Go Live and Profit

As you've probably noticed... the only way to be seen by your community, or potential business connections is ONLINE. And, while many people are showing up... they are not doing so strategically. You can either master the skills now and be the first to the party, or wait and catch up after the party is in full swing... missing out on the connections to potential clients and partners. Live Video and Messenger Bot Expert, Molly Mahoney, suggests you develop the skill sets needed to use video effectively in your business now so that you can build your audience and boost your sales. You'll get a boost in confidence, and learn to create content that allows you to connect with your ideal client and leave them throwing credit cards at your face!
In this training, you'll develop an action plan that you can implement right away, so you can gain visibility, sales, and change the world! See the video...
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COVID-19: Work Remotely with the Right Technology

COVID-19 has temporarily shifted working patterns from the office to the homes of team members. With the uncertainty of the pandemic, there's very little telling how long some of us might be having to make this home-office the new norm. This isn’t unfamiliar territory for entrepreneurs, but it does raise challenges for those not used to strictly having to use the resources in their own homes.

This is where the importance of having the right technology and home-office practices falls into the scheme of things. To work effectively from home, you’ll need to make sure you have the technology you require, Internet service that meets your needs, and ways to connect with others.
 Establish a Useful Workspace

If you’re starting from scratch, or just want to upgrade your current technological devices, going with a bundle versus individual parts may be the better alternative. Dell has the perfect home-office starter kit with their Vostro and XPS Laptop Bundles. They both come with a processor, Windows 10 and other high-tech features to get any job done from the comfort of your home.
 Organize with Docking Stations + Adapters

If you use a desktop PC at home, then you probably have everything you need. Keep in mind that desktops tend to be more powerful and efficient than laptops. It offers the ability to connect more displays and provides better connectivity options. Try docking stations that let you connect your laptop to multiple monitors, various external devices and your internet.  Read full blog....

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5 Practices for a Positive and Productive Commute

Between the morning rush, traffic and our to-do list waiting for us at our desks, it can be hard to have positive and relaxing mornings, let alone commutes. According to a recent survey by Car Rentals on mental blocks and morning commutes, a stressful commute can be a major contributor to mental blocks and therefore hinder our focus and productivity.

In the survey, they also found that nearly 40% of Americans between the ages of 18-24 think about work on their morning commute. This age group also happens to be most prone to experience road rage––figures. To avoid or at least lessen the number of times your experience a mental block, we thought we’d share some simple practices you can do during your commute that will help start your day on a clear, refreshed mind.

1. Say Your Goals Out Loud
2. Find Zen Before a Big Presentation
3. Disconnect From Work
4.  Recite Positive Mantras
5. Listen to a Fun Podcast

It’s good to keep in mind that stressing over things you can’t control or haven’t even sRead full blog...
tarted working on yet can cause more harm than good. Try to tackle one task at a time to avoid any unnecessary stress. By adopting these simple yet healthy practices on your way to work, you’ll be able to reset your mind each morning and get to work on a much lighter mood.

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Grow Your Business Instead of Your Busyness

As we grow our businesses, we receive a lot of noise and our day begins to fill with growing “busyness” instead of growing our business. As we head into the last few days/weeks of any month, season or year, we can use the time to plan out how we want to show up next in our business and in our lives. If we don’t begin to clear out the business of “busyness”, our future business growth will be slowed down. Just like clutter builds up in our closets and on our desks, we have clutter that builds up in our email, voicemail, calendar, files and ultimately our bank accounts. Clutter for purposes of this discussion includes anything that creates information overload and hidden recurring drains on our time and our wallets such as time-sucking distractions and cash outflows from bank accounts or automatic credit card charges.

My suggestion is to take small and easy steps to reduce the “busyness”.
• (30 in 3 Rule) Schedule 30-minute time blocks on your calendar for at least 3 days each week to check email and unsubscribe from unnecessary newsletters – declutter your email box and quiet your mind. Studies show that a clean email inbox reduces stress, opens up creative thought and increases overall productivity. One additional rule for this timeframe is to set your notifications on your phone and computer to “do not disturb” for this 30-minute block of time.
•(10-6-3 Rule) Schedule 10 minutes on your calendar each evening, write down 6 things you must get done the next day and circle the top 3. This will help create a roadmap for your morning.

