Business Lessons From Our Favorite Spooky Movies | Entrepreneur Networking

 Scary movies are chock-full of powerhouse women overcoming the impossible, and in-turn many spooky movies offer great lessons we can all apply in business and in life. But just in case you aren’t the kind of person who had a Scream-themed 11th birthday party, here are some business lessons without the jump scares:

Odoo Members

Always be a Team Player. (IT, 2017) When push comes to shove and you’re battling a project of epic proportions (or, you know, an evil clown in the sewers), there’s power in numbers. If everyone plays their part and communicates, there's no problem you can't handle.

Don’t run and hide from your problems. (Ready or Not, 2018) Your problems will always catch up to you, whether it be a regulation and compliance issue, or a new husband who’s family is in a diabolical cult (let's hope that's not it though). When times get rough, you can only run out the clock for so long. You have a much better chance of succeeding if you face things head on with wits and strategy. After all, sometimes the only way out of something is straight through it.

Some risks are not worth the money. (The Amityville Horror, 1979) If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. It can be tempting to take what appears to be a phenomenal deal, but sometimes those slashed prices were slashed for a very good reason.

There’s no shame in calling in the experts. (Poltergeist, 1982) (Jaws, 1975) (The Exorcist, 1973) No one expects you to know everything about everything.  Even the most seasoned of CEOs probably don’t know how to get rid of a poltergeist, take down a great white shark, or perform an exorcism. And that’s fine. If wouldn't  perform an exorcism on your own, don't do taxes on your own. Experts are available to us for a reason.

Learn from your predecessors. (Scream, 1997) Everyone wants to be an original, but it would be silly not to learn from those who came before you. If someone forged a path first, study it. You don’t have to be a copycat, but you could learn great things simply by paying attention to those who did it first. 

 Read more: Business Lessons From Our Favorite Spooky Movies

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eWomenNetwork Spotlight: From Dreamer to Dreamprenuer


Traci Bogan was sexually assaulted when she was a child. Her healing began with a trip to Hawaii and facilitating the passage of a Wisconsin State law to benefit childhood victims of sexual abuse. Beyond that, this is also an amazing story of how the self-proclaimed world’s first “Dreampreneur” gave away all of her earthly possessions, strapped an 82 pound backpack on and set off to see the world. Two Years, 54 countries, 75,000 miles later, Traci Bogan’s journey became a transformational book and will soon transform others in soon-to-be released movie, “The Backpack Diaries.”

How the Journey from Dreamer to Dreampreneur Began

  • Traci was sexually abused as a child in Wisconsin

  • Blue collar worker – making refrigerator handles

  • Met best friend – talked about "wouldn’t it be nice if…." Ended up deciding on Hawaii

  • Traci's philosophy - When you keep your eye on the “why” the “what” doesn’t matter and the “how” always shows up

  • Lived in Hawaii for 10 years – did a lot of healing

  • Had gnawing feeling and talked about her abuse – went to professional for help. She woke up one day and knew she needed to do something about it.

  • Helped write state law to increase criminal statue for sex crimes on children in Wisconson. Known as, "The Bogan Bill." – Happy because she left a “little” footprint in Wisconsin.

  • Living the dream – While living in Hawaii, someone told her she has more to contribute – went into medical field

  • Lived a great life in Hawaii working for Plastic Surgeon – went out every night – one morning after a hard night on the town with puke in her hair – she knew she was destined for more. Always wanted to see the world.

  • Woke up knowing today is the day she was going to follow her dream.

  • Gave everything away – for free!

  • Bought a backpack and a map – Traci circled everywhere in the world she wanted to go – first stop was to Raising, Wisconsin – Then she spent a year crisscrossing the world – had no money, but had the strong enough "why."

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Why Being Overworked Isn't a Badge of Honor


When I Google “how many hours a week do entrepreneurs work?” my jaw drops, I shake my head, and I want to send a cozy blanket and a bottle of Goli’s Relax Restore Unwind gummies to every member of eWN, because OMG. You ladies work hard. 

