10 Business Lessons From Your Favorite Christmas Movies


We hope you’ve left the office behind to enjoy good food with family and friends, but as you grab some hot cocoa and settle in for a marathon of holiday classics, be on the lookout for some outstanding business lessons hidden right inside these Christmas movie favorites.

The Santa Clause

A recently divorced single Dad has the adventure of a lifetime on Christmas Eve, when the real Santa falls off his roof leaving him and his son to take over for a magical night in Santa’s Sleigh. Unfortunately for Scott Calvin (played by Tim Allen), putting on Santa’s suit constituted a binding contract that was outlined in the laughably fine print on Santa’s business card.  Chaos ensues when Scott’s career and custody of his child are jeopardized by the meddlesome North Pole calling Scott to fulfill his destiny as Santa. While most standard business contracts won’t go north pole small in their font, the lesson is an important one.  Always read the fine print.

A Christmas Story

In 1940s Illinois, 9-year-old Ralphie spends the holiday season praying and plotting to receive a Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas.

He lays it on thick with his mother, his teacher, andeven Santa in an effort to make sure Red Ryder will be under the tree on Christmas morning.  While Ralphie’s laser focus is admirable, the harder he sells, the more obstacles get in his way. A Christmas Story teaches us to never give up, but just as important: sometimes it’s important to stop selling to get what you want.  Also, be careful with BB guns and icicles.  And always have a pair of backup glasses. 

Get More Info : Female Entrepreneur Podcast

  More Event Info Click here : 4TH ANNUAL VIRTUAL CONFERENCE

Strategic Online Business Introductions

We want to learn about you and your business—Please join us!

Here's your exclusive invitation to participate in an extraordinary ONLINE business mastermind where we get the opportunity to learn about you, your products and services and the ways we can help you. At this ONLINE event you’ll make outstanding connections, gain a wealth of new ideas and get access to needed resources. This is an intimate group of up to 12 dynamic entrepreneurs.

Meet potential new clients

Share what your business offers

Discover needed resources

Obtain support and guidance for your business

During this event you’ll be a part of our unique mastermind “Wisdom Circle" process. Your needs are front and center with all attention on what is important to the success of your business. You gain the collective insights from the group. 

Event url:- https://www.ewomennetwork.com/event/strategic-online-business-introductions-8991/register

DATE & TIME : Monday, January 2, 2023, 10:30 AM  12:30 PM

Contact Number:- 972-620-9995

Strategic In-Person Business Introductions | women speakers network

We want to learn about you and your business—Please join us!

Here's your exclusive invitation to participate in an extraordinary IN-PERSON business mastermind where we get the opportunity to learn about you, your products and services and the ways we can help you. At this IN-PERSON event youll make outstanding connections, gain a wealth of new ideas and get access to needed resources. This is an intimate group of up to 12 dynamic entrepreneurs.

Meet potential new clients

Share what your business offers

Discover needed resources

Obtain help and guidance for your business

During this event you’ll be a part of our unique mastermind “Wisdom Circle" process. Your needs are front and center with all attention on what is important to the success of your business. You gain the collective insights from the group. 

Get More Info : Business Network Association TX

Websites : https://www.ewomennetwork.com/

Contact Us : women speakers network

5 Ways for Entrepreneurs to Decompress Over the Holidays

No matter which holiday(s) you celebrate, this time of year can be a great time to get some much-needed rest and relaxation. For many industries (certainly not all, but many) it’s a great time of year to carve out these moments for yourself since clients are focused on family. But we all know that relaxation can be easier said than done when you’re used to being on the go.

Here are some of the best ways to decompress:

Guided Meditation. It can be difficult to turn your brain off! While the goal of meditation may seem lofty, for those who think meditation is impossible, try guided meditations! The internet is full of great tools to help you practice mindfulness and decrease your anxiety.