These key steps are areas to practice and build new muscles. Read full blog...

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A Note to Our Valued Members and Guests about the Coronavirus

As you know, the situation regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to evolve. Like you, we are taking this public health concern seriously. It is important to us that you know that the health and safety of our Members, Guests, Sponsors, Employees, and the associated community of eWomenNetwork is our top priority.

Our protocols are based on guidance from the CDC, the World Health Organization, U.S. and local health and government organizations, and their recommendations will continue to guide our business protocols and plans.

We will constantly continue to strive to be a safe place for you to network for leads, prospects and customers as well as provide additional resources you need access to in order to overcome challenges and seize opportunities to grow your business. Remember, distancing does not mean disengagement. Now more than ever, we need each other to think differently and innovate our businesses so that we continue to grow during this time.

We have a 20-year history and legacy of supporting our commun
ity. Being an international organization throughout the US, Canada, United Kingdom and Australia, we continue to provide diverse formats based on the guidelines or requirements in our diverse locations. Rest assured that we take the COVID-19 virus and your success very seriously and are working hard to listen to all parties and provide responsible solutions to meet the vast needs of our community.

Our Approach
We are monitoring reports from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and other government agencies to stay updated on the evolving situation.

Our Promise
Rest assured, we are here for you. It’s hard running and growing a business. And it’s even harder during times like these. Know that you are not alone. We are here to support and guide you through this turbulent time. Watch for added bonus online offerings so that we can keep connected. Read full blog...

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How to Protect Your Energy During COVID-19

Keeping a positive mindset during a negative time is crucial, especially for business owners. This week, COVID-19, known most popularly as the Coronavirus, has taken the world by storm becoming one of the worst pandemics in recent years. A mandated quarantine was put into place and states have since been shutting down cities one day at a time. This includes small businesses that have felt the repercussions of these orders immensely.

However, with the power of technology, many business owners have shared positive messages encouraging others in their position to keep their heads up. It has created a sense of community and hope. We couldn’t relate more to this movement. Our first core value is giving first, sharing always and empowering our community to thrive in an environment of encouragement and empathy.

We’ve put together a list of mindfulness tips for business owners to stay positive during this time:

1. Start Your Day with Positive Affirmations
2. Exercise in the Morning
3. Make Time to Self-Care
4. Watch Your News Intake
5. Lean on Your Support System

Applications like Google Hangout and Zoom aren’t just for business. It can also be used to socialize with your friends or colleagues. Set up morning meetings with the intent to spread positivity to others or workout sessions where you all follow a group workout virtually. The possibilities are endless, but one thing is for sure: you won’t feel alone.

Take a Deep Breath and Just Breathe

Sometimes the best remedy to overcome bumps in the road is to drop everything, step away and just breathe. We understand it feels like a difficult time right now, which is why it is important to focus on the positives and protect your energy at all costs. Understand that this is not a time to give up, but instead, to boss up and figure out innovative ways to run your business digitally. Once COVID-19 and the after effect pass, you will have entered new territory that will be very beneficial in the long run.   Read more...

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Why Aren't You Asking?

My daughter likes to ask for a back massage and a foot massage every night before bed. So, the other night I said to her, “You’re a pretty lucky girl! I don’t think most 6-year-olds are getting a back and foot massage every night.”

She looked at me and says, “Mommy, that’s because they don’t ask.” Her words of wisdom hit me like a slap in the face…Why are so many people afraid to ask?

I mean the worst that can happen is someone says “no”, right? Believe me, there are many nights that she asks that I do say no because it’s too late or she hasn’t earned it. But it never stops her from asking again the next night. Because she knows what she likes, she knows what she wants, and she isn’t afraid of getting a “no” and then trying to negotiate the outcome by saying “how about just a foot rub then…”

Being able to ask for what you want or need is an essential skill for an entrepreneur and small business owner. Whether you are asking for a referral, trying to close a sale or asking someone for help, taking the initiative and doing it will make a huge impact on your business.

After thinking about the lessons I have learned from my daughter’s tenacity as well as my experience in business, I have put together 5 key reasons that make asking so critical in growing your business.