Building a business from the ground up requires an astounding amount of patience, perseverance, and strategy.  And also hours. 

Hours and hours and hours. 

The 40-hour work week was popularized by Henry Ford in 1926.  Some say that he was among the first to mandate this because the increases in productivity with overtime work were miniscule and temporary at that.  Others say that he wanted profits, and for profits he needed people to buy things, and for people to buy things they needed to have days off and be generally well-rested.  

But with only 24 hours in a day and big dreams, most entrepreneurs don’t do things the Henry Ford way. They do them the dream big way.  

Real Talk: for dreams to become reality, you must refill your cup at some point. That means catch up on sleep, take a breath, live your life, and replenish your creative well. Because whether you’re in a creative field or not, being an entrepreneur will always require creative strategy.

We’ve been taught that 10,000 hours of practice are necessary to become a master in your field. The reality is that too much all at once increases the likelihood you’ll burn yourself out.  

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3 Techniques to Boost Your Confidence

Confidence is a Consequence of doing the thing that you must do." You have to act on your dreams.  Once you act on your dreams, you will face the consequence of your action.  Think of “ACT” as an acronym for Action Changes Things.  The change you are seeking lies behind your willingness to trust yourself enough to accomplish what you know is inside of you.  I know, it’s easier said than done.  Fear DOES exist but it’s ultimately up to you to treat fear as an acronym to either believe the “Fake Evidence Appearing Real,” OR “Feel Everything And Rise.”  If you’re reading this blog, I believe you’re ready to rise.  Today we are going to share 3 tips to finding the courage that will lead you to the success, that will consequently create more confidence than you’ve ever had.

Take Calculated Risks

Building up your confidence is going to require you to take risks.  It is going to require that you trust yourself.  It is going to require that you give yourself permission to scrape your knee…. Key word “scrape” your knee, not shatter your entire kneecap.  Hence why we encourage calculated, well-thought-out risks, as opposed to spontaneous risks.  Confidence will come from you committing to a risk, planning for it, doing it, and the growth occurs when you review it.  Reviewing the successes of your risk, as well as the problems, opportunities, and threats are what will not only give you a sense of accomplishment for making it happen, but the reassurance that the next time you take that risk, it will be even better. 

The first step, however, is to commit to it and jump.  Sometimes we just need to take the leap and build our wings on the way down.  

Growth in yourself and your confidence is going to require you to step outside of your comfort zone and trust that as long as the risk you are making is a calculated one, you will not come out of it with a shattered knee!

Embrace Discomfort

Speaking of getting out of your comfort zone, what is a comfort zone anyway?  As an entrepreneur, you need to NEVER visit that deadly place.  Your comfort zone is the thief of your dreams.  In the spirit of protecting you, your comfort zone prevents you.  Building your confidence is the same as building a muscle.  If you don’t feel some strain and discomfort, that muscle isn’t going to grow. Ever heard the phrase, if you aren’t sweating, you aren’t working?  The same goes for your confidence.  In order to grow and build your confidence in yourself and your business, you’ll have to sweat through a little discomfort; embrace it.  Learn to love the feeling of discomfort.  When you find yourself feeling uncomfortable, reward yourself with something positive for forcing yourself into the right direction.

Insert Yourself Into an Inspirational Environment

Jim Rohn said it best; “you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” We couldn’t agree more.  One of the best ways to build your confidence is to let go of the people who diminish your confidence or lack confidence themselves.  We are NOT suggesting that you walk around and cut-off anyone and everyone who is in a bad mood.  What we ARE saying is that you do need to be conscience of your energy and the energy you surround yourself with. 

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6 Best Instagram Practices

Having a digital presence is a vital element of running a business in today's world. Instagram is one of the most popular business platforms in the world. According to Hootsuite, Instagram is used by 1 billion people every day, with 500 million of them using it every day. With more than 70% of the population having at least one social media account, taking care of yours might help you stand out from the crowd. This week, we sat down with our friends from People's Revolt, who are social media specialists, to discuss the six top suggestions for your brand's Instagram.

