Owning the Customer Experience

 Jamie Livermore, CEO of the Atlanta Center for Cosmetic Dentistry, will join us to chat about Owning the Customer Experience from the first phone call.  She will share her philosophy and how it has impacted the success of ACCD.  And how it has evolved since her involvement in the company.  Jamie will discuss how she and her team ensure that every touch has the experience in mind.  Jamie will share her approach to training your team (even if you are the team) for both the best and worst situations.  Including her proven method for handling upset customers while never wavering from the customer experience.

This discussion-style presentation will allow you insights into how the CEO of a multimillion-dollar business has approached the customer experience throughout the growth stages of the company and how she sees the customer experience evolving as they continue to grow.

What customer experience means in a high-touch business?  How to get everyone (employees and contractors) on board with the customer experience?  How to maintain the customer experience even when the customer is upset?  

Speaker Bio

Jamie has a passion for developing people, her mission is to positively impact their professional life in a way that also enhances their personal life. She started out over 40 years ago as a dental assistant, went on to obtain her dental hygiene license and 20 years ago started her own dental consulting business. She is now honored to hold the position of CEO at ACCD where she has experienced her greatest professional fulfillment. Jamie lives on a cattle farm with her husband, they have two grown sons and three grandchildren.


Event Url:- https://www.ewomennetwork.com/event/owning-the-customer-experience-7742/register

Event Location:- 

Maggiano's Little Italy
1601 Cumberland Mall  
Atlanta GA 30339
United States

Contact Number: 404-488-5258

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Gutsy Gals (& Guys) Collaborate: How to Create Trust & Influence Through the Power of the Collective

 Our world is moving from a 'power over' to a 'power with' success model. Are you equipped with knowing how? There’s one secret to success that most people overlook, it’s by coming together and tapping into the power of the “collective field” and forging “Power Partnerships” that you can leap into playing your biggest game and make the greatest difference with your gifts! 

Speaker Bio

From Breaking Glass Ceilings for a top Wall St firm in the ’80s, her Stock Trading Company becoming a partner with E*Trade in the ’90s, building successful sales teams in the thousands, leading a product to $100 million in sales, to her TEDx talk, to her various awards, to her current advocacy of leading women leaders to owning who they are and showing up unstoppable; Roe’s life work has defined the life path of many women, particularly business and professional women who are seeking to make their mark. Today, her Gutsy Gals™ collective learning programs are leading the way for feminine energy, (alongside masculine energy) to belong in the boardroom, as CEOs, and leading business owners, for the highest fulfillment of life and success.

Event url:- https://www.ewomennetwork.com/event/gutsy-gals-guys-collaborate-how-to-create-trust-influence-through-the-power-of-the-collective-7710/register

Event Location:-

Los Robles Greens
299 S. Moorpark Road  
Thousand Oaks CA 91361
United States

Contact number:- 818-266-9662

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Unlock the Magic of You

Get ready for transformation! Unlock your brilliance, take responsibility for your happiness, and eliminate the stories that no longer serve you! This talk will provide you with dynamic, outside-the-box tools designed to UNLOCK the blocks to the unconscious mind that keep you stuck in the muck.


Key learning:


  • Understand the power behind words

  • Identify your limiting beliefs that hold you back

  • Learn tools that will transform the way you think

  • Learn powerful strategies to get yourself out of your own way


 Speaker Bio:-

 Teri Karjala, is a Transformational Life Strategist, the founder of Creative Counseling Center and Talking With Teri, best-selling author of Be The Magic of You: Tools to Transform Your Life with a foreword written by Jack Canfield. She is Coach with Forbes and a Premier Success Coach with eWomen Network.


Teri is a thought leader in female empowerment and entrepreneurship. Today, professionals and women entrepreneurs hire her to ignite the magic within. Because most are consumed by fear, held back by unconscious limiting beliefs, and lack the tools to get back on track. She has combined her counseling background with energy psychology and applied the principles of the law of attraction to transform people’s lives.

