How to Organize and Optimize Your Workspace

As Harvard Business Review explains, there are certain attributes that great workspaces have, such as privacy, appropriate acoustics, and the ability to accommodate technology. Your workspace is very important, and keeping it organized will help you succeed in your job. Here’s how you can make sure you have your workspace optimized so nothing inhibits you from reaching your fullest potential.

How Does A Workspace Impact Entrepreneurs?
For a typical adult, more than half their day is spent sitting, as many people have desk jobs. That’s why is so important to pay attention to the physical area that you work in because it has a significant impact on either enhancing or harming your productivity.

Create Spaces for Dedicated Equipment and Accessories

For the items you use regularly, such as pens and other stationery, you want to set up an organized space for them on your desk that is within reach, but not in the way. Use a second monitor because it can better optimize your workload. However, in this day and age, workers spend about 10 hours a day looking at screens and all that blue light is not good for your eyes or sleep cycle, but blue-light-blocking glasses can help. Humans tend to enjoy order and organization, but if we have a messy workspace then we can get overstimulated. Investing in a storage system will make it easier to find everything you need, when you need it, which works wonders for efficiency and productivity in your workload.

Declutter Your Workspace

 Living in clutter is more of a damper on your time and energy than you probably realize. Studies show that 49% of people have missed appointments or meetings due to trying to find a lost item. Try to carve some time of out your day to go through your things and figure out what is important enough to keep. It is crucial that you keep your workspace clean and organized, so you’re ready to start your day as soon as you get to your desk. With that in mind, it is very helpful if you tidy up your desk before you leave for the day. The more clutter you have on your desk, the harder it is to find what you need and can add additional stress to your workspace. When you begin to declutter your workspace, it will make a huge difference in helping to declutter your mind. Tidy desk, tidy mind!

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How to Maximize Productivity On The Go

Maximizing productivity should always be at the forefront of an entrepreneurial mindset. It’s not limited to the office either. It should happen no matter where you work from, whether it be home, a coffee shop, or a co-working space. One of the biggest things you want to make sure you have is the right technology to get you there.

We’ve all been there, you’re clocking out of the office and as soon as you get to your next destination, you’re getting client emails, phone calls, and there’s an urgent Zoom meeting you need to hop on. Save yourself the trouble of feeling overwhelmed or flustered in these situations by having the best technology on-the-go as you would have in your office.

Today, we’ve put together some technologies worth investing in so you can work productively from just about anywhere (all products listed are available and can be purchased from Dell).


The power of tables is that you can truly take it with you wherever you go at a very easy convenience. It’s like having a mini, portable laptop. You’re able to access the internet, emails, files, and the best part, applications that you probably wouldn’t be able to access on a regular desktop. There are also accessories that you can buy to elevate the experience, such as attachable keyboards, S pens, and wireless mouses. 

We love tablets because of the diversity it offers. For example, you can choose to type your notes or use your S pen and write them by hand under your ‘Notes’ app. They also come in various shapes and sizes, so you’re sure to find one that’s perfect for your field of work and preferences. And, it’s probably good to note that most come with a built-in webcam for all your video chatting needs.

For those new to tablets or aren’t in high-demand of them, a Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite could be just what you need. However, if you’re going to be using it a lot (typical amongst graphic designers, interior designers, or any type of creative position), you might want to look into the Samsung Galaxy Tab S6

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Hacks Every Entrepreneur Needs to Stay Productive

The life of an entrepreneur can feel overwhelming at times. There’s so much going on, even while working remotely. It’s truly the cliché saying, there’s so much to do with so little time. So, how are we busy entrepreneurs supposed to get anything done? A great start is this blog that you’ve landed on.

We know the feeling all too well and we see it among our eWN community more often than not. Start considering these productivity hacks we’ve put together to be your most productive self:

Work Around a Schedule that Works For You

Choosing a reasonable schedule that helps you balance business and personal life is one of the best things you could do for yourself as an entrepreneur. This doesn’t mean to schedule concerts and marathons in the middle of your week to work around your free time. It means to schedule your free time around the work you need to do. You should also be considerate of what times of day you work best. If you’re more productive at 7 a.m., get an early start to your workdays. If you find m
ore focus and inspiration at 2 p.m., then schedule free time activities before and then hone in on work.

