Shifting Your Financial DNA

 Are you bad at budgeting? Are you great at making but not keeping money?

You might be surprised to find out that it’s not entirely your fault if you struggle with money. Studies show that the financial habits and behaviors we see in our parents have the most impact on how we handle our finances as adults. This can even mean that bad habits are passed from generation to generation.

The good news is, the way our financial story begins is not how it has to end.

#1 I share common examples of mindsets we learn at home that impact our financial wellness as an adult.

#2 Four Words You Should NEVER Say  

#3 Small Changes Lead to Big Shifts  

#4 Resources that can help you create a better financial legacy for your family

Event Information

Start Date08/18/2021 06:00 PM
End Date08/18/2021 08:00 PM
Informal Networking5:30pm
Online Event - Zoom
ChapterGreater Hartford CT
Event Link: Shifting Your Financial DNA

Important Link: women groups in dallas tx

Learning Blocks--What are Yours and How to Overcome Them

 We all have learning blocks that are ingrained in us since childhood because no one taught us HOW to learn, just WHAT to learn. These learning blocks follow us into our professional lives still today.

Have you ever been extremely busy yet not productive? Many people feel overwhelmed but don’t know where to begin to calm the storm. Most are unaware you even have learning blocks. Yet everyone has the ability to optimize their brain’s capabilities so that they can enjoy their best professional and personal lives.  I teach people how to function optimally doing things they never thought were possible, like learning a new language, putting names to faces, using Mind Maps, applying strategic speed reading or memorizing important numbers, lists or speeches just to name a few. That is Cosimo’s genius!

Awareness is the first step to change. He teaches people how to be super productive based on how YOUR brain functions in a way that is best suited to YOU so you can experience the unlimited power YOUR mind.

You’ll learn:

·         What are a learning blocks? and how can you overcome them?

·         What are common learning blocks do most people need to overcome?

·         How much more your “unblocked” mind can achieve?

Event Link: Learning Blocks--What are Yours and How to Overcome Them

Event Information

Start Date07/21/2021 11:30 AM
End Date07/21/2021 01:30 PM
Informal Networking11 am
Online Event
Important Link: Orlando women entrepreneurs network

Apps That Help Entrepreneurs Optimize Their Digital Marketing Strategy

Did you know that there are 582 million entrepreneurs in the world? With numbers like this, entrepreneurs everywhere need a competitive edge. If you’re building and scaling a business, chances are you’re constantly on the lookout for ways to get a leg up on your competitors. To accomplish this, you’ll need a great marketing strategy that stands out in a saturated market and access to the best digital marketing tools.

In this blog, we’re going to outline nine applications you need to optimize your digital marketing strategy. There may be a few that you are familiar with; others might be new to you. These are the ones that can unlock that door to success you’ve been waiting for.

From project management to outsourcing tasks and simplifying your social media marketing efforts, each of these applications will help you get the competitive edge you’re after. Plus, they’re easy-to-use with minimal technical skills required.

  • Project Management and Collaboration - Trello
  • Keyword Research - UberSuggest
  • Customer Relationship Management - HubSpot CRM
  • Email Marketing - Flodesk
  • Freelancing and Outsourcing - Fiverr
  • Blog Topic Research - Answer the Public
  • Research Your Market - BuzzSumo
  • Proofreading and Plagiarism Checker - Grammarly
  • Track Digital Marketing Performance - KISSmetrics

Narrowing down which digital marketing tools you need to get ahead starts with a strong digital marketing strategy. But, by incorporating a mix of the applications above that work for your business, you can achieve success in all digital marketing efforts. No matter your goals, these powerful and - mostly - free apps, are sure to help you bring your business to the next level, for less.

Important Links:

The six components to building your PLATFORM.

Are you ready to build a platform, grow a personal brand, and gain exposure? If the answer is yes, this session is for YOU. You will walk away with the six key components to focus on for your visibility, positioning, and marketing. All of which goes to the goal of gaining more customers for your business and generating more revenue! 

Event Information

Start Date07/21/2021 12:00 PM
End Date07/21/2021 02:00 PM
Informal Networking11:30 AM
The Boathouse At Rocketts Landing
4708 E. Old Main St  
Richmond VA 23231
United States
Event Link: The six components to building your PLATFORM.

Get Known Everywhere, Using Publicity

Jill shares powerful strategies for getting your name from unknown to newsworthy in almost no time. You will rethink everything you know about publicity when Jill shatters the misconception that publicity is expensive. Sharing her proven secrets to understanding what the media outlets want, Jill provides you with short-term, doable, FREE and low-cost tactics that will boost your visibility. Jill Lublin’s expertise will drive profits to your pockets, and prospects to your door!