Networking for Today's Woman Entrepreneur

For me, the word "networking" brings up images of men on golf courses, slapping backs and making deals.  Historically, it has an aggressive energy surrounding it.

But that's changing.  Networking for today's woman entrepreneur has evolved and, like with most things, women really now how to do it right.

Let's get together and show people what networking is all about.  Join me as I lead a session that will create connection, collaboration and great new relationships.

We will learn and grow together.  And.... that's networking for today's woman!

Speaker Bio

Susan's ability to help women entrepreneurs see themselves as revenue generating machines is uncanny.  She takes the fear and the mystery out of having conversations that will convert a prospect into a client.  Susan’s years of experience in corporate sales and then through owning a sales research company, make her uniquely qualified to help you develop the strategy and skills to create clients like crazy!!

Event url:- https://www.ewomennetwork.com/event/networking-for-today-s-woman-entrepreneur-7681/register

Event Location:- 

Online Event - Zoom
See link in this email.  
United States

Contact Number: - 704-677-6667

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Success Reimagined 3.0

 Success Reimagined 3.0 was one for the ages!  And I’m not just saying that because we spent several days assembling lightboxes, though I am incredibly happy you all seem to love them so much!  

What SR 3.0 looked like in Dallas.

While the Yancey trio was on stage in South Carolina, I got to enjoy SR 3.0 from the comfort of my desk. It worked out phenomenally well, because my dog just had surgery and Sandra and Kym were kind enough to let me bring him to the office for the duration of the event.  Unrelated, I know, but I had to give a shout out to bosses who are so understanding and accommodating before diving into all the brilliance Success Reimagined 3.0 had to offer!

Sandra on Imagination. When we’re little we’re taught that imagination is a great thing.  It teaches us to learn, grow, create, and relate.  But as we get older, that same imagination we were once praised for, slowly becomes unrealistic or childish. With each day that passes into adulthood, with every loan that is signed, and with each credit card that’s opened, the magic of possibility seems to slip from our grasp just a little bit more.  So often it seems that the lives we’re building are also subtly boxing us into a corner where imagination and possibility are further from reality than they ever were when we were children.  Sandra’s reminder that imagination enhances the business rather than detracts from it, was a game changer.

The Tune of Your Brand. Who else had their mind-blown thinking about the sound of their brand?  Even if you’re not the face of your business’s brand, you are your brand. It’s so easy to get hung up on colors, fonts, and logos (all of which are incredibly important, mind you), that it can be easy to forget about the FEEL of the brand.  How many of us hear a song and it makes us think of someone we know?  Identifying the feel of your brand through music is an eye-opener.  PS: My personal brand’s song is She’s a Rainbow by The Rolling Stones.  In case you

Content Pillars. Briana’s talk on creating influence was a favorite.  For one thing, I loved how she made the very valid point, that to be an influencer you must be someone people want to be influenced by.  Additionally, utilizing the content pillar and brain-mapping method is such outstanding advice when you think of how social media is an ongoing commitment.  Not running out of content is kind of essential, so identifying those 3-5 categories you could talk about forever and then honing in on how to make that content entertain, educate, and engage is pretty darn huge.  

Michael Gerber.  For those who’ve attended eWN events in the past, I think we can all agree that Michael brought a different flavor to the SR 3.0 stage.  His conversation with Sandra and Kym was spicy and authentic.  Whether you love or hate is style or whether you agree (or disagree) with his thoughts on entrepreneurs vs. technicians, we are a networking organization, and some of the best lessons we can learn come from conversations with people who think differently than we do. If you only listen to people who reinforce what you already believe, you’re missing out.

