Helpful and Inspiring Quotes

"I never dreamed about success. I worked for it." -Estee Lauder

“Rarely are opportunities presented to you in a perfect way. In a nice little box with a yellow bow on top. Opportunities- the good ones- are messy, confusing and hard to recognize. They’re risky. They challenge you. -Susan Wojcicki, CEO, YouTube

“In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.” -Coco Chanel

"One of the greatest skills of leadership is being unflappable. Anytime you do anything in the world; there’s going to be criticism." -Arianna Huffington, Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Huffington Post Media Group

“Nobody talks about entrepreneurship as survival, but that’s exactly what it is and what nurtures creative thinking. Running that first shop taught me business is not financial science; it’s about trading: buying and selling” - Anita Roddick, Founder The Body Shop

"If you can offer a free tier that provides a lot of value, it will naturally help your product to spread much more rapidly." -Melanie Perkins, Co-Founder of Canva

“Wonder what your customer really wants? Ask. Don’t tell.” -Lisa Stone, co-founder and CEO BlogHer

"You have to get good at ceding control and not taking things personally. Even seasoned entrepreneurs have struggled with that. I think it’s about not taking failures personally and also not taking successes personally." -Leila Janah, Founder of Samasource and LXMI

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