5 Practices for a Positive and Productive Commute

Between the morning rush, traffic and our to-do list waiting for us at our desks, it can be hard to have positive and relaxing mornings, let alone commutes. According to a recent survey by Car Rentals on mental blocks and morning commutes, a stressful commute can be a major contributor to mental blocks and therefore hinder our focus and productivity. 

In the survey, they also found that nearly 40% of Americans between the ages of 18-24 think about work on their morning commute. This age group also happens to be most prone to experience road rage––figures. To avoid or at least lessen the number of times your experience a mental block, we thought we’d share some simple practices you can do during your commute that will help start your day on a clear, refreshed mind. 

Say Your Goals Out Loud

Negative feedback can oftentimes affect our motivation and focus. Instead of stressing over any not-so-great feedback or comments at work, use your commute to create clear, achievable goals for yourself. Once you have them, repeat them a few times as you head to the office.

Another fun way to do this is to do a little reverse psychology on yourself. Instead of repeating your goals, think about what you don’t want to accomplish or experience that day or week. For example, “I will not take any work home this weekend” or “I will not say ‘yes’ to every ask.” Focusing on what you don’t want for yourself during or after work can also be a great motivation booster and help you set some boundaries for yourself. 

Find Zen Before a Big Presentation

When we’re preparing for an important presentation, meeting or pitch, it’s easy to go down the rabbit hole of reciting the material over and over. Instead of practicing your presentation on the morning of, try meditating or breathing exercises to center the mind. It will help calm your nerves and stay focused on the material you need to present. 

Disconnect From Work

Avoid reading any work emails, calls or to-do lists. Instead, have your loved ones on speed dial on your hands-free device to check in with them during your commute. Use that time to wish them a good day or make plans to catch up. If you need a quick venting session, friends and family are also great listeners and may offer you some helpful advice. 

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Women Networking Dallas

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Marketing Networking Events Dallas

women speakers network

Why Aren't You Asking?

My daughter likes to ask for a back massage and a foot massage every night before bed. So, the other night I said to her, “You’re a pretty lucky girl! I don’t think most 6-year-olds are getting a back and foot massage every night.”

She looked at me and says, “Mommy, that’s because they don’t ask.” Her words of wisdom hit me like a slap in the face…Why are so many people afraid to ask?

I mean the worst that can happen is someone says “no”, right? Believe me, there are many nights that she asks that I do say no because it’s too late or she hasn’t earned it. But it never stops her from asking again the next night. Because she knows what she likes, she knows what she wants, and she isn’t afraid of getting a “no” and then trying to negotiate the outcome by saying “how about just a foot rub then…”

Being able to ask for what you want or need is an essential skill for an entrepreneur and small business owner. Whether you are asking for a referral, trying to close a sale or asking someone for help, taking the initiative and doing it will make a huge impact on your business.

After thinking about the lessons I have learned from my daughter’s tenacity as well as my experience in business, I have put together 5 key reasons that make asking so critical in growing your business.

1. You can only get a YES if you ask.

If you don’t ever ask for what you want, then you will never get it. You can’t expect people to read your mind and know what you want. You’ve got to open up and tell them what it is you are looking for.

Know the important questions you need to be asking in order to get what you want. If you’re going to a networking event, ask “Do you know someone who… (fill in the blank with your ideal client)” Have an objective in mind when you go to events so that you can leave with your questions answered.

2. You learn what people really want.

Mastering the art of asking goes beyond just asking for what you want, to learning how to ask others what they want. Asking the right questions to clients, employees, prospects and vendors help you understand their needs and desires better so that your communication and relationships improve.

Asking your clients for input and how you can provide more value for them will make your offers/products/solutions so much better. Asking prospects what their biggest pain points are will give you insight into what message you need to be relaying to draw in more ideal clients.

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Women Success summit

Business Networking Group Dallas

Top 20 Motivational Quotes of 2021 for Female Entrepreneurs

It’s no surprise to us that women continue to make great strides in the entrepreneurial world, but even business owners need a boost sometimes. That’s why it is so important to choose the right motivational quotes that speak the most to you in order to get the most benefits out of them. So, our Digital Advantage team has decided to make a list of quotes that are relevant to female entrepreneurs. Spark your inspiration with these 20 motivational quotes, from a variety of women extraordinaires.

 Why Do Motivational Quotes Matter?