Use Hashtags 

Instagram now allows users to utilise thirty hashtags per post. You'll stand out if you use 30 hashtags, but it's best to use them wisely rather than selfishly. They expose your brand to those who aren't familiar with it but are interested in similar topics to what you're posting. Use hashtags that accurately represent your company and have over 100,000 - 1 million posts to stand out from the crowd and become more relevant. If you're a makeup artist, for example, you shouldn't use #Realtor.

This is deceptive and may result in your account being shadowboxed. Instagram has been cracking down on spam accounts, and using the wrong hashtags can lead to your account being flagged as spam and being shadow-banned from potential followers.

Post Consistently

Make a timetable for yourself that works for you and keep to it. Consistent posting offers your fans something to anticipate and makes everything more consistent. To optimise engagement opportunities, do some research to figure out what your platform's busiest times are. Because this is when your fans are most active, the more comments, likes, and shares you receive, the more exposure your brand receives.


This is an IMPORTANT aspect of expanding your business and increasing possible consumer awareness. Make an effort to interact with others on related sites and hashtags, as well as on your platform's content. Use language that encourages people to take action, such as asking questions or inviting them to participate in the conversation.


You'll attract more attention if your page is well-designed and visually appealing. If a page is overly cluttered or an eyesore, it's easy for a potential follower to abandon it. To offer your business a unique, unified personality, try to employ consistent color schemes, filters, and layouts throughout your postings. Your page will pop and draw users in if you employ high-quality photographs with relatable engaging imagery.


It's critical to remain current in your field. Look into themes that are related to your business and mission. If you own a bakery, for example, you'll want to be aware of National Dessert Day and National Baking Day. Using hashtags in these hot postings will help to increase brand awareness to a larger audience. It's possible that your post will be shared on Instagram's 'Discover' tab, which is gold. Staying current takes time, but it may help you grow your brand exponentially.

Time Management

You're already juggling several activities in your everyday life as a female entrepreneur, so you might be wondering when you'll have time to post on Instagram. Apps for planning and scheduling come in handy in this situation.

There are various platforms from which to pick. Later, UNUM, and Sprout Social are among our personal favorites. They have a variety of purposes and provide a free trial so you can evaluate which one is best for you. Spend a few hours each week planning and scheduling material so you don't have to worry about it during the week. This allows you to focus on engagement whenever you have a second to check your phone, whether you're winding down from the day or have 15 minutes before starting the day.

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How to Achieve A Millionaire Mindset As An Entrepreneur

So you want to grow in various ways as an entrepreneur this year. You set your resolutions and have a pretty good idea of what you want for yourself, but have you taken the necessary steps to ensure that your goals are attainable? One of the best steps you can take to become the best version of yourself is transforming your mindset. 

Everything starts in the mind. An idea, a thought, a belief. It’s where all dreams are created and/or terminated, which is why achieving a millionaire mindset is so important to an entrepreneur. If you don’t develop this mindset, you will continue to work hard, take action, but never go anywhere.

Developing a millionaire mindset requires you to stretch your thinking. And today, we’re sharing some of our favorite mindfulness tips to get you there.

Have a vision and constantly visualize it.

It’s one thing to have a vision for something that you want for yourself, but it’s another thing to clearly visualize it. If you aspire to be a successful entrepreneur that wants to become a millionaire at some point in your life, you have to get clear on your why; why you want it, and what it looks like. 

Start by asking yourself ‘why do I want to be a millionaire’? You can put your own spin on the question and exchange the word millionaire for success, the best version of myself, or even billionaire. Solidify your why and then physically put it in front of you whether that be writing it out or creating a vision board. This will help keep your vision at the forefront of your mind and motivate you to do whatever it takes to achieve it.

Do what you love and feel passionate about.

As the cliché saying goes, if you love what you do, you’ll never have to work a day in your life. And when you do this, money will inevitably flow to and through you. Even when times get tough or you’re at a point where you have to do something you really don’t want to do, shifting the way you think about it can shift your entire mindset. Remember that you’re never going to fully do the things you love. Running a business calls for you to step into positions that will challenge you and make you feel uncomfortable, but when you’re able to embrace these situations, you can achieve success. 