Make plans with friends you haven’t seen in a while!  One of the big down sides to being an entrepreneur is how isolating it can be. Even when you have a supportive and loving tribe, it can be easy to lose touch when so much of yourself is wrapped up in your business. What better time to reconnect?

Turn off your phone.  Yup, I said it. Don’t put it on silent. Don’t put it on vibrate. Turn it OFF. It doesn’t have to be all week, or even for a whole day, but take some time and give yourself the gift of unplugging, even if it’s only for a few hours. And no cheating with your iPad either!

Read for pleasure.  No business books, no self-improvement, just good old-fashioned FUN. Think back to the time your loved reading the most, doesn’t matter how old you were. Was it Roald Dahl, Stephen King, Jackie Collins? Doesn’t matter. Embrace the fun of reading and pick something for the sole purpose of your own enjoyment! 

Get More Info :  5 Ways for Entrepreneurs to Decompress Over the Holidays


Sandra & Briana's Favorite Things

 When you’re a CEO, you’re a busy gal. You must ensure that your time is productive, lucrative, and well thought out, and furthermore, you must have the tools to help you do that! And yes, we’re talking about tech and software, but there are also daily items that can make you happier and more productive in play too! 

Here are some of Sandra & Briana’s Favorite Things!

If you’re never heard of Stanley 1913, you’re in for a treat. A brand with a 100+ year history, Stanley 1913 is the proud maker of insulated travel cups, food storage, and more to join you on all of your adventures. Plus, their tumblers and lunchboxes are perfect for keeping your warms warm and your colds cold when you’re on the go! 

Another disruptive brand to admire is Caliwater, founded by Vanessa Hudgens. A breakthrough innovation, Caliwater is the first ever cactus water beverage on the market! Packed with naturally occurring electrolytes and skin fortifying antioxidants, this beverage is delicious to boot! It’s hard to be productive when you’re dehydrated, so you better stock up! If you follow Bri on Insta, you know that she is all about products that keep you healthy and hydrated, Caliwater is a new fave! 

Luxy has tons of amazing products that Sandra loves, but she especially loves the Velcro Hair Rollers. Whether she be preparing to speak on a massive stage, snuggle in for an intimate mastermind, or hop on a quick zoom call, Luxy Velcro Hair Rollers are the reason Sandra’s curls always look lush and long lasting. Luxy keeps it all in the family as Briana is a fellow Luxy lover, utilizing their clip-in extensions to awaken her “boss lady” alter ego!

Get More Info Click Here :  Sandra & Briana's Favorite Things

5 New Year's Resolutions Every Entrepreneur Should Make in 2023

As you may have learned from our smash hit Webinar: Goal to Game Plan, NOW is the time to make those plans for 2023! We have our work goals and personal goals, but every good entrepreneur knows the secret is to get clear and start STRONG. 
1.) Get clear on your finances. Any ambiguity surrounding your finances should be made crystal clear. That should be a top (if not THE top) resolution for 2023. It may not be the most invigorating way to start the year, but before tax season, take the time and hire the right experts to answer all your questions.
2.) Understand your goals. Your everyday actions should always be working toward your goals. Take the time to create an action plan around your goals and gain a deeper understanding of what actions you must take to achieve them.
3.) Be more empathetic. They say to treat the janitor with the same respect as the CEO. This is especially true for CEOs. To be a leader worth following, you must remember that everyone around you also has hopes and dreams, perhaps you can both help each other get there. 
4.) Take care of your physical, mental, and emotional health. Being an entrepreneur is rewarding, but it’s hard work! You must treat your body and your mind with the utmost care and understanding. This includes taking time off, nourishing yourself, exercise, and more! 
5.) Find an accountability partner. With so many moving pieces, it can be especially easy to let yourself off the hook. It’s one of the reasons so many New Year’s resolutions fail! So, as we move into the last couple weeks of 2022, find that person who will keep you accountable while cheering you on. No one does it alone.