Be open-minded to the process if you’re going to test out what schedule works best with your preferences. Once you know when the best times are, make sure to stay consistent with maintaining that schedule. 

We personally like to get an early start to our day around 7 a.m. We also prioritize important things that will take more brainpower at the beginning of the workday, which we’ll get into later in this blog.

Stop Multitasking

We know as entrepreneurs sometimes we feel the need to do 10 or more things at once. You may think this makes you more productive and saves time, but it actually does the opposite. Only 2 percent of people can effectively multitask, which leaves the other 98 percent of people actually lessening their productivity without even realizing it. It’s vital to nip that in the bud right now before you make a habit of it and find yourself running around like a chicken without a head on. 

Bottom line, if you don’t multitask, you’ll be able to retain more information, work more efficiently, and save time (and possibly money). Just focus on one task at a time!

Define Your Important Tasks

Understanding which tasks you need to get to first and which can wait if you’re unable to that day will help productivity over time. Keep in mind that it’s also best to start your workday with tasks that are going to take more thinking than others. All you have to do is set 10 minutes or so aside every morning, or the night before, to identify what tasks need to be at the top of your list. Even if you only get these tasks done and don’t get to your whole to-do list, you can be at peace knowing that you’ve had a productive day.

We personally like to do this the night before so the moment we wake up, we have a solid plan to follow for the day. Knowing what you’re going to do prior to starting the day will help you focus your time better - work smarter, not harder!

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Night Routine Habits For Entrepreneurs That Will Enhance The Day To Come

No matter what your goals are in the evening, it’s important to establish a good routine. Start out by implementing just one of these habits in your evening and casually add more in as you get more comfortable. Many entrepreneurs will notice a huge difference in their energy levels and productivity wherever they find a routine that works for them!

You can’t function correctly, and neither can your business if you are stressed or burnt out. Entrepreneurs are some of the bustiest people, and they often forget to take time for themselves, but for these nighttime activities, you don’t need a lot of time to get something out of them. Our Digital Advantage team has outlined 6 evening routines to help you get the most out of your time away from work.


There is one thing that most successful entrepreneurs and CEOs have in common - reading. Reading daily can help you gain new knowledge, reduce stress and improve your memory. Many successful entrepreneurs read before they go to bed, and there are so many different genres to choose from. Reading is like a mental workout for your mind, which can improve the long-term health of your brain. If you can’t handle reading a real book, maybe take that time to read a book to your kids instead, or listen to a podcast.

Stay Off Your Phone

According to Dr. Charles Czeisler, a sleep medicine at Harvard University, the screen light coming from your phone disrupts our body’s natural “internal clock” that recognizes and alerts us when we need to sleep. Those bright lights are causing those chemicals to not be released, creating more issues going and staying asleep. So, if you want a enjoys a good night’s rest, remember to stay off your phone for at least an hour before going to bed.

Take Time For Yourself

This phrase can mean many different things to people. Everyone needs a break from work to blow off steam and do something that they enjoy. It’s called “me-time” for a reason so do with it what you want. This could mean reading, writing, painting, taking a bath, or catching up on your favorite shows. No matter what you decide, do something that you enjoy, that helps give your mind a break, so you can come back to work with more energy and creativity. Make time for all the things you love doing and find ways to do them every night to help you unwind from work, so you do not feel as burnt out.

Plan the Next Day

Taking a few minutes at the end of your day, to get the next day’s tasks and goals you want to accomplish planned out is essential to get the most out of your day’s work. Having your to-do list written down means there are minimal decisions you have to make when you wake up and leads to less stress in the morning. Whether you use a journal or a to-do list, it's important to visualize the goals you want to achieve and the tasks you want to complete and plan out how much time each of those tasks will take. This also allows you to check your progress, and celebrate your wins at the end of each day, so you know where tomorrow will take you. 

