3 Keys to Cultivating Your Entrepreneur Mindset | speakers network

Cultivating Your Entrepreneur Mindset

Do you feel like you’re a hamster on a wheel? You’re spinning fast and getting nowhere in your business? Do you consistently struggle to stay afloat financially and emotionally when it comes to your business? It all comes down to your mindset.  In this video you will learn 3 keys to cultivating your entrepreneur mindset.

Keys to Why Entrepreneurs Fail

There are many reasons businesses fail. Forbes writer, Eric T. Wagner, points out 5 in particular, including:

  1. Not really in touch with customers through deep dialogue.
  2. No real differentiation in the market
  3. Failure to communicate value propositions in clear, concise and compelling fashion.
  4. Leadership breakdown at the top
  5. Inability to nail a profitable business model with proven revenue streams.

3 Keys to Cultivating Your Entrepreneur Mindset

Dr. Samantha Madhosingh, is a clinical psychologist, a certified professional coach and a sought-after expert in emotional wellness, happiness, fulfillment, love, relationships and holistic success. She says that to be successful you first have to master your entrepreneur mindset.

Watch Dr. Sam’video  and find out the 3 keys to cultivating your entrepreneur mindset!

Read More About Click Here : life transformation expert 

women speakers association

Women Entrepreneurs - Funding at Your Fingertips | women conferences

Women Entrepreneurs are Crushing It!

Other research tells us that those women are crushing it. Seed-stage venture capital firm, First Round Capital, found that its investments in companies with women founders performed 63% better than those with management teams that were all men. 

Have you received funding? Share what you learned in the comments below.

The Funding for Women Entrepreneurs is There, it's Just Going to Men

The money is there, but women aren't getting it, according to Fast Company. In 2015, just 11% of Small Business Administration 7(a) loans went to businesses where a woman had majority ownership.

Venture capitalists are predominantly men, and these male-dominated firms tend to invest in male-dominated companies. Businesses with all-male executive teams are four times as likely to get venture funding than companies with even one woman on their team, according to a study on the issue from Babson College.

Don't leave money on the table!

There's FREE money out there, but that comes with stipulations. You need to know how to navigate the process to find the money and the best way to ask for it. Click here to find out where those grants are buried and how to understand them.

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successful women entrepreneurs

eWN's Ultimate CEO Gift Guide | Networking Speaker

When you’re the boss, you’ve got a lot of people to shop for. Throughout the year we get closer and closer to the work family we’ve created for ourselves, and when the holidays roll around, we want to celebrate them and thank them appropriately. No matter what holiday your people celebrate, it’s still the perfect time of year to show them you care. 

For the person who’s always at their desk: Sitting at our desks all day has a lot of unwanted side effects: tech neck, blue light overexposure, finger cramps. But mostly it’s just plain uncomfortable.  A memory foam seat cushion and lumbar pillow are the answer.  It’s a lot easier to be productive when you’re not in pain!

For the Work Traveler: The Dell Premier Wireless ANC Headset is a must.  Not only does it come in it's own case perfect for travel, it offers active noise cancellation, and a battery life of up to 15 hours. They're comfortable, easy to use, and BONUS: eWomenNetwork members are eligible for an exclusive discount on Dell products and they have a treasure trove of travel friendly tech goodies!  

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Business Networking for Entrepreneur Women

4 Steps to Strategic Business Development for Entrepreneurs

Strategic Business Development is a MUST for all entrepreneur and small business owners.

At minimum your team should set business foundational objectives and goals annually in these four categories:

  1. Financial Objectives

  2. Customer & Sales Objectives

  3. System & Operational Objectives

  4. Team Development & Company Culture Objectives.

Often solo-preneurs feel this process is not necessary because the are a one person show and already know what they are after. However, I must remind entrepreneurs and business owners that a SUCCESSFUL and PROFITABLE business is never a one person show. Even solo-preneurs have mentors, advisors, administrators, legal advisers, insurance agents, accountants and often other outsourced team players that need to know and understand your company’s objectives and timelines.

Do you currently have a strategic business development blueprint for your business?

Read More About Click Here :  How to increase your income

women conferences

What's on Your Small Business List | Women Success summit


List all of the things you want to be able to add to your accomplished list by this time next year.

List everything, big and small, personally and professionally.

Now, that you have your list, circle the accomplishment that will bring you the most joy. And, circle the accomplishment that will generate the most revenue for your business.

Now, what would you have to do to make those two things happen? Write out the action steps (yes, that’s called a list) to achieve your accomplishment. Schedule them in your calendar.

