3 Ways to Practice Social Media Like an Olympic Champion

There's no point in starting a social media campaign without a goal in mind. After all, would you start a business without a goal? Would the U.S. Olympic Gymnastic team win all of their medals without a goal in mind? Here are 3 Ways to Practice Social Media Like an Olympic Champion.

3 Ways to Practice Social Media Like an Olympic Champion

Social Media Strategy

You can't just throw out a wide net on social media platforms and hope for the best. You need a strategy in place. Here's a quick overview of how to create a social media marketing plan for best results:

Click here to find out if your social media strategy is working for you.

#1 Define Your Goals

Here are some examples of Social Media goals you should consider from Troels Kjems at Think Digital:

  • New followers
  • Clicks on link in update
  • Online purchases
  • Filled out contact form
  • Signups for newsletter
  • Downloads of .PDF file
  • Time spent on important webpage

#2 Track Your Goals

Google Analytics is how most companies track their online progress these days. It's easy and takes you through steps to help you track your investment. Sprout Social says if your goal is conversion from a destination page, you need to make sure the URL is not indexed in Google, so that the only way for someone to land on it is by going through your email signup process. Otherwise you could potentially mess up your data.

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