Jonathan Fader, a psychologist and motivation expert says, the appeal and effectiveness of quotes will depend on the person, as some people find simple phrases quite meaningful and other people simply cannot resonate with them. When things become difficult or you are lacking inspiration, many people turn to motivational quotes to help them, which if you search online, you will find millions of quotes. That’s why it’s so important to find a handful of quotes that speak to your heart and soul.

Mindfully Using Quotes to Elevate Your Mindset

Everything we absorb, whether consciously or unconsciously, affects us especially the power of language. You may know about words of affirmations, and how speaking them to yourself every day can help you re-wire negative thoughts you may have. The miracles in your mind create the miracles in your life. So, when you spend the time and effort to make your mindset better, you will feel more inspired and empowered to accomplish your dreams. 

Words of Wisdom

  1. "You can have it all. Just not all at once." – Oprah Winfrey, television personality

  2. "Do one thing every day that scares you." – Eleanor Roosevelt, the former first lady of the United States

  3. Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mindset lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.” - Mary Kay AshFounder of Mary Kay

  4. "Do not bring people in your life who weigh you down, and trust your instincts. Good relationships feel good. They feel right. They don't hurt. They're not painful. That's not just with somebody you want to marry, but it's with the friends you choose. It's with the people you surround yourself with." – Michelle Obamathe former first lady of the United States

  5. “No matter where you are in life, you’ll save a lot of time by not worrying too much about what other people think about you. The earlier in your life that you can learn that, the easier the rest of it will be.” - Sophia Amoruso, Co-Founder of Nasty Gal

  6. "What sets you apart can sometimes feel like a burden, and it's not. And a lot of the time, it's what makes you great." – Emma Stone, Academy, and Golden Globe Award-winning actress

"Champions keep playing until they get it right." – Billie Jean King

Read  more

We hope these successful female entrepreneurs and businesswomen inspired you as much as they did for us. Remember to keep track and store the inspirational quotes that resonate the most with you so you can find them quickly whenever you need a little pick-me-up!

How to De-stress During an Overwhelming Week

Maintaining what feels like a hundred tasks over the span of seven days can become overwhelming. This causes stress and ultimately creates a worn-out version of yourself. Over time stress can lead to anxiety, depression, a low immune system, and other harmful effects.

At eWomenNetwork, we’re all about taking time to self-care. It’s true that your business can only function as well as you are functioning - and you can’t be at your full potential when you’re stressed out. Next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, consider these destressers that can take you from stress to success.

Spend time in nature. Take a break from your day to go for a walk or step outside and take three deep breaths then go back to your task. According to one study, spending time outdoors can lower levels of cortisol - a hormone used as a marker for stress. Consider working remotely from a garden or outdoor cafe. Even opening a window can change the mood in a workspace in an instant. Mother nature has many healing properties that are right outside your door.

Meditate. Put on meditation music, pace your breathing, and control your thoughts. There are easy-to-follow videos you can find if you’re a beginner. It’s proven that the benefits of mediation can last up to six days - that’s almost an entire week! Imagine what taking 10 minutes out of your day to meditate could do for your mental health. Try adding elements of aromas and hot tea to enrich the experience.

Take deep breaths. You’ve probably heard this saying before, but it can help lower stress levels in just minutes. Focus on your breaths being slow and steady. This can lower your heart rate and boost oxygen levels. Close your eyes and picture white light representing positivity as you’re breathing in, hold it, and picture black smoke representing negative energy releasing from the body. Practice this in moments when you become aware that you are starting to feel overwhelmed.

Set a time limit for social media. It has become so integrated into the fabric of everyday life. You may not even notice the effects of checking Instagram multiple times a day has until it’s too late. This can cause comparison stress, FOMO (fear of missing out), mood influence, and other negative underlying effects. Get an app that allows you to put a timer on social media apps if your phone settings don’t already have one.

Get detail info: How to De-stress During an Overwhelming Week

Important Link: women business network

5 Things Entrepreneurs Should Stop Doing to be More Successful


As entrepreneurs, we often seek out advice and direction on what to do to achieve business success. Few of us realize, though, that there are actually things we should stop doing as well. We may not even be aware we’re doing some of these things, and others may be holdovers from when we were employees rather than entrepreneurs. Regardless of where they came from, here are the five things you should STOP doing today if you want to be more successful. 