1. You can only get a YES if you ask.
2. You learn what people really want.
3. It improves your negotiation skills.
4. It saves you time and money.
5. It builds your confidence.
Don’t let the “No’s” Get you down!

Many people won’t even ask because they are afraid of getting a “No”, or they assume that they already know what the person wants or needs and don’t give the person an opportunity to even turn them down. Read full blog...

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Pregnancy At Work

For the modern age, a lot of ladies are more empowered to become earners in the family. This may be a combination of the rising costs of consumer products, as well as the growing emphasis of women empowerment in society.
Even as a working woman, it does not mean that you do not get to have a career and manage to balance being a mother as well.
However, if you have a team member that is expecting, then you have to know that it is important for them to learn how to not only manage the workload while taking care of their body but also how to reduce office stress. We are here to share some ways you can help them reduce the level of stress they get from work. Check them out!

1. Offer informal flexibility - When it comes to the modern workplace, a lot of places now offer a more flexible working environment. One such innovation is allowing team members to work from home.
2. Reconsider their workload - If you know that a particular team member is pregnant, then you should consider the type and amount of workload that you assign to them. Not only that, you should reconsider how their break time goes for the time being.
3. Set up a mother’s room - If you have mothers-to-be in the office who aren’t in a work-from-home arrangement, then make sure that you make the office more comfortable for them to work in.
4. Provide a family-friendly environment - Whether or not there is a mother-to-be in your office, it is important that you have a family-friendly office environment. In fact, it is one way to reduce work-related stress among team members. Therefore, if you want to help your pregnant team members feel less stressed, then make sure you create social support among you and your colleagues to help them with their pregnancy journey. A family-friendly environment will cost your office nothing while at the same time reducing the stress that your expecting team members will get from the work.
5. Organize support groups - Speaking of creating a family-friendly work environment, one way you can help reduce the stress of your pregnant team members is by creating support groups in your office. This can be composed of parent team members, mothers, or even between pregnant team members that you have. Having these support groups will help an expecting mother feel like they have a group of people to turn to who can understand knows how to deal with what they’re going through.

There are various other ways you can help them reduce the level of stress they get from work. Read the full blog...

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She Didn't Know What She Didn't Know

She didn’t know what she didn’t know. That’s what I concluded after chatting briefly with a woman who started her own business a few years ago. She had enjoyed a certain level of success but now found herself struggling with getting her products known. She hit a plateau.

She knew she needed to do something different. She felt that she may need to improve her public speaking skills which was what prompted her to talk to me at a recent event.

I mostly listened, hoping to understand what she needed.

Just as quickly as she admitted her need, she convinced herself that it would have to wait, explaining to me why it was more important for her to turn her focus to online selling first.

Then I understood... it was her mindset that was tripping her up. Her misconceptions about public speaking were blocking her.

She didn’t know what she didn’t know. She didn’t realize that whether her focus is online or offline, growing her business would require her to, first of all, find her voice, and create messages that were clear, concise and compelling. How she communicates will either build or break the listeners’ trust in her.

Her limiting belief about what it takes to grow a business today is very common. Most women entrepreneurs would agree that for a business to survive today, it’s essential to have an online presence.

However, the bad news is that the market is indeed saturated online (you probably already know this). So simply focusing on developing your business online is incomplete without an intentional plan.

Yes, like this woman, you’ll need to become known online, but how you’re viewed will require a communication strategy. Intentionally focusing on improving your speaking skills will help you achieve success sooner.

Even though it may seem crowded in your field, it is possible to stand out, if you are willing to explore what you don’t know and implement some very simple but powerful strategies to attract your ideal clients.

To become known as an influencer in your field, you may have to shift your mindset and see public speaking as not just giving information but more about evoking transformation in the hearts and minds of listeners. Your effectiveness as a communicator is determined not by what you have to give, but by what your audience is taking away.

Robin S. Sharma once said, “What you focus on grows, what you think about expands, and what you dwell upon determines your destiny.” If this is true, then the key to unlocking your future success may be found when you shift how you view public speaking and specifically when you shift your focus to fine-tuning your speaking skills so you can break through to the next level.