Once you’ve accomplished the things you said would bring you the most joy and generate the most revenue for your business, visit the list again and ask yourself all the items I have yet to accomplish, ‘What will bring me the most joy? What will generate the most revenue for my small business?’"

Again, write out the action steps and schedule them in your calendar. These two questions will help you prioritize all that you want to accomplish this year and keep you taking action.

Read More About Click Here : Women Success summit

women success coaches

Finding Balance in Chaos | Women Success summit

I had a plan … I was organized and in the flow. I had a deadline to write an article on trauma for a parenting magazine and write this blog post, so set aside 2 full days to complete them. I felt confident and in control of my time. 

And then, the biggest ice storm hit Dallas and all my plans came to a screeching halt.  My daughter’s school closed so she was home.  Then came our power outages, and finally, my husband wrecked his car trying to get out of the driveway!  I had to take and pick him up from work (he’s a doctor and babies don’t wait to be delivered)!  Although this is an extreme scenario, it expresses how crazy life can get as we are juggling being a mom, wife and running a business.  When we love all of them, HOW DO WE FIND OUR BALANCE?

I have found that getting REGULATED (calm and centered) is of the utmost importance.  When we are stressed and run by thought patterns that keep us in “survival mode,” our brain is limited to fight, flight or freeze, which shows up as anxiety, fear, frustration, anger etc.  No one is getting their needs met in this state of mind, not to mention the toll it begins to take on our physical well-being.  When we can take a few deep, conscious breaths and find a sense of calm, we give our brain a chance to tap into creative solutions, increase our energy and have the space to ask some important questions.  

Read More About Click Here : Women Success summit

women success coaches

3 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make During Transition | business networking

As a business coach, my entrepreneurial clients seek my expertise for a variety of reasons. Some are start-ups who require my assistance putting them on the right path towards generating income for their business. Others, have come to me after having an “oh-no” moment and need my help sorting out a business problem that they may have gotten themselves into – either way, I have seen my fair share of business blunders and have experienced some of these myself during my early years in business. I have come up with 3 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make During Business networking Transition for you to think about.

Business transitions are notoriously challenging times for business owners.

 A businetransition happens when a company moves from one phase of its life cycle to another. For example, a business transition would happen when a company moves from a start-up phase to a growth phase after being in business for a couple of years. Businesses typically go through a life cycle and depending on which part of the life cycle they are currently in, they should have a definite focus.

While not every business goes through all phases, there are typically six stages of a business life cycle:

Mistake #1 – They don’t follow a clear business model

 It seems straightforward, but many companies DO NOT follow a business model, and as a result, can get themselves into trouble. A business model is a theoretical way to balance your revenue generating strategies with the appropriate resources to deliver them.

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How to increase your income

The Thankful Entrepreneur | Networking Speaker

Intentional gratitude practice does wonders for the soul, but also for your business plan.  We attract the energy we put out. When we’re internally in the mode of “me, me, me” people can tell whether we open our mouths to say it or not. Gratitude is as much about being thankful for what you have as it is a commitment to improving the lives of others. With the leaves changing and turkey in the oven, there’s no better time to reflect on the things we’re thankful for and ways that gratitude can grow your business. 

Create a gratitude culture. It’s right there in eWN’s values. “Giving first, sharing always”. Creating a culture of gratitude within your organization starts at the top. Leading by example and doing it daily (even when things get rough) is paramount to creating a culture of gratitude. Recognize good work and say thank you.

Write thank you notes. When most of the world is a slave to email, handwritten thank you cards sent through the post, stand out. If you just had a meeting with a potential client, send a thank you card.  If you receive a referral from an existing client, send a thank you card. If it’s not already a regular habit for you, it might feel like overkill, but it’s not.  People remember when you go the extra mile. And who doesn’t love receiving mail that’s not a bill?

Make connections. Not just for you, for your customers too.  We all want glowing referrals, show your clients that you prioritize their success as well as your own by sending those referrals their way. Connecting your customers builds strength and trust in your network. Being the one to give referrals cements your place as a leader in your industry and in your community. 

Read More About Click Here : Networking Speaker

women business owners and professionals

Million-Dollar Success Series: Sales Conversion


Sales is Your Friend 

Sales conversion starts from a place of giving. The days of telling your prospect all about YOU are over. Client-focused is the way attract loyal customers. As Lisa Sasevich says on the Million-Dollar Success Series call, “Be the client you want to attract.”

Lisa calls herself, “The Queen of Sales Conversion.” This makes sense given that she has grown her sales consulting business to a multi-million dollar company.