1.Selling What You "Do"

2. Forgetting to Recharge Your Passion

3. Going it Alone

4. Controlling vs. Leading

5. Giving Into Impatience for Success

Author, Carol O'Brien

Carol O'Brien has a servant's heart and an entrepreneurial spirit. She is the CEO and co-founder of Get Involved Company and believes that nonprofits of all sizes should have affordable, effective tools to accomplish mission-critical goals. She created a software and services solution that helps nonprofits fund raise, recruit volunteers, sell event tickets and generate awareness for their causes. Carol has launched two successful businesses, is an author, and has an MBA in entrepreneurship and marketing from Babson College. Carol is a member of the Austin Chapter of eWomenNetwork and is always up for meeting members and potential members for a cup of coffee!

Important Link: Women entrepreneur network ottawa

The Key is Authenticity; Wait....What?

We hear this word all the time, "authenticity" but what does it really mean? Why do you want it? How do you know if you're doing it?  Or having it? Or being it?  Join Erin to learn what authenticity is and how to use it as your secret weapon for growing your business.

Event Link: The Key is Authenticity; Wait....What?

Event Information

Start Date10/20/2021 11:30 AM
End Date10/20/2021 01:30 PM
Informal Networking11:00 AM
Online - Zoom Venue
United States
Important Link: Business networking for new entrepreneurs

What to Wear to the Annual eWN ICON

We are less than a week away from eWomenNetwork’s 2021 ICON, so it’s crunch time to find yourself some iconic outfits. Our conference will have you moving around quite a bit, engaging and interacting with others, so dress for comfort. However, keep in mind there will be several photo opps and when networking, you always want to dress to impress! If you don’t know what you’re wearing to ICON yet, don’t worry, our digital advantage team has curated fashion tips specifically for our event.

  • Lean Towards More Modest Choices - Short dresses or skirts and deep-cut tops can be challenging for females to wear to conferences depending on the viewing angle of the audience. Many women’s outfits are made of delicate material that is often see-through, keep that in mind when putting on your conference outfits - you definitely don’t want your bra strap showing through your shirt.
  • Extra Clothes For Your Personal Goals - The social media frontier is changing, and they are more opportunities for you to get in on. Our creative director Briana Dai will be teaching our members all about creating Instagram Reels for your business and why they are so important. If you bring extra clothes, you can utilize any free time at the conference to just go for it to start creating your videos. Also, if you are from out of town and you want to explore the area you’ll want to bring extra clothes as it will be quite hot here in the DFW metroplex.
  • Be Aware of Accessories - Stay conscious of any accessories you are wearing or thinking of including in your conference outfits. For example, you don’t want to wear big, shiny jewelry that will reflect light or squeaky shoes that will create a distraction for your audience’s attention. Of course, stay true to your style but also be aware of wearing patterns that could potentially be distracting. Before you go on stage, empty your pockets of keys, wallet, or anything else that may be distracting to the eye. When you do a soundcheck, wear the outfit you are planning to wear so you can test any physical activity you may do while giving your speech and to make sure your audience is listening to you and not your noisy shoes. When picking accessories to wear, focus on subtle additions that can add to your outfit and are still in line with being professional, such as simple earrings that add a pop of color.

Hopefully, these fashion tips have helped you in preparation for our upcoming conference or at least helped you re-think some of your choices. We can’t wait to see all of you at our 2021 conference in just a few, short days. Don’t forget to tag us on Instagram wearing your ICONIC conference outfits!

Get detail info: What to Wear to the Annual eWN ICON

Important Link: women business network

Creating a Marketing Plan For Your Business

In this hands on talk we will create a weekly, monthly and yearly marketing calendar that highlights special marketing days, seasonal promos, holidays and special events pertaining to your business. We will explore different marketing techniques and strategies as not all marketing works the same for every business. Learn the best marketing practices for what is trending now. A workbook is included.Naming Your Business : Naming your business is one of the most important aspects when starting your business – and it can also be the most challenging. I will guide you through a proven strategy for creating the perfect name for your business, including securing a domain name and email address for your website. A workbook is included.

1) Learn how to breakdown your messaging so your customers are not overwhelmed. 

2) Identify marketing techniques and strategies that will be effective for your business, as not all marketing works the same for every business.

3) Learn the best marketing practices for what is trending now. 

4) A workbook is included

Event Information

Start Date10/14/2021 11:30 AM
End Date10/14/2021 01:30 PM
Informal Networking11:00 am
Online Event - Zoom

Event Link: Creating a Marketing Plan For Your Business

Important Link: Women Entrepreneur Blog

Change and Transformation: Transform from Overwhelmed to Thriving when you Change your Boss Habits

As entrepreneurs we know it is easy to slip into the feeling of overwhelm from time to time.  But, what we come to find out is that we are the ones in charge of the overwhelm. Join us as Talmar Anderson, "The Boss Muse" a leading expert in helping businesses create strategies that clear the chaos from your business, shares her insights into how to create Boss Habits that will transform overwhelm into thriving on a day-to-day basis.