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The Pros and Cons of Hiring a Dedicated Social Media Team

The popularization of social media may be less than twenty years old, but it’s not going away any time soon, if anything, it’s only ramping up. Regardless of whether you personally use (or like) social media, the reality is that a good majority of people visit a company’s social media before they visit their website. That being the case, it’s hard to be seen as a credible business without a social media presence.

The decision then becomes whether you want to take full ownership of your social media, hire a consulting strategist, or hire a team that covers content creation, posting, engagement, and analysis. 

Anyone can post to social media, but as a business you want it to work for you.  Here are some pros and cons to consider when deciding if a designated social media team is right for you.

PRO: Content Creation

Sharing other people’s posts (while easy) is not enhancing your brand. To take full advantage of social media, you need original images, videos, reels, and more.  Creating that content takes time. If you’re managing all your own social media that’s a lot of time that could be spent growing your business using your area of expertise. Plus, if you’re not a visual graphics person, the content that a designated team creates is nearly always more pleasing to the eye.

CON: Losing Your Voice

Some people are passionate about engaging with customers directly in their own style and voice. You can certainly coach your social media team on this, but it’s not always the same.  If engaging directly is a major priority for you and you have the bandwidth to keep up with all your platforms (with the optimum frequency), then managing on your own may be the best choice. Just remember, you should be posting a minimum of 4-7 times a week on all your platforms. 

PRO: Analysis

What is working? What isn’t? When should I be posting? When should I be posting on each platform? What is my reach? What are my impressions?  What even are impressions? Why am I doing so well on Facebook and not on Twitter? Am I going crazy, or did I wake up and Instagram changed its whole darn set up??? ALL these questions come off your shoulders and move to your social media team.  When you’re managing your own social media, you have access to metrics, but are you looking at them and understanding them?  If so, are you changing your social media tactics to set you up for success? All of this is one of the biggest reasons to hire a team.  They spend every day creating content, studying metrics, and strategically planning so you don’t have to. 

PRO: Keeping on Trend

Social Media trends come in waves, and as Briana said at 2021 ICON in August, it’s about riding the wave until you can catch the next one at just the right moment.  When you’re not a social media devotee, it’s hard to truly understand the trends, their mechanics, and create the appropriate strategy on the fly.  If social media doesn’t feel inherent to you, it’s likely that by the time you get a grip on the new hot trend, a newer and hotter one will have already come along.

CON: It costs money.

An automated system can only get you so far.  Having custom content and a creative mind behind your strategy is a skill that social media professionals have carefully honed. These are the people who get up early and go to bed late to ensure they’ve made the most of the day’s opportunities for you.  And yes, that is not always cheap. 

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Give your business some love, and it will return the favour

The New Year always has a lot of energy, but it usually wears off quickly. So, let's keep the ball rolling. We'll look at personal resolutions and goals that you want to achieve. But what about your company's New Year's resolutions/goals? Are you providing your business with the care and attention it requires to thrive?

You will receive out of business, as with anything else in life, what you put into it. When you show your business that you care, it will reciprocate. Here are eight suggestions for showing your small business some much-needed love in 2020...and for many years to come!

1. Make Connections:

As a business owner, you must understand that cultivating the appropriate relationships is crucial to your company's success. You never know what a chance encounter could lead to for your business. Make new relationships by speaking with one new person each day and remembering to hand out your business card!

2. Have a daily to-do list:

Having a daily plan of action is essential to nurturing your business. What's on your to-do list, and how do you prepare yourself for the day? Keeping a physical list with items you can readily check off will help you stay on top of your duties and progress toward your long-term goals.

3. Think bigger picture:

In ten years, where do you want to be? When things go wrong in the short term, having a firm long-term goal might help decrease everyday anxiety. Remember that solving short-term challenges will assist you in piecing together the larger picture.