Million-Dollar Takeaways

In this call, you will learn the 3 components to creating a mindset around money, how to get people to take action and what you can do to create and leverage an irresistible offer.

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women success coaches

speakers network

The Power of The Story

“We all want to save the world…” is a great line from a great Beatles song. And I get it. You decided to become a business owner to, among other things, help the next generation step up. Maybe to give another human the chance you never got while working up the professional ladder. And you believe...you believe SO HARD that your interview candidate COULD be the next “you”. Or the next Manager in your company. Or the next most talented “FILL-IN-YOUR-INDUSTRY’S-SPECIALTY”. It all started at the interview.

As you sat across from your candidate for the customer service role, you saw the foreshadowing of future success skills. You easily pictured them networking with your customers. You dreamed of how much you would enjoy spending time with them working on growing the business. Sure, they were inexperienced in the EXACT area, but they could grow into that over time, right? And you would love to have someone to teach all the tips and tricks you acquired over the years. This time, someone will learn to do it all the right way. Your way.


I know that social media and business magazines are telling you how to promote from within and give your team the chance to expand internally but I am telling you that your business does not have time for teaching anyone. Well, unless your business offers teaching as a solution. But I digress.

Read More About Click Here : How to get speaking opportunities

women conferences

women speakers association

25 Inspiring Quotes to Keep Entrepreneurs Motivated Through the Pandemic

Being an entrepreneur during a pandemic can be tough, especially when times of uncertainty arise. However, choosing to be an entrepreneur means that you embrace challenges and are comfortable with getting innovative. We understand what comes with being your own boss working to live out your dreams. So, we’ve put together our favorite motivational quotes to keep you motivated and hopefully provide a different perspective on things.

  1. “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” - Steve Jobs, Co-Founder, CEO, Chairman Apple Inc.

 2. “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” - Peter Drucker, author

3. “The most valuable thing you can make is a mistake - you can’t learn anything from being perfect.” - Adam Osborne, author 

4. “Everytime you state you want or believe, you’re the first to hear it. It’s a message to both you and others about what you think is possible. Don’t put a ceiling on yourself.” - Oprah Winfrey, media proprietor

5. “Embrace what you don’t know, especially in the beginning, because what you don’t know can become your greatest asset. It ensures that you will absolutely be doing things different from everybody else.” - Sara Blakely, founder SPANX

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Be a Quitter! Stop Multi-Tasking and Make Some Money

Multi-tasking Makes You Stupid

No kidding. There is scientific evidence that multitasking, or task-switching, lowers your I.Q. Researchers at the Institute of Psychiatry at the University of London studied 1,100 workers at a British company and found that multitasking with electronic media caused a greater decrease in IQ than smoking pot or losing a night’s sleep. IQ drops of 15 points for multitasking men lowered their scores to the average range of an 8-year-old child. 

A study out of Stanford University confirms this too. Researchers compared multi-taskers to single-taskers and found that the single-taskers performed better on their tests. Psychology researcher, Anthony Wagner summed it up. “When they’re in situations where there are multiple sources of information coming from the external world or emerging out of memory, they’re not able to filter out what’s not relevant to their current goal.  That failure to filter means they’re slowed down by that irrelevant information.”


Men Do it Better than Women

Women entrepreneurs tend to want to do it all. They have a hard time letting go. It could be something in our DNA carried over from our ancestors or a cultural thing, but women (me included) think we have something to prove. My husband is great at doing one thing. He focuses all of his energy on whatever task he's working on. Yes, I admit, it can drive me crazy sometimes. But, whatever he is working on gets done and he feels self-assured and proud of his efforts. Me, on the other hand, if I need to go to the store, for example, first I will stop and empty the dishwasher, clean the counters, put a wash in and fold some laundry before I ever walk out the door! This makes me feel overwhelmed, tired and frustrated. Yes, I got it done, but I'm no happier for it.

Read More About Click Here : Dallas Women Entrepreneur Network

How to Use Your Intuition to Succeed in Business and Life

 The Voice Inside My Head

TERRI CHRISTINE: I was in a 14-year relationship with the father of my children, and throughout that relationship I never felt that he was fully connected to me. I gave him so much love. Literally, I lived outside of myself to prove endlessly that I loved him, that this is a safe environment and that he could love us just as much as I love him. After going through this year after year, at the end of 14-years, I realized that if I didn’t have love – I had nothing.