Get Your Body Moving

Try to exercise every single day, even for a little bit - it’s a great stress reliever. For a busy entrepreneur, an evening stroll is a perfect way to unwind after a long day. In fact, many successful business owners like to take a brisk walk to end their day, as it can help turn off those thoughts about work. Simply walking around can help you disconnect from work which helps you in your after-work hours. Even a simple walk around your office, or a few jumping jacks, when you’re feeling overwhelmed can help you get out of your head. Any movement is always better than no movement! If you’ve been feeling creatively blocked, maybe a nice nighttime stroll around the block is exactly what you need to help you stop laying awake thinking about work and will help you to be more present at home.

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7 Tips For Achieving A Millionaire Mindset As An Entrepreneur

Your mindset is the most important factor in determining whether or not you will succeed in your life. In today’s day and age, it can be easy to lose sight of your goals and the life you envisioned for yourself, that’s why it’s critical to cultivate a “millionaire mindset”. Developing a millionaire mindset requires you to stretch your thinking. So, we’re sharing some of our favorite mindfulness tips to get you there.

Why is a millionaire mindset so important for entrepreneurs?

Many of the best entrepreneurs know exactly where they’re going, how they’re going to get there, and their why behind it all. Business owners that have a “millionaire mindset” have a “now” mentality, instead of procrastinating the very tasks that will get them where they want to. Knowing your “why” and being a “now” kind of person will push you in the right direction of achieving a millionaire mindset. Millionaire business owners have a very clear vision of the impact and legacy they are building.

 1. Ask For Help When You Need It

You don’t have to know everything. For example, if you’re an entrepreneur waiting for the right tools to be handed to you before starting a project, you’re going to be waiting for a long time. You must move from this way of thinking into one that can start any project with the tools that are available at the moment. It is perfectly fine to be a work in progress. The more confidence you have, the more that will motivate you to take action which leads to more results, and expansion. 

2. Believe In Yourself

So many people are too timid to admit they want something and actually take the action to do it. You need to become more assertive and honest with yourself, but you also need to believe that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. But, remember it is not your job to reinvent the wheel, you just need to identify the issue and work towards solving it. That’s why it’s so important to develop the millionaire mindset. Entrepreneurs with millionaire mindsets play to win, not to avoid defeat. 

3. Understand Failure Is Necessary For Success

 It’s almost impossible to achieve anything if you don’t set any goals for yourself. By setting attainable goals, you can reach success more effectively, instead of as quickly as possible. Even failure reap benefits that will serve you in the future. Once you begin putting yourself out there to help others, you will see benefits and open a lot of doors for yourself.

 4. Be Okay With Taking Breaks

If you ever read any entrepreneur books, newsletters, or other online content, then you have probably noticed that many of those sources mention the importance of taking breaks. Taking breaks allows you to keep your mind open to come up with new ideas, solutions, or methods to improve. Even something as simple as a small walk will help to clear your head and help prevent that burnout feeling. At eWomenNetwork, we are all about taking time for self-care because your business only functions as well as you do. 

5. Be Solution-Focused

Being able to problem-solve is one of the best skills an entrepreneur can have, no matter your circumstances. When the going gets tough, you can count on the millionaire mind that can always find a solution no matter how big the issue is. By focusing on solutions rather than problems, you keep a positive mindset. People who solve problems, attract others who also seek solutions. The bigger and more successful you become as an entrepreneur, the greater the pressure, responsibility, and problems.

6. Love What You Do

As the cliché saying goes, if you love what you do, you’ll never have to work a day in your life. And when you do this, money will inevitably flow to and through you. Even when times get tough or you’re at a point where you have to do something you really don’t want to do, shifting the way you think about it can shift your entire mindset. Remember that you’re never going to fully do the things you love. Running a business calls for you to step into positions that will challenge you and make you feel uncomfortable, but when you’re able to embrace these situations, you can achieve success. 

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How to curate a Facebook group to change your life

How to curate a Facebook group to change your life offers all the inside tips to bring massive value to your followers and over the long term elevates you as the expert in your field.