Event Information

Start Date09/30/2021 11:30 AM
End Date09/30/2021 01:30 PM
Informal Networking11:00 am
Terrace Park Country Club
5341 S Milford Rd  
Milford OH 45150
United States
Event Link - Change and Transformation: Transform from Overwhelmed to Thriving when you Change your Boss Habits

Important Link: Women Entrepreneur Blog

Why should you invest in yourself as an entrepreneur?

When you choose to invest the time and money to attend a business conference you will walk away with fresh ideas, valuable contacts, new tools, and a fresh perspective that will ultimately help your business grow and succeed.

  • Networking Opportunities - Networking is a powerful tool that can lead to new contacts, new customers, and new business opportunities. Networking events are a great way to learn from other knowledgeable entrepreneurs and are an excellent way to gain authority in your industry. For many of us, approaching strangers can be intimidating but don’t worry, eWomenNetwork can help you prepare your perfect pitch. Being properly prepared for networking
    yourself at any given time, especially during events, can make or break your path to new opportunities.

  • Fresh Thinking and Inspiration - Most of us are not innovative 24/7 and need an outside source to spark that creative fire within us. Being around the same people, places, and things every day it’s easy for your creativity to hit a block. Oftentimes, conferences give people the time and opportunity to focus “on” their business, for a day or two, instead of being “in” their business. A fresh perspective from other entrepreneurs can provide inspiration for people who may be in a creative rut. Take note of everything around you when attending events, you never know when inspiration may strike. After business conferences, don’t be surprised if you return to work with a refreshed, motivated, and clear mind with new ideas.

  • Opportunities to Generate Customers - Going to business conferences is a great way to meet your future customers. Networking events are a great way to generate customers, by setting up in front of big crowds and engaging them in discussions about your business. Being at a conference gives you the opportunity to introduce yourself to a wide range of people, some being ideal customers and others may give you ideas for the future of your business.

  • There's Nothing To Lose - A conference has so much information to give you with little to no risk at all, depending on price and your budget. No matter what industry you’re in, you will make valuable connections and learn something new, when you attend a business conference. There are so many benefits to go to events, so why would you not go? You got nothing to lose, and everything to gain!

When you are at a business conference, remember to engage with everyone you can, no matter what industry they may be in. Once the event is over, keep in touch with the new connections you made while there. While it’s fresh in your mind, you can start to lay a good foundation with the people you met by connecting on LinkedIn or by email.
Interested in attending a business conference now that you’ve learned about all the benefits? eWomenNetwork has our annual ICON conference coming up August 25-28. Get your tickets while you still can!
Important Link: womens business network

Flip the Script! Change your words, change your results

Do you ever feel like you get in your own way? Maybe you can't seem to get unstuck from the muck, no matter how hard you try? Learning to flip the script can take you from the muck to the magic with a few easy steps.

The words we use are extremely powerful in shaping the results we get in our lives. Neuroscientists have found that negative words promote stress-inducing hormones, which feed into a cycle of frustration. As entrepreneurs, it can be easy to fall into a scarcity mindset, or be engulfed with overwhelm and feelings of inadequacy.

Teri Kerr, Executive Coach and Empowerment Strategist, brings humour and fun to your chapter, while sharing a few quick hacks that will set you on a path to empowerment in your business.

Event Information

Start Date09/14/2021 06:00 PM
End Date09/14/2021 08:00 PM
Informal Networking5:30 pm
Online - Zoom
Event Link: Flip the Script! Change your words, change your results

The Importance of Business Conferences for Entrepreneurs

When it comes to being an entrepreneur, it’s not always about what you know, it’s also about who you know. It doesn’t matter how new or experienced you are as an entrepreneur, or how big or small your business is. Attending relevant events and conferences allow you to take your business to the next level, no matter what that means for your business specifically. You can find conferences and events local to you that are incredibly budget-friendly, or free, that can give you the tools to make your business thrive. Our Digital Advantage team has outlined why attending business conferences can help you scale your empire.

Learn from the Experts - We’ve all heard the cliche, “learn something new every day,” and that could not be more true. No matter who you are, or how experienced you are, there is always room to expand your knowledge. Being able to learn from someone who can help your business grow and flourish is one of the most wonderful things about going to conferences. They can also help you stay up to date with current and future developments in your in

dustry to be one step ahead of trends. 