You will learn:

  • Free and low cost publicity tactics  

  • How to create your "ooh ahh factor"  

  • What makes you unique and how to use that  

Event Information

Start Date08/18/2021 11:30 AM
End Date08/18/2021 01:30 PM
Informal Networking11 am
Online Event
Event Link: Get Known Everywhere, Using Publicity

Stay Visible in Uncertain Times Using Publicity

Discover how to be the #1 Influencer in your industry by boosting your credibility and amplifying your media visibility. Based on her international bestseller, Guerrilla Publicity, Jill Lublin shares simple strategies and provides cost-effective short‐term, doable tactics. So, you can stay in action during challenging experiences. Knowing what the media is looking for, will help you and your brand stand out, get noticed and go from unknown to newsworthy.

Jill Lublin shares her proven secrets to boost credibility and increase visibility for you and your brand, especially during these uncertain times.  She provides cost-effective short‐term, doable tactics so that you can stand out and get noticed in the media.  You will:

  • Understand the real purpose of publicity- To boost your credibility and amplify your visibility. 
  • Uncover your "Oooooo, Ahhhhhh!" factor. Find the Wow! that sets you apart from the crowd. 
  • You are the news! Craft a riveting message that lets others know who you are and what you do.
  • Simplify! Learn how the pros mesmerize the masses by tailoring their message to the level of a five-year-old. 
  • Pass the all-important "Who cares?" test by showcasing your expertise in a way that commands attention.

Event Information

Start Date07/20/2021 11:30 AM
End Date07/20/2021 01:30 PM
Informal Networking11:00 AM
Online Event - Zoom
United States

Important Links: 

What Is Clubhouse?

 Surfacing during the global pandemic, in April 2020 the voice-based social media platform was created as a call to arms. It was an app where venture capitalists and social media pioneers gathered to mingle with each other while in quarantine. Think of it as listening to a podcast or being on a conference call. All you have to do is listen, but you’re also highly encouraged to join in the conversation.

However, unlike other platforms, there’s no record of activity or analytics to measure - unless you purchase a third-party app to do so. It is currently invite-only as it is in beta mode, but it is looking to open to the public sooner rather than later.

Within the application, there are virtual “rooms” you can create with a specific discussion topic. Moderators and speakers are appointed, and certain people from the audience section are given the opportunity to ask questions while others join simply to listen in.

For example, at eWomenNetwork, we host an Accelerated Networking Power Hour to allow female entrepreneurs the opportunity to network with other female entrepreneurs from around the world. People will come up to the virtual stage to introduce themselves and before you know it, connections start being made and people are able to obtain valuable insight.

Another good thing to note is that there’s no pressure in consistently being on the app posting about your day because the only two things you have to update/upload are a profile photo of yourself and your bio.

Read full blog: What Is Clubhouse?

Beating Burnout with Caffeine Science

Nearly 70% of adult Americans report struggling with burnout. This burnout leads to billions of dollars in employee turnover, accidents, and illness. Burnout is a major problem, and yet, in trying to solve this problem, we rarely focus on the number one coping mechanism for stress and sleep deprivation: caffeine. Caffeine can improve mood and focus, but it can also make stress and sleep deprivation worse. The solution isn't quitting caffeine, it's knowing how to drink caffeine strategically. And what to do when caffeine cannot cure the emotional exhaustion that comes with burnout. In this workshop, Caffeine Scientist GreenEyedGuide reviews a comprehensive system for reducing stress, burnout, and the unwanted side effects of caffeine.

Event Information

Start Date07/15/2021 02:00 PM
End Date07/15/2021 04:00 PM
Informal Networking1:30 pm
Corners of Brookfield
240 Market Street  
Brookfield WI 53045
United States
Event Link: Beating Burnout with Caffeine Science

Systems: Moving you from chaos to business success

Do you feel that you are constantly running around in circles trying to get everything done? By setting up simple, yet unbelievably effective, systems you can get more done, in less time, and deliver higher quality. Join us to find out how to move your business from discord to harmony.

Event Information

Start Date07/22/2021 06:30 PM
End Date07/22/2021 08:30 PM
Informal Networking6:00 PM
Online Event - Zoom
Event Link - Systems: Moving you from chaos to business success

Clubhouse: Why Entrepreneurs Should Be On the New Social Media App

 If you haven’t heard by now, Clubhouse is the latest social media platform to attract explosive user growth for entrepreneurs and business people alike. The number of users is exponentially growing and so is the average amount of time spent on the platform. Many were quick to test it out and others were a bit skeptical about its longevity in the social media game. Regardless, the numbers don’t lie. The big question now is should you be using the app?

Let’s start with some background of the app.

What Is Clubhouse?

Surfacing during the global pandemic, in April 2020 the voice-based social media platform was created as a call to arms. It was an app where venture capitalists and social media pioneers gathered to mingle with each other while in quarantine. Think of it as listening to a podcast or being on a conference call. All you have to do is listen, but you’re also highly encouraged to join in the conversation. 