When you engage new possibilities, embrace a growth mindset and intentionally focus areas that will yield the highest returns, your personal capacity will expand and new doors of opportunity will open up to you. Read full blog here...

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Does Content-Based Web Design Leads to Better SEO for Business?

 If you are a business owner, then one of the most important things for you to do would be to have a utility-based business website, but, it also needs to have a great design. Your business website is going to be the leading platform in the digital space. All your customers, along with random visitors, will learn about the business through the website. As a business owner, it is very important for you to create a strong online presence for your company. In addition to creating the website, it is also crucial for you to optimize the website for various search engines. Content-based web design can help you achieve this. In this article, you will learn more about creating a content-focused web design for a more effective search engine optimization

What is the relationship between web design and SEO processes
Search engines are constantly changing their algorithms and evolving depending upon new technological developments. When you want to design a new website for your business, you would have to recognize how much impact a good web design can have on your SEO. The web design will, of course, have to be more function with a beautiful user interface as it will help in getting your web pages more organic traffic. This is also one of the most crucial aspects of the search engine optimization process. Managing content with web designing elements in websites

Try and design your website with the help of a dedicated CMS or more commonly referred to as the Content Management System. This can help in allowing your website to get more easily developed. There are a number of specialized platforms that you can find over the internet that would let you build the website with a CMS. Earlier a lot of studies had revealed that the CMS would go on to negatively affect the search engine results of the web pages. However, this has changed considerably in the recent past. With the development of new systems and the evolution of technology, this is now no longer a threat to SEO. You can also find a number of software-based programs and plenty of plug-ins that can help you. Also, web developers have the option of using extensions in order to make more customizations on the web pages. There are other on-page SEO factors that need to be looked into when you are designing your website like your URL, the meta tags, and so on. You should pay attention to all the structural aspects of the web designing process. Also, it is important to make the web pages appear cleaner. Do not overdo with your graphics, your fonts and color combinations must be concise and brief. Read more about it......

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Brand Development Focused On A New Target Audience

The value proposition of every business is critical to the success or failure of the business. As a business owner or entrepreneur, what are the values your business stands for or represents? What is your brand strategy? And how do you define your target audience? These are pertinent questions that every business owner should be able to answer at the early stages of their business.

Some business owners are at a stage where they need to re-focus their brand strategy on a new target audience. They need to redefine and re-target a new audience that they didn't target initially. One reason for targeting a new audience could be that a business owner did not clearly define the value proposition of their brand at the early stages of the business. Every business needs to concentrate their efforts on identifying and selling their products to a select group of people; otherwise, all their marketing efforts may not generate the desired result.

Why Do Brands Need To Have A Target Market

As a business owner or entrepreneur, you cannot afford to build your market strategy on the basis of selling to everyone, because at the end of the day, you'll end up selling to no one. For this and many more reasons are why you need to define the target audience for your brand.

What is the target audience? 

Well, for starters, target audience, or target marketing relates to an approach where a brand or business tries to advertise their goods or services to a select group of people who are in need of such goods or services.

Why Do Brands Need To Have A Target Market? Read the blog "Brand Development Focused On A New Target Audience" to learn more!

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How Veterans Can Leverage LinkedIn for Professional Success

LinkedIn is the future domain of Professional Leaders. You can get one year of free access to Premium, dozens of hours of LinkedIn Learning content, or the networks, data, and advice that empower them to get ahead. LinkedIn is committed to help you make the most of your next steps.

In this video regarding Linkedin Professionals, Ms. Kate Paine is going to discuss some major points to get the most out of LinkedIn.

The major points to be discussed in this video will include:

1. The top 5 Career Industries for Veterans

2. How LinkedIn can work for you in your job search

3. Attract Hiring Managers & Recruiters to your Profile

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Strategic Business Introductions

The extraordinary team of women is going to create an event on the introduction of strategic business opportunities in which a limited number of display tables are available to showcase or sell your products or services. 

This intimate networking event focuses on: 
  1. New client acquisition
  2. Marketing and promoting your Business
  3. Connecting you with needed resources
  4. Providing help and guidance to your Business. 

You will love and gain extreme benefits from the "Wisdom Circle" process. 