You will learn: The value of setting up a Facebook group

                       How to maximize your group to elevate you a the expert in your field

                        How to monetize  a FREE Facebook group to add to your income 

Speaker Bio

Born at an early age, Leslie Ann's career path is unique, steeped in performance. A professional circus arts performer for 15 years, they invited twice her to perform at The White House during the Carter and Reagan Administrations. She was also a producer and on-air talent for two radio stations in the San Francisco Bay Area. Since 1989, Leslie Ann has owned a successful award-winning graphic design studio. She is a sought-after (humorous) speaker on the topics of business and personal branding, how to build a Facebook group to change your life, and publishing the book you've promised yourself you'll write someday.

Event Information

Start Date09/17/2021 11:00 AM
End Date09/17/2021 01:00 PM
Informal Networking10:45 AM
United States
ChapterLincoln CityOR
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Tips On How to Run a Business With Your Significant Other

So you are looking for a business partner, who better to start your business with than your life partner? The person who gets every aspect of you. It sounds like a great idea, right? Well, that’s not always the case. If you are choosing to dive into the entrepreneurial world with your significant other, there are key takeaways to make sure your relationship stays healthy at home, work, and everywhere in between! 

We sat down with our co-founders Kym and Sandra Yancey for insight on just how they have maintained a healthy, loving marriage while creating their multi-million dollar empire. Here are six helpful tips to glow and grow together:

1. Make Sure You Have Distinct and Clear Roles: This should be in place at the start of your business and it’s not just limited to couples. Keep in mind - most successful businesses have clear and concise roles among their team. When your jobs begin to overlap with one another is when there is angst, especially when you have different styles of leading. When you mix it up, chaos ensues. Make sure your roles are always understood when dealing with various clients and projects. This will allow you to maximize your opportunity versus two people doing the same exact thing (and minimizes chances of getting in subtle arguments).

2. Set Clear Boundaries: Create checks and balances within your company and yourselves. Never overstep into the other’s role and if you’re planning to put in your perspective, try to communicate with your significant other or get invited to speak to their team before just sharing your two cents on your own terms. You always want to avoid jumping into another’s project without asking for permission. When boundaries are crossed, you typically begin to see some form of irritation from your significant other. 

This goes for times when you must switch up from being the leader to the listener. When someone has the floor give them your undivided attention and don’t interrupt.

3. Be Mindful of What You Say and How You Say It: It’s no secret that the key to any successful marriage or relationship is communication, but when it comes to work you need to be more cautious. It is unprofessional to speak to your partner the way you would speak at home, especially in times of frustration. Remember that words can be hurtful so always be careful what comes out of your mouth and ask yourself, “would I appreciate being spoken to this way at work?” Constantly encourage and boost each other along the way no matter how big or small the stride is.

Another great way to go about it is to remember why you started a business together - going even deeper, is to remember why you wanted to spend the rest of your life with this person. You are here to help each other grow, so be mindful of how that translates.

4. Know When To Turn It Off: No one wants to be all work all the time, and sometimes when you have a 12-hour workday, then talk the entire car ride home about work, discuss it over dinner, and in bed, it becomes too much and the lines get blurred. Try having a safe word that lets your partner know work time is done for the day and it’s time to just be in the moment.

This will come off less like you are uninterested in work and more as “Hey, I just need a little break.” Quality time outside of work and events are key to succeeding in a business partnership with your significant other. Spend time with friends, family, or even just a date night that has nothing to do with work.

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Night Routine Habits For Entrepreneurs That Will Enhance The Day To Come

No matter what your goals are in the evening, it’s important to establish a good routine. Start out by implementing just one of these habits in your evening and casually add more in as you get more comfortable. Many entrepreneurs will notice a huge difference in their energy levels and productivity wherever they find a routine that works for them!

You can’t function correctly, and neither can your business if you are stressed or burnt out. Entrepreneurs are some of the bustiest people, and they often forget to take time for themselves, but for these nighttime activities, you don’t need a lot of time to get something out of them. Our Digital Advantage team has outlined 6 evening routines to help you get the most out of your time away from work.