However, unlike other platforms, there’s no record of activity or analytics to measure - unless you purchase a third-party app to do so. It is currently invite-only as it is in beta modebut it is looking to open to the public sooner rather than later. 

Within the application, there are virtual “rooms” you can create with a specific discussion topic. Moderators and speakers are appointed, and certain people from the audience section are given the opportunity to ask questions while others join simply to listen in.

For example, at eWomenNetwork, we host an Accelerated Networking Power Hour to allow female entrepreneurs the opportunity to network with other female entrepreneurs from around the world. People will come up to the virtual stage to introduce themselves and before you know it, connections start being made and people are able to obtain valuable insight. 

Another good thing to note is that there’s no pressure in consistently being on the app posting about your day because the only two things you have to update/upload are a profile photo of yourself and your bio. 

Read full blog - Clubhouse: Why Entrepreneurs Should Be On the New Social Media App

Important Link: Business Network events for women

The Three Essential Keys to Creating More Success with Less Effort

What if everything you’ve been taught about how to be successful were wrong? What if it were easy instead of hard? What if it could happen quickly instead of over years?  If you feel frustrated and restless because you know you could be doing so much more – then this training is for you.  In this powerful training you will discover:

Three keys to creating uncommon success so that you can be, do, have and give anything you want.

*  A proven method for dissolving resistance to prosperity so you can attract higher levels of abundance.

*  What the most successful people do to create sustained success.

*  The unconscious blocks that keep most people stuck and how to overcome them. 

Event Link: The Three Essential Keys to Creating More Success with Less Effort

Event Information

Start Date07/08/2021 11:30 AM
End Date07/08/2021 01:30 PM
Informal Networking10:45 AM
The Valley Country Club
14601 Country Club Drive  
Centennial CO 80016
United States
Important Link: Secrets For A Thriving Business

Strategic Online Business Introductions

 We want to learn about you and your business—Please join us!

Here's your exclusive invitation to participate in an extraordinary ONLINE business mastermind where we get the opportunity to learn about you, your products and services and the ways we can help you. At this ONLINE event you’ll make outstanding connections, gain a wealth of new ideas and get access to needed resources. This is an intimate group of up to 12 dynamic entrepreneurs.


  • Meet potential new clients

  • Share what your business offers

  • Discover needed resources

  • Obtain support and guidance for your business

During this event you’ll be a part of our unique mastermind “Wisdom Circle" process. Your needs are front and center with all attention on what is important to the success of your business. You gain the collective insights from the group. 

Event Link:

Event Location: Online Event - Zoom, United States

Contact Number: 949-424-6024

Here you can see useful links:

Unapologetically You - How Being Yourself Will Grow Your Mission-Based Business

Mission-based businesses are personal.  They are often born from triumph over a personal struggle.  This means their growth is largely an inner journey, and it’s time to make this a priority!  If you’ve been craving change or feeling out of alignment, and you like straight-talk... buckle up! You are in for a juicy ride. Lisa shares her GFR Commandments.  They have been called activating, illuminating and life changing.  They laser in on all areas that need to be examined (from marketing messages to past mistakes) and this leads to life-altering, raw and real confessions.

You will discover:

  • How to start speaking your truth even if it feels scary

  • Why claiming your Soapbox is your Superpower

  • How to use your personal struggle to grow your business

  • How to be unapologetic in your marketing

Event Information

Start Date07/08/2021 11:30 AM
End Date07/08/2021 01:30 PM
Informal Networking11 CT
United States
ChapterTwin CitiesMN
Event Link: Unapologetically You - How Being Yourself Will Grow Your Mission-Based Business

14 Social Media DON'TS for Entrepreneurs

The constant evolution of social media can make it difficult to stay on top of social media etiquette and best practices, especially if you’re an entrepreneur who has a million other things to attend to. When it comes to social media etiquette for business, it takes practice to fully get a grasp on how these tips apply to your day-to-day execution. 

Here are 14 social media DON’TS when it comes to social media etiquette for businesses:

  1. DON’T: Have one social media page for your personal and business account
  2. DON’T: Post whenever you want / can
  3. DON’T: Forget to use social media holidays
  4. DON’T: Dismiss engaging with others and encouraging engagement
  5. DON’T: Ignore the power of video content
  6. DON’T: Fall for Trolls
  7. DON’T: Use excessive amounts of hashtags
  8. DON’T: Post too much promotional content

  9. DON’T: Forget to do a spelling and grammar check
  10. DON’T: Overuse emojis, caps, and punctuations
  11. DON’T: Share without researching first
  12. DON’T: Obsess about the numbers
  13. DON’T: Forget to give credit where credit is due
  14. DON’T: Post on remembrance holidays or during tragedies 

Important Links: 

How to Protect your Brand in the AI Era

Unpack and learn the secrets to protecting your brand in the digital landscape of AI and design platforms like Canva. You will walk away wit...