We had two beautiful, amazing girls, but in my heart I had nothing. I’d rather have my life to be nothing if I don’t have love. At 3 am, 3-months before the end of the relationship, I woke up and I crawled out of the bed. I went into the bathroom, and I laid on the floor. I remember feeling those cold tiles on my skin. I remember telling God or source light, whatever you’re choosing to label it, to stop my heart. If my heart would completely stop right there, then I would be completely happy. And as I was crying and digging deeper into my soul, I began to feel a sense of calmness and things started changing.

I know I was in the middle of time and space. There were stars so close I thought I could touch them. Now my eyes were closed, and I knew I was floating. I was right there. I could feel dampness and taste it in my mouth. Suddenly, I’ll never forget when I heard those words, “Love will come.” It permeated through my entire being, and I was so type A that it took me from despair, frustration, pain and all of that, all in one – to hope. I jumped up and I’m like, "Oh, I got it," and I went back to bed. When I woke up, my entire life changed.

I bought packs and packs and stacks and stacks of books. I ran out of Barnes and Noble with a cart full of books. I was almost like a kid in a candy store. I couldn’t get enough because I knew that love was coming. I had a sense of hope that I never had for 14-years. I ended up gravitating toward Reiki and all these things like meditating that I never knew of; crystals, essential oils.

Then because I was in the field of being a leader in my career, I wanted to only work with those types of people because I could relate to them. I worked with masters and I went, and I continued to process where I was and I am where I am today. 

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eWomenNetwork Business Networking for Women Entrepreneurs


 eWomenNetwork has helped me see the leader that I had the potential to be, regain the confidence to be the successful CEO I deserve to be and opened up doors I didn’t see available to me!


If you’re looking to launch, grow and scale your business, you’ve arrived at the ideal place. We promote you and offer Accelerated Networking™ at over 2,000 Online and In-Person events. You’ll find customers, innovative ideas, and breakthrough resources to help you succeed.


We provide key introductions, marketing, branding, promotion, video production, coaching, webinars, podcasts, speaking, scholarships, grants, and access to successful, world-class experts and more. If you are looking for more customers and smart ideas, you are in the right place.


eWomenNetwork - About us:-


We are the Premier Success System for Women Entrepreneurs. If you are looking to launch, grow and scale your business you have found the ultimate resource. We are a network of over 500,000 women connected through 118 chapters across United States, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom.


We conduct nearly 2,000 events and host the #1 women’s entrepreneur Conference, of its kind, in North America annually. We are dedicated to helping one million fulfilled women achieve one million in annual revenue. CNN recognizes the eWomenNetwork Foundation as an American Hero as a result of our philanthropic outreach to those in need.


Contact Us:-

Corporate Office

14900 Landmark Blvd , Suite 540

Dallas , Texas , 75254

United States



Traditional Publishing vs. Self-Publishing

Writing a book is an incredible ambition and for entrepreneurs it has many advantages.  Establishing yourself as an expert and having a book out there is a great way to gain exposure and grow your business.

The good news is that it’s never been easier to publish a book.  The bad news is that it’s never been easier to publish a book.   

I worked for Barnes & Noble for 10 years specializing in author events.  I worked with major publishers, subsidy publishers, and self-published authors to plan, promote, and source books for hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of events. For years I spent each day working with incredibly knowledgeable people. I saw authors reach insane heights of success, and others crash and burn.  I saw the good, the bad, and the ugly of each side of the dice.  

As an entrepreneur networking events, you don't want to waste time and energy on something that isn't going to grow your business. To get your book published and to get it done right, it’s important to have a thorough understanding of the three different publishing paths you can take, and their pros and cons. 


Whether you realize it or not, this is the method almost everyone is most familiar with.  If you walk into a Public Library or Target, any book you see on their shelves is traditionally published.  If you walk into a bookstore, chances are 99% of the books are traditionally published.  Many think traditional publishing is the more challenging route because of the gatekeeping aspect; you have to be chosen. But when looking at the benefits and seeing if jumping over those hurdles are worth it, it’s all about what you want to get out of publishing your book. 

PRO: Prestige.  If you get your book traditionally published it means that you were selected from a pool of thousands. You’ve done the same thing people who’ve won the Pulitzer Prize have done. Anyone can get in a pool and swim, but not everyone gets to go to the Olympics, and traditional publishing is the Olympics of the book world. 

CON: Longer turnaround time.  Just because you’ve completed your book and a publisher bought it, doesn’t mean it’s ready to go.  When you sign on the dotted line it will be at least a year or two before your book is on the shelves. You work with an editor and a copyeditor (there’s a difference) for a long while, while other teams work on marketing, cover design, formatting, working with buyers, and more.  And let’s not forget that traditionally published books have a different printing process that also requires more time. 

