N: Why is email marketing important to entrepreneurs?
D: I was just in a group yesterday and someone was like “You know, I need to hire a virtual assistant because I just can’t keep up with everything.” And I believe in virtual assistants, virtual assistants are great! But the whole point is you should never do something manually that you can set up a system to do. If you can set it up so it happens in automation, do it. The problem with solo-preneurs, entrepreneurs, and the small business owner is you’re wearing four thousand different hats! And it’s extremely difficult to stay on top of everything, that’s why you set up automation to make that happen so that you don’t have to worry about it. The stuff you’ve set up once will happen and run forever.
N: What would you say to the people who think they don’t need email marketing because their social media presence is so strong?
D: Followers and likes do not pay your power bills. A while ago Facebook was down for the better part of a day and people panicked because all of a sudden, they realized “I have absolutely no control”, Facebook could go away at any time. Instagram could go away at any time.You use Facebook or Instagram or whatever your preferred platform is as a tool to get people into your database. If you put out a post of Facebook or Instagram or whatever there’s no guarantee anyone’s going to see that. If you have them in your database and you own the relationship, they’re part of your tribe, they’re part of your community and you can communicate with them. You cannot own that relationship if they only know you through social media. I’m all for social media, social media is fantastic, it’s your big billboard, it’s how you say, “come be a part of this”, but you’ve got to get people in your database, because once they’re in your database, now you can nurture them and take care of them. And you do that through email marketing.
N: What would you say to those entrepreneurs who want that direct contact but are concerned email marketing is oversaturated because people sign up for too many lists? Do people even open emails anymore?
D: It’s true, there are a lot of emails that go out. I get hundreds of emails everyday, I’m not saying I read all of them. Do you know what the most important factor is in helping them decide if they’re gonna open or delete that email? It’s not your subject line, it’s not the time of day, it’s not the day of the week, it’s not none of that stuff. It is your name and your reputation. It’s the relationship that you build. If I get an email from Sandra Yancey, I open that! I have a relationship, I like that relationship, and I want to open that. I’m looking forward to getting that stuff. If I get an email from somebody who emails me once a quarter and I don’t know who they are, and I don’t know what they’re talking about, I’m gonna delete that. You use email to build the relationship. That’s how people will open the emails, when they see YOUR NAME and if you have a reputation for sending quality content. Some people think “I don’t want to overwhelm people, so I’m going to send fewer emails”, which is the exact opposite of what you should do. By sending fewer emails, you distance yourself even more from people and then when they do get an email from you once a month or once a quarter, they’re like “I don’t know who this person is”. So, the key is to build the relationship, and to foster that relationship, and actually send more emails, but send GOOD CONTENT in the emails. Don’t send “spammy” stuff in your emails. Email marketing is not there for you to spam people, it is there for you to build relationships with people.
Get More Info : The Importance of Email Marketing for Entrepreneurs
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