There is one thing that most successful entrepreneurs and CEOs have in common - reading. Reading daily can help you gain new knowledge, reduce stress and improve your memory. Many successful entrepreneurs read before they go to bed, and there are so many different genres to choose from. Reading is like a mental workout for your mind, which can improve the long-term health of your brain. If you can’t handle reading a real book, maybe take that time to read a book to your kids instead, or listen to a podcast.

Stay Off Your Phone

According to Dr. Charles Czeisler, a sleep medicine at Harvard University, the screen light coming from your phone disrupts our body’s natural “internal clock” that recognizes and alerts us when we need to sleep. Those bright lights are causing those chemicals to not be released, creating more issues going and staying asleep. So, if you want a enjoys a good night’s rest, remember to stay off your phone for at least an hour before going to bed.

Take Time For Yourself

This phrase can mean many different things to people. Everyone needs a break from work to blow off steam and do something that they enjoy. It’s called “me-time” for a reason so do with it what you want. This could mean reading, writing, painting, taking a bath, or catching up on your favorite shows. No matter what you decide, do something that you enjoy, that helps give your mind a break, so you can come back to work with more energy and creativity. Make time for all the things you love doing and find ways to do them every night to help you unwind from work, so you do not feel as burnt out.

Plan the Next Day

Taking a few minutes at the end of your day, to get the next day’s tasks and goals you want to accomplish planned out is essential to get the most out of your day’s work. Having your to-do list written down means there are minimal decisions you have to make when you wake up and leads to less stress in the morning. Whether you use a journal or a to-do list, it's important to visualize the goals you want to achieve and the tasks you want to complete and plan out how much time each of those tasks will take. This also allows you to check your progress, and celebrate your wins at the end of each day, so you know where tomorrow will take you. 

Get Your Body Moving

Try to exercise every single day, even for a little bit - it’s a great stress reliever. For a busy entrepreneur, an evening stroll is a perfect way to unwind after a long day. In fact, many successful business owners like to take a brisk walk to end their day, as it can help turn off those thoughts about work. Simply walking around can help you disconnect from work which helps you in your after-work hours. Even a simple walk around your office, or a few jumping jacks, when you’re feeling overwhelmed can help you get out of your head. Any movement is always better than no movement! If you’ve been feeling creatively blocked, maybe a nice nighttime stroll around the block is exactly what you need to help you stop laying awake thinking about work and will help you to be more present at home.

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How to Increase Email Deliverability And Land in the Inbox

Emails have been a great communication channel to communicate with a B2B customer, if and only when tapped in the right way. What’s the point in sending bulk emails to the customer only to realize that none of them are landing in their inbox? It can be a headache for marketers when their emails do not reach the targeted customer, leading to the failure of the entire campaign. In this scenario, one has to find innovative ways to improvise the deliverability rate of email. A different approach can redirect the email marketing campaign on the right path with easy access to the inbox of the recipient. Find out some of the tested ways to land the email in your recipient’s inbox.

  1. Following the best industry practices

The standard email industry practices need to be followed by all organizations. In the below statistics, you can see the acceptance level of bounces, spam complaints, unsubscribes, blocks, and others. If you carefully analyze, then you will understand that these are the minimum threshold to measure the effectiveness of the deliverability process. As a marketer, you have to check that your emails do not reach the higher number of the acceptable level of the mentioned thresholds.

2. Having a clear opt-in process: 

The opt-in process should be clear. It can be very frustrating to get emails that you do not want. You can take a scenario where one of the recipients accidentally subscribes for your service, resulting in landing up of a large number of emails into his inbox. These would surely get unanswered, which is not good for your email performance metric as ISP’s can filter this IP’s emails as the spam email.

The sending reputation of an email depends on many things such as spam complaints associated with the IP address, sending the history of the email, domain name spam complaints, etc.

To have a double opt-in process for the subscriptions also helps to a great extent. Even sending a confirmation email ensures that the email is valid and whether the customer is interested in your email. It also checks whether the owner of that email address is the one who actually subscribed.

