5 Business Secrets | Women's Entrepreneur Conference 2022

There are a lot of secrets to business and there are a lot of secrets to success. There are countless books with titles that contain the word “secrets” because everyone wants to know them. However, most of the time when you read a book or an article that dives into business secrets, we’re usually met with facts we’ve heard time and time again. So, let’s take a look at some of the business secrets people don’t usually talk about.  

Banks only want to loan you money when you don’t need it. It goes against everything we’re told. We want to remain debt-free and so we do everything we can to avoid borrowing money until it’s absolutely necessary. The problem is, when it’s necessary, you’re no longer a safe bet. Build that relationship with your bank when you don’t need the money.  

Thinking positive will only get you so far. I don’t want to knock the law of attraction, I’m a believer in attracting the energy you put out, but energy and positive thinking will only get you so far. If you have the best energy and intention in the world, but don’t have the tenacity, work ethic, and talent to back it up, you’ll be back at square one soon enough. Focus on that blueprint and sprinkle the positive energy on top of a solid plan.  

Your brain only has 4 hours of creative function daily. Regardless of whether you “work smarter, not harder”, you’ve surely heard the adage before. What you may be unaware of is that our brains are only wired for four hours of creative function max each day. So not only is working harder not the best option, it’s also likely to burn you out in the long run without getting the results you desire.

Sometimes you’re wrong. When you start a business, it’s usually because you are a subject matter expert in your area, and that’s a great thing! When you’re a subject matter expert and are ready to conquer the world, it can be hard to accept when you don’t have all the answers- and even harder to accept when you’re flat out wrong. But alas, sometimes the root of the problem lies with you. The sooner you own it, the sooner you can fix it and move on to your next big move.  

No idea is truly original. If you have a great idea, you’re probably not the first one to have that idea. Thomas Edison wasn’t the first to think of the light bulb and the Wright brothers weren’t the first to imagine flying, they WERE however the ones who did the work and put it in the right hands. If you’re blessed with a great idea, you must do the work to reap the rewards. A good idea without a plan and drive is merely a passing thought.

What do you think? What business secrets have you found that people rarely talk about? 

 Get More info : 5 Business Secrets | Women's Entrepreneur Conference 2022

Mastering Your 2023 Game Plan


Come January 2023, everyone will be talking about resolutions. Diet, exercise, business, family- everyone’s resolutions will be different, but most will have one big thing in common: they are too late! You know why resolutions fail? It’s because they don’t have a PLAN. If you want to begin your resolution the first of the year, you need your success plan in place BEFORE then.

Entrepreneurs understand the power of planning better than anybody, but with so much on our plate, it’s not always easy to practice what we preach. But here’s the good news: there’s still time to create your plan! And the even BETTER news, is our CEO, Sandra Yancey, shared her entire goal and game planning process in a free masterclass this week, that was SO juicy, it needed to have a permanent home on the blog! Check out the recording of the full hour masterclass above, or if you're in a hurry, skip to the CliffNotes below

Creating Your Plan

When creating your plan, there are several things to consider:

  1. What are your Top 5 goals for 2023?
  2. What check-ins do you need throughout the year, to assess your progress and adjust your actions accordingly ?
  3. How does your business need to change to ensure you’re working toward those goals and giving your self the time you need to devote to daily actions and weekly deliverables?

Assessing Your Tools

While the human brain is powerful, it can always use a little strategic help from well-placed tools intended to maximize your productivity and push you towards the finish line.

When deciding what tools you need to put in place to make your plan a reality, you must consider the following:

  1. What minutia is bringing you down in your day to day and keeping you from doing what only you can do?
  2. What systems in processes can shift to automation?
  3. What tools do you currently have, are you utilizing them to the fullest, and are they working for you?

Read the Blog 'Mastering Your 2023 Game Plan' to know!

Click here to Register for Success Reimagined: Disruptive Impact Now!

How to Reinvent Your Business in 2023 | Networking Speaker


Ask any successful entrepreneur what their secret sauce is, and chances are most of them will answer that part of their success can be attributed to constantly reinventing themselves. When we think of reinvention, we often think of the adage “reinventing the wheel”, but reinvention doesn’t have to be complicated! Here are some ideas to ensure that you’re beginning 2023 with a reinvention mindset and (more importantly) a reinvention plan.

Is what you’re selling…well, selling?

First things first, are your services still relevant? When you’re considering whether what you’re doing is still relevant, try and detach from any emotion or personal attachment you have to your services. Are people still buying this service? Are they expressing interest? If the interest is there, but the sales are not, what’s holding them back from purchasing? Is it a cost issue, a visibility issue, or something else?

Check in with your current pricing model.

Does what your charging make sense for your customers? If you have demand, but not customers, this could mean one of two things: your prices are too high OR you’re targeting the wrong customer. If it’s the latter, what can you do to get yourself in front of the right potential customer?

Are your P&Ls still working for you with the current state of inflation?

It’s admirable to want to avoid raising your prices as not to alienate your customer base, but you’re still running a business. To make it to a million, you still need to make sure that your profits and losses are working for you. If they’re not, it’s time for some simple math. How much money do you want to be making, how much is this service costing you, and how much are you charging? It may be time to increase that third number. With the current state of inflation, people understand that costs are going up and with it, prices.

Get More info : How to Reinvent Your Business in 2023 | Networking Speaker

Business Lessons From Our Favorite Halloween Movies

Spooky season is upon us! It’s time to carve your pumpkins, put out the candy bowl, and sip on apple cider! Once you’ve got your best costume on and settle in on the couch, it's time to learn some incredible business lessons from some of our favorite family-friendly Halloween flicks!

Being an entrepreneur can be scary sometimes. Being the master of your own destiny and owning all the responsibility that comes with that? Intimidating! So, what can we learn from spooky season that will help us be better business women?

Ghostbusters - Marketing is everything. Who you gonna call? Let’s be honest, fictional or not, this was marketing genius. Not only did the Ghostbusters find their niche, they solidified their reputation with an unforgettable slogan that made them the leading name in ghostbusting. Think about your own marketing and whether or not it’s working for you.  

Edward Scissorhands – What makes you different just might be your key to your success. When a loving suburban entrepreneur finds a young man with scissors for hands, she brings him home and makes him part of the family. And while Edward is met with shock and awe from the people in the neighborhood, he also finds that he’s a phenomenally talented artist! The hands that make him something of an outcast are the same hands that turn him into a lucrative entrepreneur! Value what makes you different.

Get More Info : Women Business Networking

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