Learn More About Your Industry - Being an entrepreneur, oftentimes they are too busy growing their business that they don’t notice what’s happening in their industry, so changes can come as a surprise. It’s critical for business owners to be prepared for any internal or external changes that may come their way. Attending events that are relevant to your industry can help you stay prepared for any obstacle that may come your way.

To Build Recognition - One of the most difficult obstacles for start-ups is building recognition. Going to business conferences and networking events can give you the opportunity to meet potential customers, therefore building up your brand recognition. A lot of events allow vendors to set up towards the entrance so they can pitch to people and build recognition around their product. 

Get detail info: The Importance of Business Conferences for Entrepreneurs

Important Link: Success System for Women Entrepreneurs

Success Institute | Madison

We are the Premier Resource for Business and Entrepreneur Networking in Madison! Join us each month for the most effective networking events.

Welcome to our community of women helping women.

At eWomenNetwork our purpose is to support, promote and showcase our members' products and services and to help them achieve their professional goals.

Please join us and learn the power of networking and building relationships with successful business women who know the great benefits of sharing and helping.

Terri Lynn Yanke

Managing Director

Madison, eWomenNetwork

Get detail info: Success Institute | Madison

Important Link: women's entrepreneur network

How To Escape The Hustle, Attract Dream Clients & Swell Your Business With Red Hot Leads Every Week

What does your business need to succeed? More leads!

Why, because it creates more money, more time, and more freedom.

Learn how to get free leads daily.

Learn the lead generation formula.

Learn how to fill your pipeline with leads.

And wrap this in your daily compass for success!

I'll show you how. It's easier than you think!

Most businesses don't survive because they don't have enough leads. Join Lois as she shares how you can easily get 100 new leads for free each month with her proven lead generation system. 

Looking to fill your bank account. Come learn from Lois today!

Event Information

Start Date09/01/2021 12:00 PM
End Date09/01/2021 02:00 PM
Informal Networking11:45 am pacific time
Cocina Del Charro Escondido
890 W. Valley Parkway  
Escondido CA 92025
United States
ChapterSan DiegoCA
Get detail info: How To Escape The Hustle, Attract Dream Clients & Swell Your Business With Red Hot Leads Every Week

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Schedule-iframe - eWomenNetwork Conference

JulieUlstrup | Managing Director | eWomenNetwork

JulieUlstrup | Managing Director | eWomenNetwork

The most effective women's business organization for women entrepreneurs. eWomenNetwork is the #1 resource for women business owners to succeed. Let's network! 

eWomenNetwork Conference | Women's Business Conference

eWomenNetwork Conference | Women's Business Conference: For 19 years, eWomenNetwork has produced and hosted the premier Conference experience for Women business owners and entrepreneurs.

How to Celebrate Entrepreneur Day with Intention


Entrepreneurs are easily one of the most hard-working groups of people, but that doesn’t mean they don’t deserve a break. Take World Entrepreneur Day to slow down, reflect on your accomplishments, thank your support group, and toast to your empire. Our Digital Advantage team has come up with different ideas of how you can celebrate with intention. 

What is World Entrepreneurs Day?

Entrepreneur Day always occurs on the third Tuesday of November, which falls on November 16th this year. Being an entrepreneur means you organize and operate a business to produce goods or services for profit, but they take on a big risk to do so. World Entrepreneur Day (WED) honors those, men and women, who have built their business venture(s) from the ground up. 

What does it mean to celebrate something with intention?

There are special moments in life that are often celebrated, such as the “typical events” like birthdays, graduations, anniversaries, and promotions. However, most of those moments make us feel obligated to celebrate. To celebrate with intention, you have the determination to get it done because it is one of your goals. Add “Celebrate World Entrepreneur Day” to your do list to ensure your hard work gets acknowledged, especially by yourself.

Mentor Another Entrepreneur

Consider mentoring an upcoming entrepreneur, if you have successfully proven yourself in your industry. Since they are just starting they will have a lot of questions, as there are a lot of unknowns when entering the entrepreneurial world. Give them advice, resources that helped you, or even a nudge in the right direction if they’re feeling stuck. You could also shout out their products or services on social media to help their brand get more eyes on them.  

Host A Celebration

  What better way to celebrate Entrepreneur Day than to give back to the people that believed in your business! That can include offering deals on your products or services, a small giveaway on social media, or hosting an event with snacks and beverages. Anything you can do, or afford, to show your appreciation and celebrate with your community because if it wasn’t for them you may not be where you are today. 