I’m Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter. I loved this part of SR 3.0 not just because I’m a huge bookworm who is always down for a good fiction recommendation, but because it’s so valuable to think on how the way we were raised impacts our professional behavior, goals, and the way we live our lives. Our parents and families love us, but they don’t always understand us. Hearing Sandra’s story through that lens was powerful.  I definitely didn’t cry though. I did not. I absolutely did not. That was you…

THE DIP. Briana’s reaction to learning her parents used to take dance classes was adorable.  And insisting they do the dip was *chef’s kiss.  Sandra and Kym can consider this advance notice that we expect an encore dip on stage at ICON 2022. That’s more than six months to practice.  Don’t let us down!

Create an Multi-Channel Video Marketing Machine

 70% of buyers say the watch a video before they purchase!!

You can either master the skills now and be the first to the party, or wait and catch up after the party is in full swing... missing out on the connections to potential clients and partners.  

Molly Mahoney, shows you how to develop the skill sets needed to use video effectively in your business now so that you can show up everywhere, and build your community and profits.

You'll get a boost in confidence, repurposing tricks, & learn to create content that allows you to connect with your ideal client so they want to throw credit cards at your face!

Leave with an action plan that you can implement right away, messenger chatbot insights that will put you way above your competition.


*How to have the Confidence to bring your Authentic self to the camera

*How to create content that Leads to Conversions

*The secret sauce for unlocking Organic Reach on Social Media.

*Turn one video in over 100 pieces of content so you can reach more people while spending less time on creating content.

Speaker Bio

Molly Mahoney (known as The Prepared Performer) is a social media growth strategist who specializes in creating authentic Video Content and leveraging Organic Social Media Marketing and Automation to skyrocket client sales.

After creating a video that reached one million people organically, she developed her signature “Go Live And Monetize” method. It combines her social media expertise, talent for scaling one-on-one relationships, and twenty years of performance experience on stages from New York to Las Vegas. Molly is the host of “Camera Confidence Live,” has been a speaker at events like Social Media Marketing World, Traffic & Conversion Summit, VidSummit, and Social Media Week Austin, and has been featured in publications such as Inc magazine, Forbes, and Entrepreneur.

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Culture Index: Take Specific Actions to Scale

 Before the meeting, you will have the opportunity to complete a Culture Index survey.  Then Tim will guide you through reviewing your Culture Index.  You will learn about the seven work-related personality traits to better understand how you are wired and how you are modifying your behaviors to do your work.  You will discover your “incomes” and your “taxes” when running your business.  He will then help you use this knowledge to understand what you need to outsource and to whom to achieve your goals.  During the After Glow, Tim will help you discover how to match your ”taxes” to a resource’s “incomes” to accomplish your goals.  Following the meeting, everyone will have the opportunity to receive a free 15-minute one-on-one review with Tim to go over their Culture Index results.

Understanding my traits

Identify my “incomes” & “taxes”

Identify what you should be outsourcing/hiring for

Identify who you should outsource to and why


Speaker Bio

I’m a former Master Golf Instructor for Arnold Palmer turned serial entrepreneur, Fortune 500 senior leader, and now advisor to CEOs. I’ve personally led teams that have created over $750MM in assets over a 20-year career. The lessons I’ve learned during that time both inform and drive every conversation I have with my clients from a place of experience, stewardship, and desire to help them achieve their personal vision of success.

After hiring and leading hundreds of people, I came to realize that in the absence of valid data around my human capital, I was strictly relying on gut and instinct to guide me. I don’t do that with any other part of my life, yet that was my method of choice with the most important resource I had…my people. Looking back, it pains me to think how much money I’ve left on the table by hiring the wrong people, mismanaging talent, under communicating my vision, and putting square pegs in round holes.

My ideal clients are sick and tired of being sick and tired, and have now turned to mobilizing valid & objective data on their people in order to maximize ROI and engagement, avoid bad hires, and reduce costly turnover

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How to Protect your Brand in the AI Era

Unpack and learn the secrets to protecting your brand in the digital landscape of AI and design platforms like Canva. You will walk away wit...