Turn Your Business Blindspots Into Profit with Confidence


  • This is for you if you are not getting consistent leads, conversions and repeat transactions and you are not sure what to do about it.
  • This is for you if want to scale to a more profitable business model and don’t know how.
  • This is for you if you struggle with cash flow but are nervous to raise prices.
  • This is for you if you are an established business and are out to find a minimum of $10,000 - $100,000 or more - within your business without spending more on marketing or advertising.
  • The importance of evaluating your company and why it’s important to know - with certainty - where you are now. 
  • I’ll talk about where to look within your business to systematically and reliably generate more leads and more conversions.
Key Take-Aways
  • Learning how to distinguish what a profitable business model is and isn’t.
  • You will gain confidence regarding which areas of your business to examine to find more profits.
  • You will know what to focus on for consistent profitable growth.

Speaker Bio

Michelle Salinas is the CEO of The Digital Edge Inc and brings 20 years of work and business consulting experience and has overcome adversity in ways most think is impossible. She has found over $10 million dollars of additional revenue for small businesses and is a tenacious believer in transformation. She helps you activate what you need to be empowered and turn your business blind spots into $100K or more in revenue.
Event Location:-
Biaggi's Ristorante Italiano
  5929 Sky Pond Dr
Loveland CO 80538
United States
Contact Number:- 970 217-8533

Self-Publishing Done RIGHT

Self-publishing a book has become an increasingly popular business strategy for entrepreneurs.  It makes sense, you get a lot out of it.  Enhancing brand awareness, establishing yourself as an expert in your field, and generating warm leads are all appealing outcomes, for sure.

And with the ease of self-publishing in the e-book format, it’s a no brainer.  The trouble often comes when you want to see your book in a bookstore. If you’re sitting there wondering: “Who cares?  Doesn’t everyone buy their books online anyway nowadays?”, hear me out. 

Odoo Members

While it’s true that brick and mortar retail has struggled, sales across physical bookstores in the U.S. were still measured by the billions (that’s billions with a B) in 2020.  And more important for the purpose of the entrepreneur, Amazon doesn’t host events in your community or provide book sales for speaking engagements. Having a bookstore on your side as you put yourself front and center in your field, is an asset you need to consider when you decide to self-publish.  Sure, you could buy the books yourself and get a card-swiper for your phone, but you’re a CEO!  You need to show up as a CEO and not present yourself and your business as a small-time side hustle!

So, when it comes to self-publishing your book, what’s the secret sauce to getting bookstores to carry you?

First: accept the things you cannot control.  Bookstores are often understaffed and not all of them specialize in author events.  Some bookstores may not want to give up shelf space to a lesser-known author when the bread and butter of their sales comes from big publishers.

Let it go.  You can’t control these factors and if certain Booksellers don’t have the capacity to engage in what you have to offer, then best to move on.

Read More About Click Here : Women entrepreneur network ottawa

Website : https://www.ewomennetwork.com/

FLOW: A Simple Equation to Define Success

We live in an exhilarating time in history. A time, when we have the opportunity to define and create our own unique lifestyle. Celebrate our individualism and support each other in our quest for success.

In 2016, I published a book, Breaking Barriers 10 Entrepreneurial Women Share Their Stories. The theme is “mentorship”. We share stories and 3 words of advice about our entrepreneurial journey to inspire and encourage the next generation of entrepreneurs. Who knew, that the women’s movement would take center stage with many discussions in boardrooms, kitchen tables and coffee shops on the definition of being a “preneur”.

Since that time, as a speaker, I have been connecting with businesses, service clubs and individuals on the topic of mentorship and the valuable contributions we make to our communities. I have had the pleasure of meeting many creative, talented and committed individuals while discussing the topic. What is interesting is that throughout these conversations we always end up sharing our ideas about “success”.    

A Simple Equation to Achieve SuccessGo with the Flow

What if… now is the time to create a new definition of success?

Are you familiar with the phrase: “Go with the flow?”

When discussing the challenges and opportunities we face in our current economic times, I have often heard people use this phrase to describe an attitude that puts things into perspective. It would be fair to say that everyone is concerned about the future and looking for a few tools to navigate change.

The word “flow” has been around for many years and it is often used to describe a state of happiness, where your personal and professional life are in sync, enjoying a holistic place in both mind and body.

Read More About Click Here : business networking

Websites : https://www.ewomennetwork.com/

Leveraging Micro-Influencers to Grow Your Business

You’ve probably heard all about influencers.  If you’re anything like my mother, you might think influencers are people who get famous and make money for doing nothing. 