PRO: Cash Advances.  You pay nothing to the publisher, YOU get paid. When your book sells, you get an advance.  Meaning you get paid when you sign your contract.  The average cash advance for a first-time author is generally between $5,000-$50,000. This doesn’t include royalties you’ll receive later on for each book sold. 6 and 7 figure deals definitely happen but are less frequent for first-time authors. And bonus: the publisher assumes all the risk. If your book flops, you still get paid.

CON: Less creative control.  Signing on with a traditional publisher means that while they may be in love with your book, they still have a team of people who have published thousands of books before yours and they utilize their expertise in bringing your book to life. While it’s possible to negotiate certain things like cover approval, it’s more likely that the packaging of the book will be the final say of the publisher, not you. 

Read More About Click Here :  successful women entrepreneurs

Women Success summit

women speakers network

Proven Insights to Expand Your Fempire

 This thought-provoking presentation will reveal key guiding principles to embrace to enjoy a profitable and sustainable business that fills your hearts with bliss while enriching your bottom line. 

Speaker Bio:-

Caterina serves women on a mission. She is a business mentor extraordinaire, sought-after-speaker, podcaster and author of the A, B, Cs of Public Speaking, Learn to Power Think and a Woman's Giving Circle Guide. Her specialty topics are showing women how to thrive in business more through authentic selling, embracing public speaking and being more strategic. Caterina also hosts the Bliss Retreat for Women Leaders and the Speaker Mastermind Retreat each year. Caterina is also the founder of Thriving Women in Business Center and founder of the Thriving Women in Business Giving Community.

Event Url:- https://www.ewomennetwork.com/event/proven-insights-to-expand-your-fempire-7541/register

Event Location:-

Online Zoom
United States

Contact Number: - 732-962-6052

Survival to Self-Care: How to say NO to generational bad habits and YES to the REAL YOU

Are you stuck in survival mode and don’t know it? So many of us continue to perpetuate cycles and habits that keep us stuck in the same cycles of survival living because they have been passed down through the generations and we aren’t even aware that things can be different.  These cycles impact relationships with ourselves, family, friends, and business too. Self-care is so much more than spa days and time off, it’s about breaking cycles that hold us in a space of limiting beliefs and circular outcomes. Karen shares a step-by-step process that helps us break into a perpetual cycle of good self-care that will positively impact generations to com

Learn the difference between survival mode, self-care, and where the real you resides

Learn some of the common generational cycles and how to identify your own

Learn the steps to break the cycles that are not serving you well, and replace them with new habits in alignment with the real you.

Speaker Bio

A gracious heart, kind soul, and desire to help others succeed are just some of the many ways to describe Karen Que. Born and raised in a small, working-class suburb of Philadelphia, she developed a knack for entrepreneurship at the young age of 6, when she began selling golf balls on her neighborhood golf course. That same fire and determination she had at 6-years-old never left her, and today, it's burning brighter than ever. 

Read More About Click Here  : How to increase your income

entrepreneur networking events

How to Easily Write a Blog that People Want to Read

There's a lot more to writing a blog than the actual content itself. But who has the time or the patience to write a blog if nobody is going to read it? After all, you've got a business to run! As a former CBS Radio Reporter and TV News Producer for all the major networks, I know what it means to crank out stories under a tight deadline that people will actually care about. So, I have a pretty good idea what makes people stick with a story. It's not brain science, but there are a few critical elements you need to learn to easily write a blog that people want to read.

So where do we start? When there are millions of blogs that are posted every day, billions of emails that are read (or in my case discarded!), and millions of tweets, it takes more than just good writing to stand out. In fact, did you know that according to some sources, 80% of people don't get past the headline. Only 20% actually read beyond it. Your goal in writing a blog is to get them to read the next sentence, and then the next sentence after that, and so on.

The K.I.S.S. Principle

Keep It Simple Sweetie! If you want to reach a large audience, write so an 11 year old can understand it. That means short sentences, simple explanations and don't assume that your reader knows what you're talking about. Literally, spell it out for them. Use lots of bullet points and pictures to tell your story. You're not writing a white paper here. You want a large reach, so you need to dumb it down a little bit (although these 11 year olds are pretty dang smart these days!) Now that doesn't mean you write poorly. You can still tell a compelling story that is easy to ready with proper grammar and accuracy.

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women success coaches

speakers network

How to Protect your Brand in the AI Era

Unpack and learn the secrets to protecting your brand in the digital landscape of AI and design platforms like Canva. You will walk away wit...