4. Try new initiatives:

Experiment with new concepts that you're not sure will work. Don't be scared to make mistakes, whether it's with a new marketing investment or a sales approach. Even if it's a far shot, go for it! Failing is a part of learning, and you won't learn unless you try. All successful people take brave!

5. Set short-term targets:

You may have a vision of being a $1 million firm in the future, but what are the measures you can take now to get there? What strategy will you use to reach your first million? How will you deal with day-to-day challenges or present staff issues? I recommend keeping a notebook to keep track of your daily, weekly, and monthly goals in order to stay on track with your long-term goals.

6. Find a mentor:

Keep in mind that you are not required to do this on your own. Find a mentor or coach who has walked in your footsteps and can offer you advice and direction. What other business leaders do you admire? If you don't know anyone, contact your local small business bureau; they almost usually have volunteer mentors who can help. Coaching resources can be available right here on as well!

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Seven Ways an Unhealed Betrayal is Impacting Your Business

 While it’s common to think that the betrayal of a family member, partner, friend or coworker impacts us personally, here are seven ways an unhealed betrayal is impacting your business:   

1. Confidence- A betrayal shatters our confidence. One minute we can feel safe and secure, then a painful discovery of betrayal can shatter that sense of safety in an instant. Think about how that impacts your business. If confidence is shattered, how comfortable are you asking for the sale, asking for the raise, introducing yourself at a networking event, or making that call to someone you’re hoping to collaborate with? Confidence is crucial in business and without it, it’s extremely challenging to convey your message in the way you want it to come across.

2. Health- An unhealed betrayal dramatically impacts your health and level of energy. Once the stress response is ignited from this type of pain, you’re headed for just about every stress-related symptom, condition, illness, even disease. Some of the most common symptoms left in the wake of a betrayal? Digestive issues, extreme exhaustion, brain fog, mental confusion, insomnia, anxiety, sadness, anger, and depression…to name a few. Managing these symptoms, while managing your business (in addition to other responsibilities you may have such as raising children, running a household, taking care of elderly parents, etc.) can make running a thriving business near impossible.

3. Body- One of the most common physical symptoms of an unhealed betrayal is weight changes. Immediately after the painful discovery of betrayal from a family member, partner, friend, or coworker, for example, it may be impossible to keep food down. Soon after, it’s extremely common to use food as a way to soothe, calm, numb, and relax as a way to self-medicate from the pain betrayal can cause. The stress alone can drive fat storage-particularly around your mid-section. So, think about doing videos, speaking, networking, or any other aspect of your business that requires you to be seen. Not feeling comfortable in your own skin means you’re not putting yourself out there the way you need to and is affecting the number of people who know about you and what you do.

4. Self-esteem- A betrayal shatters our self-esteem along with our sense of worthiness. Because betrayal feels so intentional, we take it so personally, so this direct hit has us questioning our very worth. Now imagine how that impacts your business. If you don’t feel a profound sense of worthiness; it shows in the way you speak and communicate who you are and what you do. And, if you don’t believe in yourself, how can anyone else? This directly impacts how many people are convinced that who you are and what you do will help them in the way they need. Without your own conviction, how can anyone else feel convinced you can help them?

5. Ability to trust- One of the most profound implications of a betrayal is the shattering of trust. After we’ve been betrayed, we don’t trust in others and we hardly trust ourselves. We question ourselves asking: “How did I not know this?” “How could I be so blind?” “How did I not see this coming?” When we don’t trust ourselves, we don’t trust our decisions or our own judgment. This makes it challenging to know if we’re making healthy or unhealthy business decisions. We also lose our trust in others so we’re afraid to be a team player, do joint venture and collaborative projects as we question: “If the person I trusted the most proved untrustworthy, how can I trust someone I don’t know nearly as well?”

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7 Wonder Woman Lessons Every Business Woman Should Know

 Are you planning on making 2020 the year to beat the odds and unveil the strength you didn’t know you had within you? Now that you’ve taken the leap to start your own business, start working on building the confidence you need to become much more than a business woman. 