Start with the customer – find out what they want and give it to them.

 Acknowledge Your Support System Who Helped You Get to Where You Are

We all have someone, or multiple people, that have helped us get to where we are today. That could be your family supporting your business endeavors, or a fellow entrepreneur that mentored you in your early stages. Take a moment during World Entrepreneur Day to say thank you to the people that have supported you in all phases of your business. That could be a simple text, email, or phone call, or even shouting them out on social media. 


Share Entrepreneurship with Young Minds

Everyone brings something different to the table, even though younger adults may not have the same experience you do, they have a different perspective which can lead to some amazing, out-of-the-box ideas. Sharing your experience with young minds can encourage the next generation of inventors and entrepreneurs. If you know a teacher, try telling your story of entrepreneurship to their class. You never know who you might inspire. 

Reflect On Your Entrepreneur Journey

No matter if you have been an entrepreneur for 20+ years or two months, take some time to reflect on your entrepreneurial journey. What were your goals at the beginning? Have you accomplished any of your goals? Where could you improve? Where do you see your business going in the future? Asking yourself these questions, and more, allows you to see your business venture successes and where you can grow from here. Reflection is critical to any entrepreneur’s success and can be done as often as you see fit. 


Browse Crowdfunding Websites

Crowdfunding websites, such as Kickstarter, which individuals and small businesses use in the early stages of their business venture to help raise funds toward a project or cause. Many well-known brand names got started on crowdfunding websites, so you may be surprised that some amazing innovations need startup costs that help entrepreneurs accomplish their dreams. Being a small part of someone else’s journey is so rewarding! You can stay in the loop on new products, by signing up for Kickstarter’s Happening newsletter.

Celebrate on Social Media

No matter if you are a business owner currently, or if you are dreaming of being one done day. Help spread the word using social media so all entrepreneurs can celebrate their wins together. You can support your favorite entrepreneur by highlighting them on social media, which could help you build a connection with them.  

If you’re one of those people who need an excuse to celebrate, make November 16th your reason - pat yourself on the back and tell yourself you are an awesome, successful entrepreneur with a thriving business. No matter how you celebrate World Entrepreneur Day, do so with intention. Cheers to all the bosses out there!

Visit our site to read more blogs on Women In Business Organization

Women Success Coaches | Greater Seattle/Snohomish County

We are the Premier Resource for Business and Entrepreneur Networking in Seattle and Snohomish County, Washington! We hold the most effective networking events.

Welcome to our community of women helping women.

At eWomenNetwork our purpose is to support, promote and showcase our members' products and services and to help them achieve their professional goals.

Please join us and learn the power of networking and building relationships with successful business women who know the great benefits of sharing and helping.

Karen Koenig

Managing Director

Greater Seattle/Snohomish County, eWomenNetwork

Get more info: Women Success Coaches

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, ANE Event on August 12 2021 | eWomenNetwork

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, ANE Event on August 12 2021 | eWomenNetwork

Do you remember the makeovers that Oprah did on her show?  The one where someone walked in looking like a 1980's reject and left drop-dead gorgeous??  Well.... think about your sales strategy as it relates to where your business is headed today.  Do you have the right vision in place?  Do you need to tweak things a little here or there to reinvigorate your revenue?
No business was built to remain the same year-after-year.  There are always places that can be fine-tuned and freshened up.  Susan will lead you through 3 key areas to make sure you are staying relevant and forward-thinking.  That's the best way to guarantee your ultimate success!!

It is Time for a Sales Makeover

Do you remember the makeovers that Oprah did on her show?  The one where someone walked in looking like a 1980's reject and left drop-dead gorgeous??  Well.... think about your sales strategy as it relates to where your business is headed today.  Do you have the right vision in place?  Do you need to tweak things a little here or there to reinvigorate your revenue?

No business was built to remain the same year-after-year.  There are always places that can be fine-tuned and freshened up.  Susan will lead you through 3 key areas to make sure you are staying relevant and forward-thinking.  That's the best way to guarantee your ultimate success!!

Event Information

Start Date08/12/2021 11:00 AM
End Date08/12/2021 01:00 PM
Informal Networking10:30am
Online Event - Zoom
United States
Event Link: It is Time for a Sales Makeover

Mastering First Impressions | Women Networking

First impressions are important. People make judgements about you in as little as 20 seconds. Studies have shown that first impressions, par...