Entrepreneurs Lean In to the Suck | Entrepreneur Networking

In her 2016 commencement speech to the graduates at the University of California at Berkley, Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook, spoke in public for the first time about the loss of her husband since his death just over a year prior to that day. She spoke of what she learned about death and survival and reiterated advice from her Rabbi to “Lean into the suck.”

Entrepreneurs Lean Into the Suck

As entrepreneurs, there is no doubt that you will face many obstacles. People you love will doubt you and your intentions. People you don’t know will question your decisions. Competitors will outperform you, and you will fail. In business failure IS an option, because it’s the best way to learn. There are no mistakes, only lessons.

What lessons have you learned from your failures? Comment below.


Founder & CEO of eWomenNetwork, Sandra Yancey, offers a technique to help you make the best of those failures called, “Plan-Do-Review.” It is in the review that we learn what worked and what didn’t. It is a necessary process without which we can not improve and grow.

Sandra says, “Things don’t happen to you, they happen for you.” She explains that the universe is granting you obstacles to groom you for when it happens again in the future. When it does you will be ready and able to handle it with ease and grace.

Things don’t happen to you, they happen for 

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