Even if you’re not a comic enthusiast, chances are you at least have an idea of who Wonder Woman is. In case you’ve managed to somehow not see, hear or read anything about this fictional character created by William Moulton Marston back in the 1940s, here are a few lines inspired by the adventures of Diana Prince –Princess Diana’s human alter-ego–. Once you’re done reading them, you’ll see it’s not that hard for you to turn into a real-life Wonder Woman. 

Do you intend to make 2020 the year you defy the odds and discover the strength you didn't know you possessed? Start working on developing the confidence you'll need to become much more than a businesswoman now that you've taken the jump to start your own company.

Even if you're not a comic book fan, you've probably heard of Wonder Woman. Here are a few lines inspired by the exploits of Diana Prince –Princess Diana's human alter-ego– in case you haven't seen, heard, or read anything about this fictional character developed by William Moulton Marston back in the 1940s. After you've finished reading them, you'll discover that being a real-life Wonder Woman isn't that difficult.

A world of wonder is waiting… 

1. Cultivate Your Talent:

Diana didn't realize her full potential as a child, but she had an intuitive sense that she was powerful. She diligently trained with the Amazons, intelligent, strong women who taught her art, martial skills, and history year after year. It's fantastic if your firm is already up and running; keep moving forward with constant knowledge on your side. Smart people understand that in the business world, there is always something new to learn, especially in these fast-paced times.

If you're launching a business, on the other hand, focus on both your craft or product and your brand to achieve the best outcomes.

You must provide your company a solid image in addition to having something amazing to offer and the desire to succeed. To establish a brand that people can recognize and remember, you must take yourself seriously as an entrepreneur. To begin, you should design a logo that is appealing, memorable, and meaningful.

2. Master Self-Discipline:

Diana Prince is trained to get up early and practice for battle from a very young age. Women entrepreneurs need discipline to expand their businesses and keep their wits sharp. Make an attempt to set particular schedules if you aren't extremely organized.

3. Explore the Unknown:

Despite the fact that the picturesque island of Themys cira had been her entire life, Diana was never afraid to embark on an adventure for the greater good. It's the same when it comes to building a successful business; there's no room for fear! Step outside your comfort zone and try new things; after all, it's your business, and you have complete control over the route it takes, for better or worse.

Believe me when I say that becoming your own boss is not the time to be bashful about it, to play it safe, and to ponder about all the what-ifs. Attend networking events, meet new people, sit and converse with a random stranger (in a safe environment, of course) and hand out your business card.

If you don’t have one already, use a business card mockup to see how it would look like before printing it out. Try different colors and designs to get a business card you feel proud of. 

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The Best Soft Perks to Attract & Retain Your Dream Team

Every entrepreneur is different. Some have staffs of twenty, others have a staff of two.  Some work exclusively with contractors, others have a mix of dedicated employees. 

How you create your team is all about what works for your specific needs and goals. But whether it be an assistant, graphic designer, or CPA, you want the right people on your team. And furthermore, you want them to stay on your team. High turnover and re-training are expensive time wasters.  If you want to grow your business, you need to focus on what only you can do and consider outsourcing the tasks that eat up your valuable time. 

So how do you attract and retain the right team?  The obvious answer is higher pay and great benefits. But what happens when the job you need to fill is essential, but not so essential that it’s worth tacking on extra zeros?  Or what if the position does call for an extra zero, but they’re so in demand that you must compete with more established businesses when bringing in quality talent? 

You don’t have to break the bank to be a desirable place to work.  As many employees begin to poke their heads out of their home offices in a (somewhat) post-pandemic world, studies are showing that soft perks are a deciding factor for many people. 

Here are some soft perks to keep in mind when looking to enhance the workplace for your current team or searching for new talent to bring in:  

Flexible Schedules

I know some people cringe when they see this but hear me out: not all jobs make sense to have a Monday-Friday/9-5 schedule.  Some do, but many don’t. If you’re clear on due dates and recurring required meetings, there are plenty of positions that can give you exactly what you need, while the employee reaps the benefits of a flexible schedule. 

