You've Got to Act

You need to act, you need to get up to experience success in life! You have to put your thoughts dreams and aspirations into actions.

What do you want your life to look like a year from now? Do you want to be happier healthier stronger ? What do you want your professional life to look like? How much money do you want to make? Do you want new revenue streams? Do you have a certain amount of money you'd like to have saved ? How do you want to add value to other people's lives?

Write the answers down to those questions and start acting today to create the life you want to live. It's not gonna happen overnight and it's sure not gonna happen all on its own.

Gens Johnson gives you something to think about in this short video. Click here to watch the video!


“Give first, share always!”

Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540

Dallas, Texas, 75254

United States


Confidence is a state of mind. Positive thinking, practice, training, knowledge and talking to other people are all useful ways to help improve or boost your confidence levels. It is an attribute that most people would like to possess.

It comes from feelings of well-being, acceptance of your body and mind (your self-esteem) and belief in your own ability, skills and experience.

To boost your confidence level, you need to appreciate your abilities and confidence levels.

In this video, Annette Jacobson talks about confidence and why you should always value yourself. Watch here...


“Give first, share always!”

Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540

Dallas, Texas, 75254

United States

Welcome to the Era of the Modern Worker

From your office desk, to your favorite coffee shop or the middle seat on an airplane, your work can be on-the-go as much as you are. Welcome to the wonderful era of the Modern Worker!

As a Modern Worker, you need the agility & flexibility in your technology solutions to keep up with your busy bustling schedule- and Dell has those exact solutions to make that happen. These mobile-minded solutions can transform you and your potential employees’ ways of working and increase productivity exponentially.
Know some of Dell’s best products for the Modern Worker and take a giant sigh of relief because if you aren’t quite sure where to start to make this transition, Dell has a dedicated team of Small Business Advisors at eWomenNetwork’s fingertips to help you navigate these solutions. 

“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
United States

Networking Strategies for Entrepreneurs

Networking is a true investment for your business. If you are well connected, you will be able to find what you need very easily! You can save a lot of time because you have the right resources and people when you need them. When you are effectively implementing the right strategies, clients will come to you effortlessly. 

The goal of business networking is making sure that you are focused on your goal at all times. This isn’t just about meeting cool people. It is strategic.

Online networking is not same as in person networking. You'll get the best results if you meet someone face to face.

Watch the video to learn how to converse, connect, collaborate and create relationships at a networking event.


“Give first, share always!”

Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540

Dallas, Texas, 75254

United States

5 Productive Ways to Spend Your Weekend

We’ve all been there. You walk into work on Monday morning and you get stopped with the “So, what did you do this weekend?” question. You quickly comb through your thoughts and realize that you didn’t do much and it leaves you feeling like you wasted your off days. A lazy weekend is good once in a while, but did you know it’s possible to be productive even on your days out of the office? Don’t worry, we’re not saying that you have to bring your work home.

Here are a couple of activities that you can integrate into your weekend that will leave you well-rested and feeling productive. 


Connect, Instead of Collect

Connecting is a big subject because it incorporates connecting with other workers, staying connected with family and learning to connect yourself to all of those people around you. It takes a bit courage to step out of your struggles and put yourself there again.

People are so focused on collecting information or business cards and neglect making connections. This is really huge in networking.

Networking is not just collection cards! If you are just focused on this, then you are missing out on the relationships. Whether you're at an industry-specific conference or a general entrepreneur meetup, you're sure to connect with people who can help you grow.

Make connections, as it has a lot more value pays higher dividends and it gets you a lot further on your path.

Watch the video as Becky Davis will talk to you about how powerful it is to make real connections with people.


“Give first, share always!”

Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540

Dallas, Texas, 75254

United States

When to say "buh-bye" to your client

As a success minded business owner, your aim is to operate profitably. You strive to handle customer's request effectively and courteously end the call. Sometimes, it might be necessary to say goodbye to customer relationships that don't flow through your sales pipeline.

The signs are there. You just need to recognize them. Your goodbye should be professional, leaving your customer with positive words to share with his network.

Read the blog "When to say "buh-bye" to your client" and learn how to say goodbye to customers.


“Give first, share always!”

Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540

Dallas, Texas, 75254

United States

How to Become a More Successful Entrepreneur through Boundary Setting

As a success minded business owner, you have the power to create a life that excites you, fulfills you, and allows you to express your deepest purpose.

Success and balance do not have to be mutually exclusive. You have the right to live a creative, inspired, and balanced life while running a successful, impactful business. It doesn’t have to be one or the other.