If you're looking for more inspiration on how to reinvent your business in 2023, look no further!

Adding Revenue Streams

 Revenue Streams 

As an entrepreneur, you have many things to consider- chief among them cash flow. Obviously, you must ensure your profit margins are in place, you have enough to cover the cost of doing business, and bring in enough to assure growth and pay yourself the salary you desire, but what happens when times are lean? How do you supplement that income and add additional revenue streams? We have some ideas…

As an entrepreneur, you have many things to consider- chief among them cash flow. Obviously, you must ensure your profit margins are in place, you have enough to cover the cost of doing business, and bring in enough to assure growth and pay yourself the salary you desire, but what happens when times are lean? How do you supplement that income and add additional revenue streams? We have some ideas…


If you’re an entrepreneur, you clearly have a zone of genius. Speaking to that zone of genius onstage is a fantastic way to supplement income with paid speaking gigs and draw attention to your business in front of your potential customer base. For more information on speaking opportunities, click here.


Comparable to speaking, podcasts give you a great platform to show your zone of genius and engage with your audience. Not only does it show you as an expert in your field, you’re given the opportunity to connect with peers through interviews and eventually monetize through sponsorships, ads, paid membership tiers, and more.

Social Media

It may be easier said than done as it does take hard work but depending on the size of your network and social media audience, with some strategic content planning,

and add revenue with brand partnerships and paid content posts, all while solidifying your status as a subject matter expert.

Get More Info Click Here :  Adding Revenue Streams



How to Neutralize Your Tax Bill


As an entrepreneur there are tons of ways to put more money in your pocket.  We're thrilled to have guest blogger and eWN PLATINUM Member, Theresa Garcia, write for us this week to teach us more about the Employee Retention Credit.  

What is the Employee Retention Credit?

It’s a refundable payroll tax credit up to $26,000 per employee for small businesses and non-profits with less than 500 FT employees.

How do you qualify?

With decreased revenue or a COVID event that negatively impacted your business by more than 10%.

Why take action now?

At the end of the year you’ll no longer be eligible for $5000 per employee for 2020.

What is the first thing to do?

Gather your documents for 2019 to 2021. You will need your gross receipts and your average number of full-time employees. Then just tell us how COVID-19 affected your business.

Who do you contact?

There are a lot of businesses out there doing ERC but they’re not necessarily qualified. When you work with Rubi’s Positive Empowerment you’re working with a vendor from the state and federal government who has partnered with processors that have 46 years of forensic accounting experience. These processors are the same people that audit the FBI, Post Office and Securities Exchange. 

Get More Info :  How to Neutralize Your Tax Bill

How to Neurtalize Your Tax Bill


As an entrepreneur there are tons of ways to put more money in your pocket.  We're thrilled to have guest blogger and eWN PLATINUM Member, Theresa Garcia, write for us this week to teach us more about the Employee Retention Credit.  

What is the Employee Retention Credit?

It’s a refundable payroll tax credit up to $26,000 per employee for small businesses and non-profits with less than 500 FT employees.

How do you qualify?

With decreased revenue or a COVID event that negatively impacted your business by more than 10%.

Why take action now?

At the end of the year you’ll no longer be eligible for $5000 per employee for 2020.

What is the first thing to do?

Gather your documents for 2019 to 2021. You will need your gross receipts and your average number of full-time employees. Then just tell us how COVID-19 affected your business.

Who do you contact?

There are a lot of businesses out there doing ERC but they’re not necessarily qualified. When you work with Rubi’s Positive Empowerment you’re working with a vendor from the state and federal government who has partnered with processors that have 46 years of forensic accounting experience. These processors are the same people that audit the FBI, Post Office and Securities Exchange.

Get More info : How to Neurtalize Your Tax Bill

How to Protect your Brand in the AI Era

Unpack and learn the secrets to protecting your brand in the digital landscape of AI and design platforms like Canva. You will walk away wit...