Work From Home Options

If there’s anything that the last (nearly) two years have taught us, it’s that being in the office doesn’t always equate to productivity.  If you’re hesitant about going entirely remote, work from home Fridays are gaining popularity and are a nice break from commuting for employees, however infrequent.

Pet-Friendly Environments

Pet adoption went way up at the height of the pandemic and many people are searching exclusively for work from home gigs so their new fur babies won’t be alone.  When I was job hunting, that was one of the soft perks I was not only looking for, but would have been willing to take a pay cut for. Not everyone has the capability, but if you do, consider it (with the appropriate disclaimer about training/temperament, of course). 

PTO for Volunteering

Paid Time Off can be an expensive thing to offer, especially when businesses are just starting out.  But if you have a passion for giving back, or if you partner with any local non-profits that align with your mission, offering PTO for volunteer hours is a great way to give back to the community and break up the monotony of the work week for your team!

Work Within the Local School Schedule

Childcare is pricey, and even when the school year begins, afterschool programs eat up a big chunk of parent paychecks.  If most of your clientele is local, consider adjusting select employee work hours to match the local school schedule. And if you want to go further, look at those teacher workdays when children have off, and see if there’s any wiggle room for employees to take those days off and reallocate the hours to your busiest time of the year when you need extra help. 

Know Their Availability and Respect It

Work-life balance comes up a lot in conversation. We all seem to agree it’s important, but often forget about that when we need something in the moment.  Of course, there are jobs and entire industries where it’s expected to be on-call at all hours, but when trying to retain and attract quality people, it’s worth mulling over whether you’re honestly paying enough to warrant staff answering your calls at 11pm on a Saturday.  You might say “they’re a hard worker and never complain, so I’m sure it’s fine”, but let’s remind ourselves that not everyone feels comfortable setting boundaries with their boss. Even if you think you’re the coolest boss ever, you might be more intimidating than you realize.  We work to live, not live to work.  eWN is a great example.  We’re told up front that two times a year, it’s all hands on deck.  Long hours, weekend work, etc. Aside from those two times of year however, we don’t get calls or texts outside of business hours.  We’re very rarely asked to stay late or come in on a day off.  Our time is respected and leaving on time for the day is not frowned upon, it’s expected.

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Growth strategies for successful business owners | Ewomen Network

As our businesses expand, we receive a lot of noise, and our days fill up with increasing "busyness" rather than growing our enterprises. We may use the last few days/weeks of any month, season, or year to plan out how we want to show up next in our businesses and in our lives. Our future business growth will be delayed if we do not begin to rid the business of "busyness." We have junk in our email, voicemail, calendar, files, and eventually our bank accounts, just like we have clutter in our closets and on our desks. For the sake of this debate, clutter is defined as anything that causes information overload and hidden recurring drains on our time and money, such as time-sucking distractions, cash withdrawals from bank accounts, or automatic credit card purchases.

My advice is to take tiny, manageable efforts to lessen "busyness."

The Rule of 30 in 3 Schedule 30-minute time blocks on your calendar for checking email and unsubscribing from superfluous newsletters at least three times a week to clean your inbox and quiet your mind. According to studies, having a clear email inbox reduces stress, allows for more creative thinking, and boosts overall productivity. Another rule for this duration is to set your phone and computer notifications to "do not disturb" during this 30-minute period.

Make a list or spreadsheet of all the services, subscriptions and networking groups you use, how much they cost and the renewal dates. Use one of your 30-minute time blocks to assess the impact of each of your businesses and/or your life. Focus on quality versus quantity – declutter your resources and increase your cash balances. This can also become a practice in how to say “NO” to friends and family who may be selling subscription-style services, you know the ones that become those monthly annoyances that you are afraid to stop for fear of offending the salesperson? Yes, those. Chances are they have already forgotten about the sale and won’t notice you’ve stopped the automatic renewals. One client who implemented this tool saved $20,000 in a twelve-month period. You will be surprised at how many little purchases add up to a significant impact on your business. You can make this a game to see how much you can save and perhaps use that money to fund your next vacation or business investment.

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