For more details, go through the following link:

Brand Development Focused On A New Target Audience

The value proposition of every business is critical to the success or failure of the business. As a business owner or entrepreneur, what are the values your business stands for or represents? What is your brand strategy? And how do you define your target audience? These are pertinent questions that every business owner should be able to answer at the early stages of their business.

Some business owners are at a stage where they need to re-focus their brand strategy on a new target audience. They need to redefine and re-target a new audience that they didn't target initially. One reason for targeting a new audience could be that a business owner did not clearly define the value proposition of their brand at the early stages of the business. Every business needs to concentrate their efforts on identifying and selling their products to a select group of people; otherwise, all their marketing efforts may not generate the desired result.

Why Do Brands Need To Have A Target Market? Read the blog "Brand Development Focused On A New Target Audience" to learn more!

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What Your Soul Can Tell About Your Business

Your Soul knows.

Your Soul knows what kind of business your business wants to be. Your Soul knows which client is waiting to find you. Your Soul knows how you can connect the dots to make the connection.

You only need to ask her.

When I hit the five-year mark on my business several years back, I knew my brand was due for a refreshing. As I started to reflect on what my brand had become, and what I wanted it to be, I realized that my marketing messages had become very formulaic. It sounded like the masses, and most importantly, my message had lost my voice.

Yes, I had fallen trap to the shiny stars claiming, “Follow these easy 5-step formulas to success!” My marketing sounded like every other coach who had followed the “formula.” In the midst of my desire to grow my business to the next level, I had lost my connection to the soul of my work.

Moreover, there was a direct connection to my bottom-line results. For the first time in my business, I wasn’t growing. My revenue was flat.

When I started my business ten years ago, it was founded on passion and purpose and magical moments that unfolded into what was meant to be. In that year of rebranding, I knew I had to go back to the magic in which my business had been founded. I had to go back to the soul wisdom that had planted the seeds in the very beginning.

And so, I began my year of soulful exploration. I made space to ask, “What is it that my business wants to be?” “Who am I meant to serve?” “How am I meant to make a difference?”

To know more, read the blog "What Your Soul Can Tell About Your Business"

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Your Pain Has a Purpose

Do you question God about the pain and the struggles you are experiencing in your life? Do you wonder how long will it last? Have you reflected on the painful situations you came across and how it made you stronger?

Pain can be a good thing for us, when it is an agent for positive change in one's life. There is always a purpose, it's up to us to seek the purpose of our pain! The hardships in our lives reflect the things where God wants to see with an aim to move towards the place He wants us to be.

In this touching presentation, Dr. Venus Opal Reese shares how your pain can lead you to your destiny if you allow it to.

Read the blog "Your Pain Has a Purpose" to know more!

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Delegation: Your Ticket off the Hot Mess Express

Delegation is one of the most important managerial skills and helps in personal development, succession planning and encouraging and seeking promotion. It's how we progress in the job -being appointed more tasks lets us gain more experience to take on higher responsibilities.

The main task of a manager or a successor is to develop a successor. When this happens in a growing thriving organization, everyone can move on to higher things. When this fails, the progress becomes dependent on bringing new people from outside.

Julie Miller-Davis will get you started on your road to delegation by talking about:

  • What to delegate
  • When to delegate and
  • How to delegate 

Read the blog "Delegation: Your Ticket off the Hot Mess Express" to learn steps of successful delegation.

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Tips On How to Run a Business With Your Significant Other

So you are looking for a business partner, who better to start your business with than your life partner? The person who gets every aspect of you. It sounds like a great idea, right? Well, that’s not always the case. If you are choosing to dive into the entrepreneurial world with your significant other, there are key takeaways to make sure your relationship stays healthy at home, work, and everywhere in between! 
We sat down with our co-founders Kym and Sandra Yancey for insight on just how they have maintained a healthy, loving marriage while creating their multi-million dollar empire. 
Read the blog "Tips On How to Run a Business With Your Significant Other" and get helpful tips to glow and grow together!
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How to Protect your Brand in the AI Era

Unpack and learn the secrets to protecting your brand in the digital landscape of AI and design platforms like Canva. You will walk away wit...