My mother, however, couldn’t be more wrong (no one tell her I said that, please). 

Influencers are here to stay and luckily for entrepreneurs, they provide a creative and affordable way to get new eyes on your business. 

There are four types of influencers: Nano-Influencers (Audience under 5K), Micro-Influencers (Audience range 5K-100K), Macro-Influencers (100K+ Audience), and Mega-Influencers (1M+, generally celebrities).  

We’re focusing on micro-influencers for four reasons:

  • Micro-Influencers tend to be more affordable than Macro and Mega-Influencers.

  • Micro-Influencers are often viewed as more relatable and have cultivated trust with their audience.

  • Micro-Influencers have higher engagement, so when a Micro-Influencer is talking about what you sell, it’s more than an ad: there’s a conversation happening.

  • Because their audiences are smaller, their demographics tend to be more targeted and less broad which can especially help entrepreneurs who offer more niche services.

Read More About Click Here : How to grow your business

Entrepreneurship & Celebrity | How to scale your business

As an entrepreneur, you have a lot on your plate.  While marketing may not be your industry, you probably already know that marketing is essential to how the world perceives you and your brand.  Logo, tagline, brand guide, website, social media, and beyond-there’s a lot to be done. 

If you’ve been with eWN for a while, you’ve likely heard about Celebrity Science.  If you haven’t, Celebrity Science is a division of eWomenNetwork and is our in-house branding and marketing agency.  In a post-Mad Men world and with the gig economy on the rise, entrepreneurs have endless options when it comes to hiring marketing firms and contractors to fill in those key pieces of the puzzle. So, what makes Celebrity Science different?

This isn’t just about selecting a color pallet and new fonts, this is about taking the science behind what makes a celebrity and focusing that lens on you and your business to create an impactful brand that attracts your ideal customer. 

The Deep Dive. The Celebrity Science journey begins with a full day strategy session with you and your new team.  We look at your competitors, what’s working for you and what’s not, areas of opportunity, pain points, and blind spots.  This isn’t just about the look and feel of your brand (though, of course, that's covered too), it's also about strategy.  Your team includes branding experts, but also business strategists.  This isn’t about designing an ad and sending you on your way, it's about what’s best for your brand and business. We look at how you are spending your time, how you want to be spending your time, what you can do to get you there, and how your branding can drive that goal

Read More About : women conferences

How to get speaking opportunities

Websites : https://www.ewomennetwork.com/

Are You In A Toxic Relationship... With Your Space?

 Does your closet tell you that you’re a beautiful powerhouse every day?

Does your office tell you that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to?

Does your home welcome you at the end of the day with calming open arms?

If not, you might be in a bad relationship… with your space!

Because, like every other relationship in your life, your relationship with your space – your personal living and working environment – can be unsupportive, unhealthy and downright toxic.

Join us as Jennifer Phelps, like a Couple's Counselor for you and your space, shares tips to turn your abode into a supportive, empowering partner that truly lights your fire!


- Get honest insight into how your space makes you feel about yourself.

- Determine whether it's a loving partner in your life or more like a bad boyfriend that you're embarrassed to introduce to your friends.

- Decide how you want to feel in this unique relationship.

- Then transform it into a real partnership that sparks your passion for life, love, and success.

Speaker Bio

 Jennifer Phelps is CEO at Jennifer Phelps: Organize. Design. Reinvent!

 Let's Make Room for Your Dream to Come Alive! Coaching clients in person or online, Jennifer guides professional women to overcome the overwhelm of stressful clutter, chaos and soul-sucking “blech.” She can transform a dysfunctional environment that’s draining their time, money, efficiency and confidence into one that empowers them and powers up their business.

 A Coach, Consultant and Public Speaker, Jennifer embraces the fact that Life Is Messy. Her Mission is to create spaces where women thrive from the inside out - with humor, persistence and a super dose of non-judginess.

Event Url:- https://www.ewomennetwork.com/event/are-you-in-a-toxic-relationship-with-your-space-7748/register

Event Location:- ONLINE VIA ZOOM, United States

Contact Number:- 818-266-9662

5 Business Trends to Expect in 2022


It was just less than two years ago when our whole world changed.  No matter how different we think we are from the people we meet, the events that began in early 2020 intrinsically connect us all as the global pandemic has become a cultural touchstone and forever changed who we are as people and how we do business.  

