The Entrepreneurs of Pop Culture


We live in the age of binge-watching TV and films from the comfort of our living rooms and it's never been easier to feel connected to the journeys of the characters on our screens. Let's take a look at some pop culture entrepreneurs and see what we can learn from their successes and failures.



THE BUSINESS: Sterling Cooper Draper Price 

THE ENTREPRENEURS: Roger Sterling, Bert Cooper, and Don Draper 

On Madison Avenue in the 1960s, “mad men” dominated the advertising industry with outside the box creative, wining and dining clients, and lots and lots of mergers. Fortunately for the viewers who enjoyed the show and unfortunately for the heads of the company that seem incapable of learning their lesson ONCE, they learn over and over again to think twice before selling the company you own to a bigger fish. For men who were obsessive about the value of "having your name on the door", they were repeatedly too quick to sell their empire, only to pout and build another. 


THE BUSINESS: Wonka Industries


Between the chocolate rivers, bubble soda, and gum that makes you balloon up into a giant blueberry, the corporate candy world is a dark place. Corporate espionage is plentiful with men in dark suits determined to use children as spies when the reclusive Willy Wonka opens is factory to a small few. But Willy Wonka knows how important it is to protect your secret sauce. Apparently only Oompa Loompas are to be trusted with keeping a secret.

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