To achieve this kind of a balance, setting boundaries is important.

Read the blog "How to Become a More Successful Entrepreneur through Boundary Setting" and learn what boundaries are, why they are important and how to implement them in your business and life to achieve greater success.


“Give first, share always!”

Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540

Dallas, Texas, 75254

United States

5 Tips To Make Your Next Connection Your Best Connection

Networking is one of the most essential aspects of operating in business today. Potential connections can lead to critical partnerships for your company. We have outlined five tips to ensure that your next connection can lead to your best possible connections ever.

1. Be aware of your online presence 
2. Always be on the lookout for networking potentials
3. Networking never ends - stay connected
4. Quality over quantity - it’s who you know, not how many you know
5. Be generous - not everything you do needs to be given something in return

Read the Blog here to get these tips in detail so that these tips will help make sure you are creating the best, most prudent connections possible. You never know where your next connection can lead you, and the potential for partnerships are right at your fingertips. 

Think about which of these tips stand out the most to you, and how you can implement them into your networking now.

“Give first, share always!”
Lift as you climb.
Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540
Dallas, Texas, 75254
United States

Bring Your Brand to Life

Branding starts and ends with marketing department for some businesses. Branding is much more than marketing-- it comes from the core of the company and should saturate every aspect of it. It is more than the logo and the website- it's every interaction that someone has with your company, and it's how your employees understand and relate to each other, to your partners and to your customers.

Your brand is your reputation, it's not something you can do overnight. It takes time to build trust and loyalty and to prove yourself.

Watch the video here as Donna Galassi will teach you how your brand can engage customers in more meaningful and immersive ways.


“Give first, share always!”

Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540

Dallas, Texas, 75254

United States

Finding a Great Coach can Help you Grow!

Ever thought what Google, twitter, PayPal, YouTube, Apple, Adobe, LinkedIn and Facebook have in common? Their founders have an entrepreneurial way of thinking and acting that makes their businesses wildly successful. They take bold steps to accomplish something and get the support they need. The cost of that support is not an expense, it's an investment.

NOT having a coach can actually limit your business success. Working with a business coach can increase your profit margin by 45%. However, statistics show that 43% of the businesses do not use a business coach.

The business coach and mentors can spot your weak points, give objective outside counsel, and hold you accountable to your goals. They have seen businesses grow throughout every stage and know the challenges that come with every step. The key is finding a great coach who is in alignment with your needs.

Read the blog "Finding a Great Coach can Help you Grow!" and know the 5 reasons why every entrepreneur needs a business coach.


“Give first, share always!”

Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540

Dallas, Texas, 75254

United States

3 Sure-fire Strategies To Growing Your Network

Successful start-ups know that they can go from nothing to something by leveraging the power of a network of meaningful people to help propel their business.

As a women entrepreneur, I get asked a lot about how entrepreneurs can successfully grow their businesses, especially startups. The answer? Building relationships! With the fact that experts predict that 80% of startups fail within the first three years of establishment, my six years of experience as an entrepreneur have made me realize that one of the keys to growing a business to build relationships.

And it shouldn’t just be any form of relationship. Build the right connections!

While it can look difficult or sound discouraging especially if you’re a newbie in the game, having the right connections could land you that investor or funding to grow your business or establishing a meaningful relationship with people in a relatively higher place can get you the capital needed to grow your startup.

The truth is that the right connections could help you form a partnership that will change the course of your entire company for the better, or the right connections could help you find a buyer for your company, leaving you with enough cash to start the next one.

Before we discuss the strategies, here’s why women entrepreneurial network is important. Read more in this blog post.


“Give first, share always!”

Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540

Dallas, Texas, 75254

United States

How to Create an Effective Sales Funnel?

As a women business owner, you understand that marketing is important. Without marketing, your business would fail due to the absence of new customers.

If you still haven't put efforts and time into this, now is the time to get started!

If you want your business’ sales process to run as efficiently as possible, you must get your marketing funnel – the process of converting a visitor or browser into a paying customer – right. The sales funnel is more than a conversion tool. It helps you visualize the buyer’s journey.  you can determine what parts of your sales funnel is working by using Google Analytics.

We recommend 5 steps for creating an effective sales funnel. Read more in this post.


“Give first, share always!”

Lift as you climb.

Address: 14900 Landmark Blvd, Suite 540

Dallas, Texas, 75254

United States

How to Protect your Brand in the AI Era

Unpack and learn the secrets to protecting your brand in the digital landscape of AI and design platforms like Canva. You will walk away wit...