Finding Balance in Chaos

Guest Post by Premier Success Coach Kim Griffith, MA,        Co-Active Parenting and Wellness Coach

Does this sound familiar?

I had a plan … I was organized and in the flow. I had a deadline to write an article on trauma for a parenting magazine and write this blog post, so set aside 2 full days to complete them. I felt confident and in control of my time. 

And then, the biggest ice storm hit Dallas and all my plans came to a screeching halt.  My daughter’s school closed so she was home.  Then came our power outages, and finally, my husband wrecked his car trying to get out of the driveway!  I had to take and pick him up from work (he’s a doctor and babies don’t wait to be delivered)!  Although this is an extreme scenario, it expresses how crazy life can get as we are juggling being a mom, wife and running a business.  When we love all of them, HOW DO WE FIND OUR BALANCE?

I have found that getting REGULATED (calm and centered) is of the utmost importance.  When we are stressed and run by thought patterns that keep us in “survival mode,” our brain is limited to fight, flight or freeze, which shows up as anxiety, fear, frustration, anger etc.  No one is getting their needs met in this state of mind, not to mention the toll it begins to take on our physical well-being.  When we can take a few deep, conscious breaths and find a sense of calm, we give our brain a chance to tap into creative solutions, increase our energy and have the space to ask some important questions.  

Ask yourself, what is the most important thing to me right now in this moment?  What do I value the most in my life?  VALUES are our road map to making good decisions and living a truly happy life.  After getting regulated and asking myself these questions, I was able to regain my sense of calm, and be present in what I was doing.  My energy was amazing and I wrote this post in 20 minutes!  I felt productive, with my creative juices flowing. 

I found my personal balance in this extreme set of circumstances by honoring and being in tune with my values and priorities. And this, I believe, is the first step in balancing meeting our own needs with the needs of our family. What is of highest value and priority to you?   Live in alignment with them and your business will flourish!

In summary….1) Breath  2) Regulate 3) Accept  4) Ask what is most important (Values, Priorities) 5) Be Present in what your doing 6) Trust and allow your creativity to flow!

Connect with Kim Griffith at eWomenNetwork or The Wellness Way

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