As we all shake off the debris of these tumultuous times, let’s take a look at what we can expect as we march forward into 2022.

The Gig Economy. For years employees worked long hours with a growth in income far below that of the 20th century. When the pandemic hit, businesses had varied reactions as to what to do with their employees, which left a good portion of the workforce feeling jaded and revaluating their career choices. Enter the great resignation.  The Gig Economy was already on the uptick, but the pandemic really put a spotlight on the benefits of this kind of work.  Meaning the economy has opened a window for companies that offer gig work opportunities, management, and support.

Going digital is no longer optional, it’s a necessity. Millennials and Gen Z combined make up over half the US population.  And while Millennials in particular have less wealth than their parents, they are still an economic powerhouse for buying and influence. Both generations are digital natives, companies without websites, apps, and other ways to digitally conduct business will be left behind and in some cases be seen as illegitimate or less trust-worthy to Millennial and Gen Z buyers.

The future of events will be hybrid. While the explosion of online events initially came out of necessity, it offered an alternate experience for those who never engaged in live events.  Devotees of in-person events will return to their preferred event method, while those who enjoyed the convenience of online events will expect those opportunities to continue in some form, so it’s important not to abandon online events entirely as the world continues to take steps towards reopening.

Read More About:- Women Business Networking

Entrepreneurs Network Dallas tx

Business Networking for Entrepreneur Women

Million-Dollar Success Series: Sales Conversion

Sales Conversion

Is sales a dirty word to you? Well, if you’re an entrepreneur, get over it. You can’t have one without the other. In this final day of our Million-Dollar Success SeriesSandra Yancey and her guest, Lisa Sasevich, put the fun back into sales conversion.

Sales is Your Friend

Sales conversion starts from a place of giving. The days of telling your prospect all about YOU are over. Client-focused is the way attract loyal customers. As Lisa Sasevich says on the Million-Dollar Success Series call, “Be the client you want to attract.”

Lisa calls herself, “The Queen of Sales Conversion.” This makes sense given that she has grown her sales consulting business to a multi-million dollar company.

Million-Dollar Takeaways

In this call, you will learn the 3 components to creating a mindset around money, how to get people to take action and what you can do to create and leverage an irresistible offer.

Take Action

As Sandra says, “Don’t wait until you’re ready to take action. Take action to be ready.” There’s so much to learn from these 2 ladies, so watch and listen to their wisdom and learn to take the selling out of sales.

More Info: Million-Dollar Success Series: Sales Conversion

Million-Dollar Success Series: Lead Generation

 Lead Generation for Your Business

Generating leads for your business can happen in many different ways. The key is getting your ideal client in the door. In today’s Million-Dollar Success SeriesSandra Yancey talks with Digital Marketing Strategist, Zenovia Andrews, about lead generation.

Lead Generation is a Warm-up

One of my favorite resources for digital marketing is Hubspot. Writer and lead gen expert for Hubspot, Anum Hussain, describes lead generation as, “It’s a way of warming up potential customers to your business and getting them on the path to eventually buying.”

Zenovia Andrews explains that the best way to attract your ideal client is to make them an offer they can’t refuse. In this call you’ll learn what type of offer is yummy and irresistible.

Serving Others

If you come from a place of serving others your clients will be more attracted to you, because they feel like you care about them. People love to get stuff for free. If you can deliver some juicy content to your ideal customer, then they will want to know what else you have to offer.

More Info : Million-Dollar Success Series: Lead Generation

Million-Dollar Success Series: Finding Inner-Peace

 Finding Your Inner Peace 

Hyrum W. Smith didn’t just create the Franklin Planner so people could plan their day. He created it to help people find inner-peace. Watch and listen to his online conversation with Sandra Yancey, the Founder and CEO of eWomenNetwork, on Sandra’s Million-Dollar Success Series: Finding Inner-Peace featuring Sandra’s conversation with Hyrum Smith.

Closing the Gap to Inner Peace

Hyrum will speak about The 3 Gapshis latest book that invites you to explore yourself on a deeper level by looking at the gaps in your life around your beliefs, time and values. These gaps could hold the key to unlocking what is holding you back from reaching your full potential.

You will also learn about Sandra’s personal constitution and how that helps her run and sustain a multi-million-dollar business while balancing her personal life as a wife and mother. 

More Info Click Here : Million-Dollar Success Series: Finding Inner-Peace


How to Protect your Brand in the AI Era

Unpack and learn the secrets to protecting your brand in the digital landscape of AI and design platforms like Canva. You will walk away wit...