3. Avoiding email spam filters

The process of emails being sorted out into the spam folder or the inbox is not a dramatic one. All the ISPs have similar criteria on the email content triggering their spam filters. For most of the transactional and marketing emails, it can include large attachments, typos, etc., thus triggering in sending the emails into the inactive addresses. So, mails should be sent only to those people whom you want to see.

4. Cleaning up the list to improve deliverability

Cleaning up the email contact lists can be a good way for making sure that the emails are being sent to the active users. If you send emails to the already filthy list, then there are high chances that you will be getting less open, engagement and click rates.

5. Maintaining the proper IP allocation: 

With the growth of the email campaign, it’s well understood that one will need adequate email infrastructure at a later stage. After achieving the target of 25000 emails daily, you need to send it to a dedicated address. The next process is properly warming up and sending it to the entire list.

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How to Use Holidays as a Marketing Tool for Your Business

One of the best opportunities to bring in new customers is during holiday seasons. Holidays present the perfect opportunity for attracting new business and expanding your customer base.

When we think of the holidays, we often think of the last quarter of the year from October to December. While this time of year is important as it generates the highest amount of traffic and sales compared to other quarters, holidays occur year-round. These strategies emphasize why holidays are the perfect advantage for marketing your business.

Start Planning Early

The earlier you can start strategizing your holiday plan, the more successful your marketing can be. While there is an increase in traffic during the last quarter, you can’t take it as a given for results. There is also an increase in competition as everyone is launching specialized holiday marketing, presenting more opportunities for attention to be taken away from your business. Time and energy also can become depleted during the end of the year and having a plan ahead of time ensures a more relaxed and effective execution. Costs of marketing also can increase at the end of the year as projects become more demanding and timeliness is crucial.

 Having a strategy for all outlets and platforms is important to ensure you are staying ahead. Begin strategizing as early as July in order to make sure you have all the pieces lined up. This also gives you a chance to test out new strategies and tactics before the holiday season. The sooner you can make adjustments, the better chance you have on improving your results.

People have a higher tolerance for promotional material during this time of year and are expecting to see an increase in marketing. By starting early, you can take advantage of producing higher quality work that will stick out during the heart of the holiday season. This is the time to build up SEO and customer outreach. If you have a high SEO return going into the holidays, incorporating seasonal keywords becomes an easy way to pick up extra free traffic. Getting the word out early also gives you time to generate more buzz and desire for what you are promoting.

Sell More Than a Product – Sell a Lifestyle

When marketing during the holidays, keep in mind that you want to sell more than a product – you are trying to sell your brand. Think about the kind of lifestyle you are trying to emulate. With the increase in competition, you are wanting to not just pull customers for the season, you want them to keep coming back. Market from the perspective of winning goodwill. Stand out from traditional sales tactics by making your promotions more meaningful. What products or services do you have that are evergreen, meaning they will last through the year? This gives you the ability to convert new customers into repeat buyers by focusing on lifetime value over a one-time acquisition. 

Niche holidays are the perfect opportunity to sell a lifestyle. There is less chance of being overshadowed by bigger companies, and with so many different national holidays, there is an opportunity to find ones that perfectly align with your brand. Look at channels that are being ignored by most companies, like Pinterest, YouTube or Reddit. It’s easy for people to delete emails. Getting on platforms that aren’t as saturated with marketing allows for a better chance to promote yourself and gain potentially untapped customers.

Surprise and Delight

Customers are already looking for deals during holiday seasons. You want to ensure you are creating deals that are too good for your customers to pass up. The expectation is already in place that deals will be out, so think of ways to surprise and delight in unique ways. This is the perfect time to create personalized ads based on customer data. What are people purchasing year-round versus seasonally? What can you feature as add on items that they wouldn’t necessarily think of getting themselves without the bonus of a deal?

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How to Protect your Brand in the AI Era

Unpack and learn the secrets to protecting your brand in the digital landscape of AI and design platforms like Canva. You will walk away wit...