since the Industrial Revolution, roles that would have required a man to do them have diminished. Even the “manly jobs“ didn’t really require a man to do them in a lot of cases!

What can be done to shift the Dynamic? How To Impose A Meaningful Consequence?

Read full article: "The Unseen Boundary"

“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

Labor Costs - Critical to Profitable

Within the business, we would never want to get at the minimum level of anything. We never want to have just the minimum amount of money to pay our bills. Nor do we want to provide our customers with the minimum amount of customer service. We don’t work this hard as to only have or provide the minimum. We as Success Minded business owners know what it all takes to run a business. Nobody would like to run their business at critical mass, which means the minimum amount of something required to start or maintain a venture.

Critical Mass is crucial in your BLC. It stands for Burdened Labor Costing (BLC) which can be defines as the sum of your direct labor, taxes, benefits, vehicle costs and an adjusted percentage of your indirect labor and overhead costs associated with a specific department and individual. In more simple terms, it tells what does an employee cost you every hour of every day!

Read the blog "Labor Costs - Critical to Profitable" and know how BLC affects your business.

“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

Networking is All About Trust

Business Networking is not about striking every person you meet with the intro of your business and offering them your business card. Networking is a tricky business and can make or break you in some cases. As CNN American Hero, Sandra Yancey says that Networking is all about trust. Trust that whoever you’re about to meet is the exact person you’re supposed to meet.

Sometimes trust is hard. When you get right down to it, trust is really about letting go. Letting go of expectations and the need to control every situation.

Sandra explains in her video why you need to trust that everyone you meet at a networking event has a purpose in your life. To know more, read the blog "Networking is All About Trust"

“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

3 Keys to Cultivating Your Entrepreneur Mindset

Do you feel like you are working hard and getting nowhere in your business? Are you constantly struggling financially and struggling when it comes to your business?

The difference between success and failure has very little to do with our mindset. There are many reasons why entrepreneurs fail!

Read the blog "3 Keys to Cultivating Your Entrepreneur Mindset" and learn how to master your entrepreneur mindset to be successful.

“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

Do You Know the Language of Trust?

Just imagine that when you talk to people about your products or services, they believe in you! You can provide a reasonable explanation about what you do and how your products can help them and the other person believes you! You build your business and then explain it and then you get a sale. But this was the scenario of the old days!

Selling has never been like that now! In this digital era, when people can easily find you online and see what you offer and compare you to others even before you know, the language of trust must be throughout your communication whether online or in person.

Read the blog "Do You Know the Language of Trust?" to know the importance of trust in today's business.

“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States 

Entrepreneurs Lean In to the Suck

Entrepreneurship comes up with many rewards as well as challenges and obstacles. As success minded business owners, there may be many obstacles that might come your way. Your family and friends may doubt your intentions. The people you don't know may question your decisions. You will find your competitors going beyond you and outperforming you! In business, Failure is an option and the best way to learn. There are no mistakes, only lessons.

Sandra Yancey, CNN American Hero and Founder of eWomenNetwork says, "Things don’t happen to you, they happen for you." The obstacles are there to groom you so that when it happens again in future, you will be ready and able to handle it with ease.  She offers a technique to to help you make the best of the failures that come your way!

Read the blog "Entrepreneurs Lean In to the Suck" and learn how to embrace your crappy days!

“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

Grow Your List, Grow Your Profits

Are you not finding a reliable way to keep your income flowing?  You are getting no way to effectively promote online or offer leveraged programs or products. There is a fear to participate in cross promotions? Do you fear about email marketing that keeps your business struggling?

Email marketing yields an average of 4,300% return on investment for businesses in the United States. You need to grow your list and eventually your profits will grow!!

Read the blog "Grow Your List, Grow Your Profits" and discover the powerful way to attract referrals by “Word of Email”

“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

How to Make the Most Out of Your Taxes

Being an entrepreneur often seems like the dream life when you get to focus on the fun parts like marketing, networking, and even sales. But all of the fun parts may be a waste if you are not focusing on the bottom line. One area that you can pay attention to that will really impact your cash flow and your bank account is taxes.  They can end up as one of your biggest expenses and a big drain on cash flow as you build and scale your business.

Get tips on the personal impact of the tax law by referring the blog "How to Make the Most Out of Your Taxes"

“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

How to Charge What You're Worth

Are you a talented women who struggles when it comes to charging? This may be because you don't know your value or the people you are working with don’t fully understand the value of what you do. You might have heard to focus on value and not price, but are you really doing that or not?

Business Coach, Carrie Greene talks about the  V.A.L.U.E formal, which stands for Vision, Action, Learned, Unique and Enough. If you learn to charge your worth, all your problems can be solved easily.

Read the blog "How to Charge What You're Worth" to establish what you're worth of!

“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

Million-Dollar Success Series Recap: Featuring Sandra Yancey

Research shows that how you begin your day will define your day! How you start your day is how you’re going to live your day. One small thing can change everything.  Let’s determine that today is  a good day.  Thinking about a bad day is NOT an option.  You have to make up your mind right now that nothing that comes your way is going to steal your joy! And that anything that may be amiss in your life right now is not happening TO you, they are happening FOR you.

Know how CNN American Hero, Sandra Yancey with the help of personal mentors and femtors, builld eWomenNetwork into a global multi-million-dollar company. Read more at "Million-Dollar Success Series Recap: Featuring Sandra Yancey"

“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

6 Ways to Find More Time for Your Side Gig

People always complain that they could not have a side gig, even after having an excellent idea. But the underlying truth is- We all have 24 hours in a day, it's up to you how you prioritize your time after your office. When you are already juggling with your full-time job, it becomes time-consuming to work on your idea and become a success minded business owner. With enough motivation, self-discipline, and a support system it’s more than possible. If making more time for your side gig was a part of your new year goals, then there are ways to help you to ensure that you achieve these goals successfully. Read the blog "6 Ways to Find More Time for Your Side Gig" to know the pathway to achieve success on your side hustle.

“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

Sandra's Million-Dollar Success Series: The $50 Million-Dollar Woman

What does it take to run a $50 million company? Confidence for sure! But there’s more.  Find out the key to success in this online conversation in Sandra Yancey’s, Million-Dollar Success Series Featuring Laura Herring, the $50 million-dollar woman.

Read "Sandra's Million-Dollar Success Series: The $50 Million-Dollar Woman" to find  the real truth behind making your next bold move.

“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540
Dallas , Texas , 75254
United States

How to Protect your Brand in the AI Era

Unpack and learn the secrets to protecting your brand in the digital landscape of AI and design platforms like Canva. You will walk away wit...